To PeteC


Before Pete finished up my planer,

I used a pvc elbow.

Yes it did stick out a little far.

But it worked.

Shaped a bunch before final mods.

DIY came first.

Go for it.

Post some photo’s of the finished part.

Hippo - I encourage you to finish your education. the world needs good engineers.

This leads me to drop this bit of advice. If you are looking at something like petes elbow and wondering how it was made( ie. On a mill or lathe) I would highly suggest you go through a machinist trade program (knowing how to program mastercam is not what im talkin about). The world needs good engineers and the world is full of junk engineers.

If you are coming up with a design in solidworks how are you going to make it? Send your file to a machine shop? Pay them 300 bucks to make your 1 off part?

If your trying to make something like the barry snyder special you will also have to machine your planer. If you cant do that yourself your looking at another chunk of change.

Seems to me a simple 90° elbow is the
way for you to go. Or save up and get pete to convert your planer. Also… barry does a lot of boards and the added flow and better hook us for his exhaust system makes total sense for him to have. If you cant find the cash to invest into a finished planer by pete than you probably dont do many boards and the difference between a simple elbow and a streamlined setup probably wouldnt even be noticeable.

I am in no way trying to cut you down or be a jerk. Good luck in your education.

Pete or Barry: Which base model Bosch planer is being used for this mod?



Model 1594 … i am neither pete nor barry. If your not in the US do a quick search for “2013 hitachi” in that thread pete went over what to use as a base planer for other countries. I think france was the only place that got stuck with a single blade and most everywhere else had a model that was a straight swap.

I saw a Bosch in a Pawn Shop recently for $20. It only had one blade but I think everything else was the same.
On another note I got an email that my modified Bosch is shipping today. About 5 day turnaround. Can’t wait to see it.

I’d love to have one of these planers but I have 3 planers already.  If it were a kit I’d buy the kit just to have it and keep an eye on Ebay for the planer to tinker with down the road.  Really wish this were available as a full kit.  Perhaps I’ll sell my Hitachi and my 653 someday.

Wow! and some of you guys thought I was hard on Drewtang!


So you understand,  PeteC did a ton of development on this project, and by asking for it without an offer to compensate, you came across as not appreciating his sunk costs.  This was made more apparent  by shaming him by saying he was hard to get ahold of.

By publicly stating your impoverished position, and asking for charity, you put PeteC in a no win position.  Either give away his intellectual property for anyone to copy, or seem insensative to a poor college student.

PeteC’s friends stepped up to defend him. 

You responded with a tantrum.

At this point an appology is owed both to PeteC, to those you slandered, and the entire Homosexual community with the “dick out of your mouth” comment.

I hope this has been a learning experience.



already spending $42,000 might as well make it $42,623…


Honestly, I thought many mis-read the OP’s original post and were way to harsh on him.  I did not take his original post anywhere near the way others did.  Not everyone who is curius and wanting to learn is a rip off artist.

or save a few bills and buy the modified hitachi for sale on this site right now - good deal

there is a lot of info on this site how to modifiy the hitachi backyard style - maybe you could relate that to the bosch - hacking up castaway parts can be done but will most likely require $$ for tools to do so. designing something in CAD is fun but can be expensive to get something real in your hand - maybe you can utilize some of that big $$ tuition to use the machine shop? Something like this is a great idea for a design project (which you are still unfortunately a few years away from)

it may be best to buy another planer to use while you hack up yours - that way you have something to use while your current one is taken apart and is still there in case you screw it up during the process…it is nice to have a professional job to compare to when you are trying to create your own…you might get more value from the $623 than the $42,000 (coming from an engineer with a degree)

 no matter how you do it, it will be a good learning experience - good luck - have fun! 

ps you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar (asking someone publicly for advise on how to knock off his design on a just released product and then calling his friends dick sucking assholes may not be the best way to get the guidance you are looking for )


for the last time i am not, in any way shape or form, replicating anybodys design. 

