THE PIPELINE OLO SPECIAL..........where, when?

The north pacific is brewing, the North Shore is awakening, and Pipeline awaits the assault of the 13 foot Pipeline Olo Special. When? Anyone know?

Hey Bill,

I make a Joke on the 1 year anniversary of the controversial super ferry in Hawaii referencing the 13 footer. The joke was for the Hawaiian swaylockers to chew on and roy takes it very differently. You should go to his site to see what he says about it. Essentially I am his arch nemesis representing surftech who will stop at nothing to sabotage his board being here safely.

Hows about I buy the used one from roy for $2,000 american dollars and pay for shipping. That’s a fair price for a used board that sells for $18,000 NZ dollars new isn’t it? It would allow roy to let it go and let the testing begin.

I can only conclude it is all BS. I would love to say I am wrong about this and get to apologize to the creator of this 13 foot board. But if you never bring it up again this will fade away for all to forget.

Is the coined building term PPS used because POS was already taken?


Flexibility in this board is incredible, if it is laid carefully deck down on the floor ( supported nose and tail ) the slight ‘bump’ makes it take on a visible rhythm for a couple of seconds, it just sits there bouncing softly up and down it is SO sensitive to any movement !

The whole board is pre tensioned like a drum. It has about 2 inches of flex on a land test using only a fairly gentle push with the hand.

I know what that means, it means that it’s a slingshot !

When the rider weights and unweights the board it responds with a gentle twang, this motion drives the tail up and down and transfers the energy through the underwater foil of the tunnel. . . . . . into forwards motion.

It’s kind of like a cross between a whale and a missile, see.


PPS? POS?..Oh, I get it, POS, Pipeline Olo Special. POS, for short. Roy says that if someone puts up $400 dollars, for the shipping, Randy Rarick, or Oneula, will take delivery in the Islands, and the ‘‘challenge’’ can begin. So, lets get the POS shipped, ASAP, so it can take advantage of the building surf on the NS. I know many people have expectations, both positive, and negative, about the performance of the POS in ‘‘real’’ waves. By that it is meant, waves with exceptional speed and power, for their size. Pipeline meets that definition. Shipping the POS, for $400 dollars, is cheaper than buying the POS, for

$2,000 dollars. So, can the POS be shipped COD, Honolulu? I still can’t imagine a 13 foot POS pulling into 6 foot, or 8 foot Pipe’, and not being turned into kindling. But, therein lies the challenge. I believe Roy is ready to ship the POS, if someone fronts the $400 dollars. Either way, It would be nice to see the POS get shipped, and tested in those waves. Don’t you think?

Hey Bill,

I make a Joke on the 1 year anniversary of the controversial super ferry in Hawaii referencing the 13 footer. The joke was for the Hawaiian swaylockers to chew on and roy takes it very differently. You should go to his site to see what he says about it. Essentially I am his arch nemesis representing surftech who will stop at nothing to sabotage his board being here safely.

Hows about I buy the used one from roy for $2,000 american dollars and pay for shipping. That’s a fair price for a used board that sells for $18,000 NZ dollars new isn’t it? It would allow roy to let it go and let the testing begin.

I can only conclude it is all BS. I would love to say I am wrong about this and get to apologize to the creator of this 13 foot board. But if you never bring it up again this will fade away for all to forget.

Is the coined building term PPS used because POS was already taken?

hed prolly answer that himself if he wasnt septicised from seplocks :slight_smile:

That was actually bizarre and very funny. i have never seen that movie.


Has anyone put their hand up to be the pipe test pilot.

That’s a lot of board to have chasing you on a pipe drop !!!

Hope someone takes some film cause either way it will be spectacular.



PPS? POS?....Oh, I get it, POS, Pipeline Olo Special. POS, for short. Roy says that if someone puts up $400 dollars, for the shipping, Randy Rarick, or Oneula, will take delivery in the Islands, and the ''challenge'' can begin. So, lets get the POS shipped, ASAP, so it can take advantage of the building surf on the NS. I know many people have expectations, both positive, and negative, about the performance of the POS in ''real'' waves. By that it is meant, waves with exceptional speed and power, for their size. Pipeline meets that definition. Shipping the POS, for $400 dollars, is cheaper than buying the POS, for

$2,000 dollars. So, can the POS be shipped COD, Honolulu? I still can’t imagine a 13 foot POS pulling into 6 foot, or 8 foot Pipe’, and not being turned into kindling. But, therein lies the challenge. I believe Roy is ready to ship the POS, if someone fronts the $400 dollars. Either way, It would be nice to see the POS get shipped, and tested in those waves. Don’t you think?

If you are joking Bill I apologize for this explanation. I think PPS is parabolic power system or something of that nature, named by the creator. POS means “piece of sh$t” , my name for the product.

To roy

I am amazed at all the original theory names the builder comes up with for his board builds but for some reason can’t manage a non -Hawaiian name for any of his boards. Makaha special, Pipeline ole… Are the NZ breaks so unheard of that to name a board after one would be bad for business?

I will put up the cash for the shipping. Just work out how I pay for it on this side and not have to send it to NZ. It’s pathetic your big board test has to be funded by me.

So what will be the excuse this time??

