The portly but elegant thread - (or fat bastards who can surf)

Check out this guy:


In no way would anyone expect him to be able to surf like he does.


What kind of board do you think he rides and how does he do it?

that guy's a trip huh?!?! a while back, he was listed as one of ...Lost's team riders. don't know if he still is... watching him surf, it just doesn't make sense

I’m currently in a bitting war with Huie to sponsor this Big fella.

He’s amazing, He had every one gob shacked…nice guy.

Might be him???..EDIT… I just got word that it is Jim in my photo.

My shot was taken nearly 2 years ago at Ulu…He’s lost a lot of weight! He was massive.

…Thats so cool to see, stoked for him.

Jim took some crazy wipe outs where he would get washed in from the peak down into Racetracks on one wave, just getting rolled accross the reef.

Bloody legend!

That's what beer and fast food will do to ya.

Re : The portly but elegant thread - (or fat bastards who can surf)

hmm, does this count ?


One boo bee is biggah than da skinny kids head.

bomb drop

If advertising is all about billboard size he’s a goldmine. Greatest thing is if he really rips. I’ve seen some big fellas down south shore. The paipo dude was prolly the biggest ripper though.

thats me in the photo, I thought he was going over the falls.

Thats would have been nice and cudley.

Yep, thats some big boobies

ha ha ha

From Lost

James Pelligrine
Jimbo goes back to bali, with his new ...LOST quiver,and a pile of new ...lost team boards

Big Jim may be big, but he can sure get barreled. They have to be big barrels of course.

San Clemente guy. Was a top NSSA kid as a grom.

We're currently figuring out how to make some 4 inch thick boards for him while he lives in Bali getting perfect waves every day.



the dude can surf!!  ....but...he's a snake LOL!!


James "Chubby" Mitchell

5'7" 285lbs. 


[video:] .
  Butter is getting pretty big.  



People think because a surfer is big, read (fat) they can’t possibly surf well, one of my best pals, God rest his soul. Big Steve, hit the scales any where between 360 down to 215, he took me on my first trip to mainland, Mex.

One day at Nexpa it was double to triple over head, Steve drops in and takes a tube right on the head, stand there with his hands clasped behind his back, never flinched, just pulled up under it.

One evening at O’side Pier I watch him crack the lip and a junior boy is inside crapping his pants while this incredible hulk is coming back down, Steve just punched it off the bottom, business as usual for him.

At Punta Mita, a local Mexican surfer thought Steve was easy pickin’s, kept ripping him off, when there were plenty of waves, I’m sitting waiting for a wave when agro boy drops in on him again.

Steve starts walking to the tail, oh, oh, I know what’s coming, Steve lauches his board right in to agro’s ass hole, Agro paddled over to me and said, “tell you fat friend he can have the waves” and left.

Yeah, big guys rip too

Only video I know of showing me surfing!

At my heaviest of 315 I’m the large guy on the heavy ugly yellow, red and blue longboard at around 3:10 with the goofy dismount at the end of the ride.

Started out being a powerful wave and turned into a mushball.

From Surfer BB

10 most powerful surfers of all time

10) Junior Moepono

Velzyland heavyweight Junior Boy Moepono weighed in at well over 400lbs. but despite his stature was somehow able to rip, albeit on gargantuan surfboards that most could have used to tandem surf. Sadly, Moepono’s size would be his ultimate demise and he succumbed to health related issues in 1999. It’s been said that when Junior hit the lip, nobody threw more spray. We’re not going to argue that claim…




Wow, Junior Moepono. Thats a name I haven't seen in a long time. I had no idea he passed in 99. RIP

Don't forget to add Shawn Briley to the list.

“Portly but elegant?”

That last few pics made me puke a little in my mouth.

Despite that I am stoked to see some respect to us big boys. I am 6' 250lbs and I have people tell me all the time that they are surprised that I surf well. It does help in the water sometimes. Most people give you a pretty wide berth once they know you arent kookin out.

Wish I had more to contribute but I just wanted to say thanks for some big boy love.