Also, i am in no way impoverished. To settle any and all debate about money. I am paying for my own college. 5-6 years worth. at roughly 39,000$ a year after the scholarship i was given, that adds up to 195,000$ or more if i attend for more years plus other unseen expenses. My father is an Auditor and this whole process is his way of teaching me how money works in the real world. He went through college actually impoverished, and with zero support from anybody. He wants me to feel the same way and have the same learning experience that has served him well his whole life.  I have zero dollars saved for this, and that means in theory i am 195,000$ in the theoretical hole as i sit today. I recently got a job at StarMarket and am making about 8.30$ an hour, working as much as i can between  my very competitive highschool sailing team and highschool. ALL, i repeat, ALL of the money i make goes directly into a college account i have made for myself at a local bank. In all seriousness i do not have any money to spend on things like what PeteC has created. As much as i would like too spend the money i earn on it, i cannot. I think we can all agree here that spending money especially on something that really isnt needed is not a good idea in my position. The reason im explaining this is to clear up any ideas that i am impoverished, as i can assure all of you i am not, i am not looking to get the easy way out on just buying something, or am i looking to steal/cheat somebody out of their hard work. I mentioned college being expensive in my first post i guess as more failed (crash and burn) hummor. Im sure most of you can remember trying to pay for it and hopefully people would have better understood why i was trying to make something myself instead of speading money in a way i shouldnt be. I do scincerely apologize for the way that turned out. I was not intending to make myself seem impoverished and hunting for handouts. I will be sure to better look over my future posts to avoid any incidents like that happening. Sways shouldnt be full of the hostility i have brought, and i apologize to everyone on this thread. 

As wideAWAKE and Barry both noted, a 90* PVC elbow is great! does the job well and i have no real problems with it.i dont shape much,  I get blanks for break even or discounted from my local surf shop and i get access to resin barrels from my sailing school. My materials cost is existent, but not as existent as most other poeple. The catch is when i sell my boards i only consign them through the surf shop i get materials from and I choose too donate some of the money back into the sailing school that has been like a second home to me fpr as long as i can remember. Usually i will break even or only end up spending 10-25$ after i sell the board.  wideAWAKE you are correct, i do not shape enough to know the difference between vacuum necks, blades, any of that. I am interested in just making things, really anything at all to better suit my needs.However I try and make everything i can myself, which is the whole reason i started shaping in the first place. I wanted a board fit to my needs, and didnt want to go buy a popped out PU board from china. Heck even the computer i am typing this on was made by me. On a side note If anybody is interested in that process or building computers for specific applications id be happy to share, it was a very rewarding process. As it has been mentioned plenty of times now, machining is very very very expensive, and rightfully so. I am using free 3D CAD programs to design things like i always have. They let me build things with infinate possibilities with very close tolerances in a way hand drafting cannot achieve. Along with that, i enjoy playing with programs like Google SketchUp, Guru3D electronics analyzer, and SolidWorks. As previosuly mentioned money is simply not around. However, acess to milling machines is not. A friend of mine has a knee mill, and my schools tech room had an old Tormach CNC mill, CNC wood lathe, and a 9x10 ShopBot. The Tormach and Shopbot my teacher and i have recently got running. Our school is being demolished this summer for a newer building, and huge sheets of Acrylic and Lexan were thrown away which i scavanged and set aside for my classes projects. I also came upon some old aluminum stock in varying lengths and sizes that i also set aside for my classes use. Dumpster diving pays off…  So to answer peoples questions, yes machining is expensive but i do have free acess to a few machines i can use.  Im no machinist but it would be stupid to pass up the opppertunity to try my hand and making some signs and parts. 

As for my design, i would like everyone to know and especially PeteC, that i am not looking for any of your work. I was inspired by what PeteC created to create my own attachment.  PeteC in particular, i am very sorry for putting you on the position i put you in. Re-reading what i had typed it really does seem like i was digging for hand outs and not appreciating your work. I will not be asking you for help on any of my future projects as it really would be unfair to you at any point past this.

If anybody cares at this point yes i am working on my ideas, and i will keep people posted on how things are coming if people so desire. 


Interesting lesson…a couple weeks at the market will get you a nice planer or some new tires for your ride or whatever a teenage kid might need but it is not going to do much toward a $200,000 debt. wow. good luck kid! 

got any pics of your boards?

by definition $195,000 in debt **IS **impoverished.

Totally different tack than the start of the thread,  if you are getting no financial support, and plan on getting a degree as an engineer,  expect less than 100k a year max.  Your start pay will be MUCH lower.  Some of the beginning engineers I work with are really underpaid.  You will be strapped with that debt for a long long time.  Junior Colleges give the same education for the first two years, at almost no cost.  And your early classes will be lots of math.  So nothing cutting edge that you need the more expensive schools for.  Then apply your money to your upper level classes. 

