THE PIPELINE OLO SPECIAL..........where, when?

The original with fuller depiction of the Improbability Drive: The huge improbability of missile morphing into a whale happens at 3:20, in this episode of the famed science fiction farce.


you guys should all be ashamed of yourselves.

like we all don’t have anything better to do with our lives than to continually rag on this stupid topic.

even if it did happen (which I hope so) it would not change anything you all have to say about Roy or how Roy bounces back on you all.

all in all pretty typical childish “surfer” behavior all in all

thank god for ambrose’s wit and prose.

If any of you have the balls then build one yourself

Roy sent me the plans I’m sure anyone can get them build them yourself to find out yourself what they can do.

Instead of wasting more of the worlds precious electricity and oil that powers your little computer and the energy sucking communications network it needs to propagate such negative vibes around the world.

Why not waste some of those old creature sacrifices by sending out something more positive. Its always the same players doing the same thing…

I don’t think this discussion does this place any benefit

it only makes me sad…

why doesn’t someone start up the whole fat penguin debate again while you are at it if all you want to do is argue…


just wasn’t something I wanted to read first thing early on a sunday morning…

Good stuff Bernie. The ones that continue to harp on a guy that can’t defend himself show some serious pettiness. My personal opinion (and everyone knows I am not for banning anyone but trolls) is if someone is banned. Any further nasty comments towards them should be banned also. Roy’s personality aside…Roy is the epitome of what Swaylocks claims to be about…building it yourself. In your own way, with your own ideas and etc. If what Roy is doing is hype, B.S. and all the rest of the stuff some of you call it…then swaylocks itself is the same?

If any of you have the balls then build one yourself

Roy sent me the plans I’m sure anyone can get them build them yourself to find out yourself what they can do.

Take your own advice, step up. You have ‘‘the plans’’, and are an active participant in the ‘‘promotion’’, so make it happen. We seem to have different expectations as to the outcome, but I’m prepared for WHATEVER the result is. Are you? You seem to have a very strong emotional investment

in the outcome. Why not make the same ‘‘investment’’ in getting the board shipped. The gauntlet was thrown down over a year ago, my question still stands…When will it happen? Why the delay? Please apply you influence and energy, to getting the board over to you, so the challenge can begin.

Both Roy’s supporters, and detractors, want to see this happen. Someone surely can figure a way to make some money on this thing. Randy might consider running it through his auction, after the ‘‘challenge.’’ I think THAT would be attractive to Roy, as a promotion of his boards, as well as being profitable.

All in all, as you say, YOUR reaction seem childish to me. Find a way to get the board over to you! Thank you for your passion on this subject, but try not to be so negative.

Due respect to you, N, but it’s right and proper for

  1. an outrageous claimer who at one time found a way to insert his spam into probably 50% of any and all threads here, and

  2. who apparently sent some super nasty pics to some regulars and mods of dead bodies and

  3. went out of his way to stir up shit and antagonize the mods and Swaylock on a very regular basis

to get teased a tiny bit in absentia. He can take it. He thrives on it. That’s what propels him, you know it like we all do. He’s always given us what-for without answer on his website.

Plus, we have to get the sheep-chaser going about the Americans now and again–it keeps him warm.


hed prolly answer that himself if he wasnt septicised from seplocks :slight_smile:

I had thought it made the circumnavigation of the New Zealand Islands to raise money for shipping. Surely the manufacturing corporation has the resources to fill the mission. It must not be the $400.oo, but something else other than POS, but more like BS.

I talked with Bonga, he said he’d ride it for $200. up front.

its hard to stand up in here

to many blowhards

yeehaaa gufaw gufaw yuck yuck yuck

Please i beg of you, don’t put new zealanders in the same bag as ‘roy’ as it upsets many of us that such loud brash belligerence, posturing and dishonesty is so loudly perpetuated by one of our countrymen!

That some one would so brashly mouth off in international surfing circles tarnishing the fine names of kiwis who have contributed to the surf culture in a positive way bewilders us but as anyone involved with Mr stewart knows “noise without deeds” is the family motto.

Freight Money has been collected on the “surfco fourm” and the “wooden surfboard builders forum” to continue giving this man money is crazy.

p.s on the surfco link ^^ denial that the board was made for pipeline have now surfaced

A lot of people enjoyed riding that board in NZ and I have an excellent record in my business dealings go check

If this libelous shit carries on I’ll sue Swaylocks.

Janklow quit lying I didn’t send pictures of dead bodies to anyone.


Sounds like a lot didn’t enjoy riding the Board too or your taking their “freight” money for your own usage?, to some it may seem your better at causing trouble than Designing/making boards.

You know nothing about the freight, where the money is or how much it is, I think that you are just a jealous troll with nothing to offer other than insults

" Just being on that board is a different sort of experience. There’s an energy in that wood, a richness I don’t feel surfing anything else. The sounds the board makes as its hull moves through the water, the smooth feel of the rails, the way it just slides right into the pocket and speeds you down the line. There is joy in that olo" . . .

K. G. Christchurch

Or a NZer sick of your con man thievery and brash deceptions every time you touch a keyboard.

i’ll let other’s decide while you continue ramming your reality down throats.


If this libelous shit carries on I’ll sue Swaylocks.


“Hell don’t care, and Heaven knows”

– Lyle Lovett


Or a NZer sick of your con man thievery

That’s libelous and a personal attack moderators please lock this thread and delete the libelous posts.


The evidence is on the forum for all to decide if it is libelous/personal or not.

“Thanx Roy for hookin us up…you are master craftsman and a huge credit to the surfing community.”


Christchurch NZ



If this libelous shit carries on I’ll sue Swaylocks.

A $400.00 international defamation lawsuit…perfect, and so predictable. Roy, just ship the board.


Freight Money has been collected on the “surfco fourm” and the “wooden surfboard builders forum” to continue giving this man money is crazy.

p.s on the surfco link ^^ denial that the board was made for pipeline have now surfaced

if your are a surfco forum user why dont you use your surfco handle on here?perhaps if you were to do that ppl might be able to read other posts/threads you have made and get an idea of your personality.Otherwise ‘Troll’ springs to mind.