Time to shape my Bonzer

anybody know what length box for the bonzer center fin and how far from the tail?

i've got a blank but, i don't know if i've got the thickness for the 1" deep center box.

edit: 6'2" standard shortboard shape

just saw this thread, nice looking sled Yorkster...and if thats ya first effort at a Bonzer, great job.....I have had a few goes at bonzer-ish type designs but never done the full deal, but its on the list of things to do....good stuff....

anymore reports yorky, I loved this thread, absolutely loved it.



  how's it been riding , mr. york ?!


  cheers mate



Just saw this thread, it's cool to see shapers from all over taking a stab at it.
I've done a few of the 5 fin campbell style boards over the years.  About 8 or 10
years ago, we got into more flex for the side fins (definite influence from Mike
Eaton, who's shop was just down the road from mine) and noticed even more
drive and speed. 
Concaves were deep, it appears a bit more than what I've seen on this thread,
a couple were around 1" deep around the center fin zone and off the tail.  Also,

early on it was found the direction of the concaves was crucial for meeting success. 

Definitely try the "hourglass" effect, but what I am seeing here are concaves aimed

toward the nose with some curvature.  (I thought I posted a thread some time ago

on the boards I did???)    We found the narrow spot or "wasp waist" of the hourglass was just
ahead of the front ventral fins (perhaps about mid-stance or favoring the back
foot a bit?)   From the narrow spot forward, the concaves flared outward toward
the rail fading away slightly ahead of the widepoint.
I can dredge up more info if there is interest in it.  I know there are many ways
to get it done. 

i'm interested George...

i remember some clear bonzer fins that you posted a long time ago on a board...

welcome back by the way. your input has been missed

reverb You just made my new year

Nice work!  You got the placement perfect Reverb.

See how he has the cons tighten together in-between the stance, favoring

the back foot?  Nicely done.  And don't be afraid to huck out some material

either, I've seen these things work with concave depths nearing an inch at max



A couple of things.  The boards felt a lot more lively when the spine was

rounded rather than sharp (the stringer going into the fin box zone)  Just knock

it down so it is rounded.  I don't know why but the boards felt better, less track maybe.


Also, there should be no reflex curve anywhere when you lay a straight edge

in those concaves.  Although there should be pretty straightness rockerwise, a little flair

off the back will adjust the turn a bit.  Not too much as this will slow the board, unless

you are designing for heavier conditions.



…so +1

yes, as I previously mentioned, I did lots and in different variations

My personal board is one of these.

Early in this thread I d put several design characteristics.

I tried to play with the runners to an extreme (in thickness, cant flexibility and positions)

Hey Yorky, did you ever make another one mate, as the ride reports were so positive…