the " stubbie " photo thread...

Can people please post photos of "stubbies " ?

[rough guidelines …

under about 6 ’

wide [19 - 20+"]

wide nose

wide tail

often a squared tail pod

single finned, originally ]

…THANKS, people !


Just to get the ball rolling, here’s a Michael Peterson Morning Of The Earth ‘kirra special’ replica…

A 6’0" designed and shaped by Paul Gross.

holy dooley…an s-deck !!

THANKS for that, Spencer. Are you and he in cahoots [partnership], then ?

Are you in contact with George, too ?

I always thought a stubbed version of my 6’9 wilderness would look good ! [now I know !!]

… excellent !

Please, have you got any more ? I know a few people who will be VERY interested to see these shots !

keep 'em coming !


Meanwhile, here’s a G and S one…

hey chip,

Im looking at making a morning of the earth replica. Do you have any more specific dimensions on that board.

Thanks in advance,


hi Kellerfreek !

Well, according to the ‘APS3000’ bitmap image that Josh posted [can you please post it again HERE, Josh ? sorry mate, it’s just not readable when I reduced it to 80kbs],

the dimensions are : -

16 1/4" x 5’8 7/8" x 20 " x 15 7/8" x 2 3/4" [now, we just need the pod measurement !]

nose and tail thickness 12 " up is 1 5/8", and 1 15/16" respectively [we also need the nose and tail rocker measurements!]

I CAN tell you on this earlier [c 1969] one of Andy’s, the Joe Larkin ‘ski free’ that Mick shaped, the dimensions are : -

16" x 5’9" x 20 1/4" x 16" x 3" [c 8" pod]

“c 3” nose rocker, tail pretty flat"…is what Andy told me…Gil, perhaps you know too ?

okay… hope this helps, KF !


Paul Gross and I worked together from 1994-2004. Everything I know about shaping displacement hulls I learned from Paul.

ahh, and what a fine student you have been Spence- those new hulls turned out awesome!

and , Matt, YOU are… ??? [ George , or Paul ? … gee, nearly sounds like a band …did anyone see Rin go ?]

Attached, here’s me first “fibro” , as us oz’s used to call 'em back in the 70’s, and here’s the replica attempt twenty years later.

Other photos … spewing the ‘Banksy’ didn’t work… I REALLY didn’t want to cut it down!

[It went GREAT as a stubbie , though.]

…15" x 6’ x 20" x 2 1/2 " x 14" (@ 6 1/2" pod) , from memory. Boxy rails. 10 " finbox.


ANOTHER re-model… from 5’10 " fish to 5’ 7 " ‘stubbie’.

This is the one I’m putting the 12 " finbox in, so I can use a raky fin , up in the box. This is the first board I have ever shaped deep concaves [double] into.


hey chip,

no photos but i can tell you i tried an 8" fin in my wide nosed stubbie with a 2.5" trailer behind it right at the tail. the thing as pretty cool, could feel the flexy ness, and my friends got to witness a few 180’s trying to do a steep drop backside. ill post pictures of the set-up if you want me to. i also have my 6’ bonzer bottom stubby outline ready for cut-out.

This is a Geoff McCoy shaped Keyo. Circa 1969.

6’ 1" x 20.5" x 15.5" nose x 14.5" tail, pod 8.75" corner to corner.

For the Oz connection this board is going to auction in the up comming Mick Mock auction at Mona Vale (Sydney) on Oct 31. platty.


hey chip,

no photos but i can tell you i tried an 8" fin in my wide nosed stubbie with a 2.5" trailer behind it right at the tail. the thing as pretty cool, could feel the flexy ness, and my friends got to witness a few 180’s trying to do a steep drop backside. ill post pictures of the set-up if you want me to. i also have my 6’ bonzer bottom stubby outline ready for cut-out.

‘gatorman’… yes, please show me the 8" fin. Is it the raky homemade one, Dave ? [ And, is THAT stubbie fin boxed yet ?]

Also, how big will your new ‘bumblebee’ three fin Bonzer be ?

how wide ?

how thick ? … cheers !

Dave no.2, [Platt] …is the keyo YOURS !!!


[ps- do you two guys realise there is ONE letter difference between your REAL names ??? [twilight zone music here ] ]

Ted Spencer and George Greenough, 1969…

WHAT a combination !!

I especially like the footage of Ted shaping almost a spoon sized disc in George’s groundbreaking film " The Innermost Limits Of Pure Fun ", then taking it out at good Angourie and somehow making the thing work !! [Ted is surfing the hull bottomed ‘stub’ at Lennox in these photos]


Left to right :-

‘Denise’, Gary and Terry Keys and Chris Brock

2nd shot:- Ted Spencer and George Greenough

Hey ben, There is no way I would be selling the Keyo if it were mine. I did some repairs and gave it a cut & polish. platty.


Hey ben, There is no way I would be selling the Keyo if it were mine. I did some repairs and gave it a cut & polish. platty.

…and the guy STILL wouldn’t let you buy it for $ 50 ??? [geez , SOME people !!]

I bet the guy who buys it just sticks it on his wall anyway, or in a back shed somewhere after paying something exorbitant like $1200 or something for it !!


[of course, some can be TOO short, and have too many fins…

a failed strip and reshape job from pre-swaylocks, pre-‘shaping101’, pre- having any sort of clue, and pre-teatotaller days !

It WAS a 1983 c 5’9 " hot brewz thruster with a back finbox which had badly delammed and my mate gave it to me…I’d do it DIFFERENTLY these days, that’s for sure! ]


Here’s a work in progress, but it qualifies.

6’, 22.5"

Nice stubbie there Schwuz. You seem to have come a long way quite fast. Look like its gonna be a real fun board. I finally started on a board off a 74R blank that had been sitting in my shaping room for at least 6 mos. It started out as a 7 foot funshape but I pulled the pin on the round pin a bit too pointy so I ended up re templating it down to a 6’6" with a fuller nose and a diamond tail. I’m alot happier with the outline now. Hope it doesnt take me as long to finish shaping it as it did to get started on it.


hi Kellerfreek !

Well, according to the ‘APS3000’ bitmap image that Josh posted [can you please post it again HERE, Josh ? sorry mate, it’s just not readable when I reduced it to 80kbs],

The APS is not the same as the MPs but is of a very simaler shape, I just modified it to suit a grom like me.

BTW, Its 5ft7 1/2, 20’, 2 3/4’

Anywaise I will post my single up soon.


Well whilst mine is mostly a Single Fin and not too stubified, Here it is (it fits in with the guidelines)

6ft1 (oops)

19 1/2’

Widenose + tail, being both the same length, its only 14’ but for me (60ks) its wide enougth.

Tail, I Stubbified the tail from being a stuffed up roundish, squarish, pinish to a sawn off square tail.

Yes its also Single finned,

So Ive gotta pretty good compromise between, stubby and single fin! im stoked, but one day i will make a MP style stubby.


PS… I love Single Fins! they performe just aswell as a thruster for me, Small, Big, Chop, Mush Perfection, Rain, Hail, Shine? anytime there great, i thought they would only go well in down the line waves, but they fit right in the pocket, I like singles equally as much as thrustas.

PSS… "[ Just to get the ball rolling, here’s a Michael Peterson Morning Of The Earth ‘kirra special’ replica…] "

Does it have an apex rocker ben? u know fast in front slow behind?