THE PIPELINE OLO SPECIAL..........where, when?


Due respect to you, N, but it’s right and proper for

  1. an outrageous claimer who at one time found a way to insert his spam into probably 50% of any and all threads here, and

  2. who apparently sent some super nasty pics to some regulars and mods of dead bodies and

  3. went out of his way to stir up shit and antagonize the mods and Swaylock on a very regular basis

to get teased a tiny bit in absentia. He can take it. He thrives on it. That’s what propels him, you know it like we all do. He’s always given us what-for without answer on his website.

Plus, we have to get the sheep-chaser going about the Americans now and again–it keeps him warm.

If all you say is true and Roy was here to defend himself, I have no issue with anything said as I am for open posting of ideas. What I don’t care for is the fact is Roy is gone from swaylocks and yet folks continue to take jabs. I don’t care what he did including sending pictures of dead bodies if thats true. It’s the net…stuff happens. He is banned. I think it should be left alone. Either that or let him back on to defend himself. Why can’t those that dislike Roy just ignore his post? Just my two cents worth.

I don’t disagree with Bill Thaikill that I would like to see what happens with the board, but thats where it ends with me on the subject.

BTW: Love Kiwi music: Dave Dobbyn, Tim and Neil Finn, Bic Runga

It is just hard to swallow with the so many diy-ers there is nothing to show for it as in a 13’ pps, pos, whatever and I wasn’t talking about you personally, you are one of the rare kind contributors here. Mahalo for you.

…one good thing about the scarcity of Roys boards is not many will be copying it and claiming it as theirs. Not for a few years anyway.

Hope you had a great Sunday and by the way, you`have probably built more boards than me this year.

come ON.

there are a fair number of posters who know, up front and personally with zero room for doubt, what happens when a wave comes through the reef at Pipe. It jacks up, pitches out, comes down with a bang. 32 years later I still remember the results of my first two of many go-outs there.

the idea that a flexy, over-long board of any construction could be managed into that drop, that steepness, that no-room-for-error, is utterly ludicrous. Complete hogwash.

As to the further hashing of this thing, please Lord may it only remain confined to this thread, where we can come get some yuks on the odd moment.

And, moderators, mister “fastonthedraw” surely sounds like someone who was banned. Hehehe, this is real Harry Potter “he who must not be named” funny business.

Over and out


If Roy was here to defend himself, I have no issue with anything said as I am for open posting of ideas. What I don’t care for is the fact is Roy is gone from swaylocks and yet folks continue to take jabs. I don’t care what he did including sending pictures of dead bodies if thats true. It’s the net…stuff happens. He is banned. I think it should be left alone.


In the sense of fairness to those who are banned and can’t defend themselves here, this thread is locked…

Feel free to carry on on those other venues where Roy can officially speak for himself…