Also think about joining the Coast Guard.  Six years in, and College is pretty much paid for.  And if like my son’s college, the classes are impacted, they give priority registration to vets.

Good luck with it all. 

Hey Hippo,

I apologize for my sarcasm.  I was just having fun and was inspired my Artz hilarious response.  I didn’t realize you are a kid.  I think I’d probably like you because you seem to have grit and character. I like your father.  Your education is a bargain compared to what we are paying for our oldest daughters education and your chances of landing work after are much better. We have 2 kids in college, to boot. I don’t know why you expected to find adult behavior on a surfboard building website. Anyway, I was told you are never too old to act immature.  PM me an address and I will send you an old Hitachi modified planer.  It needs a new chord  because the rats in the Rat Turd Lab chewed it up. Yours if you want it for 50 bucks. You pay me when you graduate from college. And, for what it’s worth, I have never had a dick in my mouth or any other orifice.  Funny response, tho. Good luck in college. Mike

yeah sorting out college is gunna be tough. Im thinking 1 or two years of community or maybe a cheaper school for my preliminary classes then to transfer into what i want to do where i want to go. Navy was an option until a very upset mother said no to the sailors life. I already sort of have a job lined up for me out of college. I visited a firm or two in boston, and both gave me some tasks just to test my aptitude.For example whats wrong with the modern gasoline car. Also they happened to be engineering some sort of plastics, and i helped come up with a shape to support a lense going into a iRobot project. Aparently i did well enough, and they offered me a job spot after college. As a mechanical engineer coming out with a masters, they said i could be expect to make a lot more then the average student or new employee. 

as for what other teenage kids want, hell its the same for me. but i have no car. A custom longboard i made are my wheels haha               but that doesnt keep me from dreaming about owning a LS1 converted CJ5 long arm suspension, ocean blue color,  AX15 4 on the floor, a daily driver/beach-mobile/weekend offroad warrior kinda deal 

I have got some pics of a recent board floating around from when it was in rough sanding. I have more somewhere.  Ill attach the few i have along with the base planer so you can check out what im starting with. 

And rooster, thats a super nice offer but i cant take a hitachi off your hands on an IOU for 50$. Id love to have it but i dont want to practically steal your machine when i have a perfectly good one already. However id love to work out with you. Ill send you a PM once i figure out how to use PM. 

EDIT: i apologize for pictures being sideways and the strange angles. 



If you cut the exhaust tube back, put an elbow that is male.

It will slide in further and not stick out so far.

It will keep the planer from being so tippy to the right.


That is good of you to offer that planer so cheap for the kid.

We need to encourage the youth to keep hand-shaping.

They are the future.

Not about planers,  just some advice on a mechanical engineering career from a player in that field for 40 years.  The design and the process and inseparable.  You can’t just design away on CAD then throw the files over the fence and declare you’re done.  You have to design for the specific tools, equipment, and operator’s skill levels and still maintain your original quality and function of the design. Part of the “art” is economy - the economy of how you develop the designs and the effort/cost to produce them.  For example, there’s no economy in spending any time doing a CAD model of an exhaust elbow, this time would be better spent looking at what’s at the local hardware store and figuring out how to adapt it on your planer.  Other than software and maybe optics, there’s little engineering future in a country that’s on the decline in manufacturing.  The corporate world doesn’t need people to design products if they aren’t planning to make products in the first place.  Be cautious in making this investment that you’ll be paying back for many years, it’s not about what you’d like to do, nor how good you are at it.  It’s about employment versus education and those are two separate things.  Your task is to be independent, whatever effort that takes and how comfortable you choose to be.  

This might help you earn a bit more cash for School. You seem to Know Boats and you seem to have some skills with fiberglass.  When The weather warms up let people know that you will do basic maintenance on their boats at a minimum you should be making at least $15.00 an hour. If you are good with a brush doing bright work is a great option.  I made a lot of money in the yacht and boats business. 

This might help you earn a bit more cash for School. You seem to Know Boats and you seem to have some skills with fiberglass.  When The weather warms up let people know that you will do basic maintenance on their boats at a minimum you should be making at least $15.00 an hour. If you are good with a brush doing bright work is a great option.  I made a lot of money in the yacht and boats business. 

Well Pete I’ve been checking out that website. ( ) I’m totally on board with that thing, fantastic job. I’m going to start putting some money into the cooky jar now. I will, own one of those Barry Snyder Specials.