Tie Dye

Nice workshop.  Cleaner than mine.


I’m using a cheap fabric for the dying.  I make two or three for every one I like.  Lots of ways to twist and tie.

Washed out the extra dye, and stretching on a frame


well, that turned out mighty nice!  well done.

all the best

That IS really nice! Are you vacuum bagging or hand lamming? And are fabric and glass going on all at once? I’m not asking you divulge any secrets, Every, just curious. I vacuum bagged mine and did the bottom first with fabric and glass together, then the deck with fabric and glass. Kind of a reverse cut lap.  But I have to say, that pattern you have is great and the color really pops!

I’ve got no secrets.

The tie dye cloth is a non woven nylon.  Good for strength, but not great for color work or laminating.

I have to bag it to keep the resin content low.  Otherwise it soaks resin.  It also  needs to be bagged because it’s really stiff and doesn’t drape at all

I’m about to hand lam the fiberglass.  Fast epoxy.  Mix 3 batches, as needed.  Poured out and ready to mix


All done

