thanks retroman ,
good info !
you'll like this [probably]
I sat ON the toilet [seat down , fully clothed] .
used an ironing board for the four chemical trays .
a wooden board over the sink for the enlarger ....
and of course , a safelight bulb in the overhead light ....
....might explain why now , at 51yo , when I surf [glasses OFF , obviously ] , my vision ain't all that good ... that , and squinting through a viewfinder , all those years [I spent two years while working at kodak [sydney , 1981] , taking photos in dark smoky pubs , of rock bands ...400iso film , no flash , tricky to focus ...but GREAT memories !
retro , the more blurred one of the car ... you got the exposures for that too, please ??
if still 100 iso [is that what you / your camera sets , mainly?] ...i'm figuring 1/ 8 to 1/15 of a second , or less ...
your monopod seems to work well ...
have you taken shots hand-held at 1/60th , much , also ? surfing ones ? skateboarding ones ? other sports besides autos ? [ horseracing or motorcross , or footy [soccer] for instance ? ]