Swayloholics 2009

Kauia guys… As amc III said - My attempts to bribe him to come over.  As it sounds, there’d be a caravan pleased to chauffeur the legend…

But, by the sounds of things, you guys could come over on the new yacht… Ha!

    Howzit Brother Brose, Never heard of him so no email address. The real bummer in my life is I found out I really didn't need to have all my teeth pulled , only 1 needed to be pulled since it was loose. If the hospital dentist would have explained the downside of keeping my teeth the way Dr Black did on Saturday I would have kept them, dentures are hurting and having a hard time getting them to fit and not hurt.Aloha,Kokua

Kokua - Thanks for sharing you life experiences.  There are many lessons to be learned from yours and others experiences re. health and health care issues here on Sways.

This is truly a great cyber and real brotherhood.

Peace and blessing to us all -

   Howzit Taylor, Life is one big learning expierience and we can learn a lot from what others go through and how they handled it. I used to tell my sons how I was and what I endured while groing up just so they could hopefully not make the same mistakes. One listened and is now a commercial Plumbing contractor and the one wo didin't listen is still living with his mom at the age of 39 and sponges off her, plus he has done his share of jail time. All we can do is pass on our tales and it's up to the lisenters to make their choices in life. Aloha,Kokua

dropped by the swaylockian party yesterday for a just a moment

weird pulling up in the middle of nowhere aftera 3-4 hour drive from the city and seeing surfboards and surfers everywhere in this little campground. with the sound of bongo’s hammerinng away the pristine landscape.

saw some familiar faces and met some new ones I’ve been dying to meet forever especially John and Jeff.

Basically a bunch of really nice people who just love to surf and make stuff

left some hawaiian omiyage for the crew and some fins to try (which I’ll need returned if that’s okay). Too bad the box of home made koa letter openers and bracelets never made it to Stanford in time for the drive down.

mission accomplished and next time i’ll try and stay overnight and surf with you all.

it was one hell of a white knuckle drive though getting down there from sf and back in half a day. Rented an SUV should’ve rented a sportscar with manual transmission for that drive.

hope all the good folks down there take care and have a great time…



we BS’d around so much I forgot about the t-Shirts…


didn’t see any carrots lying around though