I am not a st manager, I have a freelance gratis position to defend ST in the northern and southern hemispheres also known as Earth. But if thinking otherwise flatters your mind, go for it. I have no ties or ever had any ties to st. I would like to have a beer or two with Randy French. I bet he is a very interesting gentleman.

thanks for the link. This guy is fast on the draw updating his pipeline board saga on his web site.

hey otay i had the board for a few weeks and imo it did perform well, although i am a kook and dont surf anything remotely as consequential as the north shore.I really want to see it being surfed over there by quality surfers and hope it makes it.I cant see why it would be any more prone to snapping than any other board of that size, but unexpected things do happen.

i would love to own one, i had a ball on it.The three things that stick out in my memory of my time on it are

1- paddling it out for the first time seeing the front of the board flexing and oscillating slightly when hitting small chops in the water surface

2- the board driving effortlessly through sections of white wash as if you were still on the open face of the wave


3- taking a close out wave straight down the face expecting to nose dive majorly then get cleaned up by the board, but instead racing straight down and out in front of a ball of phoam with out any trouble.

i dunno man, but theres some serious man love for roy going on in this thread

Otays missed the latest reality cops on network, just for a catch up in roys latest saga

aahh you poor things, you miss him dont you

you miss him

if roy wer’nt boosted from swaylox

he would never had the time

to work on such a slick site

of his own.

Yep I clicked on the link

I saw the forst slick board picture.

I was instantly compeled to bag

I scrolled at speed down the length

of articulations and visual inuendos

praise be to the world Of ROY.

the world of roy

I don’t wanna live there.


I dont wanna live there


a bone of contention

for contenders

all comers

good luck to all you

who choose to be



goes on

It will


be played out

I think someone

will wanna buy

the movie rights

the motives of some

will not be transparent

when the real money

hits the table.

I reserve my respect

for Jack Lindholm,Vinny Brian.

Redwings,Kaku Cunningham,

and the 50 years of unsung

heros dancing in the mist

with no fan fare, no I’M gonna’s

Zen Masters who owe a debt

to the shifting grains of sand west of Ehukai

how many waves were ridden there

before Severson/Brown?

in the end

a wave rushes up the berm

pauses and the ebbs

to make room

for the next surge…

I’ll be some where else

roy drama?Buy your ticket

at the door,it wont be

vzlued in zen yen.


my son made me a website

there’s a picture

on the front page

that looks like

me pissing on my back door.

congradulations roy.

you are winning

like you wished

you would.

It’s not gonna play out?

I still contend that if “he who shall not be mentioned” was serious, he would ship the board. If he did that and the board survived and performed. People would flock to his comune and insist on his boards. He would be Rich, Famous, Handsome, maybe even buy a razor?

Maybe the NZ guys could back him and become business partners. Just like Firewire, or maybe even surftech. If “He who shall not be mentioned” was in CA I’d give him some money, but seeing you guys are aliens and whatnot, I can’t back terrorist organizations. But then it must be my big AMERICAN PENIUS GET’N IN THE WAY AGAIN.

We could make it as exciting as an Americas Cup race…please let this thread die the death it deserves. It’s been a 1 1/2 years. If a guy can’t save $400 in a year then some thing is wrong. That’s 547 days…that’s .73 cents per day.

Hell you can feed a family in Ethopia for that (or at least that’s what they tell me on TV). It’s just a jaw flapping scam to sell wooden tanks.


13" of Kiwi Olo Slammed in da royal Hawaiian hole!!!

If some one isn’t filming, tsk tsk.

…Don’t just make it, make it real.

Happy turkey shoot and c-day!!


wrong thread!!

you guys should all be ashamed of yourselves.

like we all don’t have anything better to do with our lives than to continually rag on this stupid topic.

even if it did happen (which I hope so) it would not change anything you all have to say about Roy or how Roy bounces back on you all.

all in all pretty typical childish “surfer” behavior all in all

thank god for ambrose’s wit and prose.

If any of you have the balls then build one yourself

Roy sent me the plans I’m sure anyone can get them build them yourself to find out yourself what they can do.

Instead of wasting more of the worlds precious electricity and oil that powers your little computer and the energy sucking communications network it needs to propagate such negative vibes around the world.

Why not waste some of those old creature sacrifices by sending out something more positive. Its always the same players doing the same thing…

I don’t think this discussion does this place any benefit

it only makes me sad…

why doesn’t someone start up the whole fat penguin debate again while you are at it if all you want to do is argue…


just wasn’t something I wanted to read first thing early on a sunday morning…

One year and no one has built one in the Islands?

That speaks for itself.

I am quite fond of Roys power surfboard construction method.

A great contribution to surfing in “my” life. Now to go chew on some wood and build up my muscles carrying these woodies to the beach, I love it!

well with 5 partially finished compands and same amount of Rich’s “Tree2Sea” skeletons lying around, a bubble bee ravaged EPS 4 man canoe monster and logs of wiliwili to resaw and plane into planks and exotic jewelry boxes, bracelets, letter openers, other wood jewelry,bamboo fins and dvds to make for as christmas gifts for folks and friends on sways and in hawaii we have way too much to do already. As well as with the growing list funerals to plan and attend every weekend free time is not what we have too much of especially of you still want to surf. Roy’s board will be built by us for sure it just takes allot of pieces of wood to sacrfice and space for the build, probably as much room as for a small canoe but its really a simple and smart way to build a wood board. Kind of like a wood version of a “surflight” in my assessment.

…but who’s going to ride it?!