To PeteC

Ill be sure to keep in mind all the advise everybodys given. Im sure it will be put to good use at one time or another. 

I got some work done today, mostly shoveling and clearing ice but in the meantime i managed to get this far. I looked at elbows for the side, and really disliked my ideas and most other of my options. I dont have the skill to make somthing small and compact and keeping it as functional as i want.So I was looking at skils and saw how most all of them have a vertical attachment. The idea was exciting but i wasnt too excited about hacking up the planer body like that. Well one thing led to another and before i knew it i was cutting away and then this. 

Community colleges are a great way to go. Get all the liberal arts stuff out of the way.  Maybe a physics or math class, too. You get that diploma at the end and it doesn’t say + a couple of years at the community college. Just the name of your university, etc.  Good luck Angus, I think you have the right stuff. The offer still stands. I think your bosch is probably a better machine + your engineer mind set will come up with something good. mike

If my opinion matters, I say don’t waste time and buy one. I have a quiver of Skil’s, a quiver of Clarks and I would be happy using Petes Bosch full time. I feel the price was really cheap considering how good it is and the fact that spare parts are easy to get.


Hay Matt how’s it going. Does that planer stay that clean after you use it, or did you air it off and sprinkle a little foam shavings around it before taking the photo. (Just kidding Matt) I just popped on the purchase of the Casica Bosch mod. planer. I was going to put the vac system in first, then save up to buy the planer. But I kept looking at it, and looking, and looking at it, again, and again. Then you posted this little comment. 

I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I bought the planer first, and now I have to save up for the vac system. I need ideas for the vac system. So if you or anyone else has some comments and photos of your systems, please P.M. them to me.


                     Thanks and best regards to all: Mitch

I told you guys,

This planer is HOT!

I think in my other posts I forgot to say how quiet it is.

And it purrs like a Porsche @ 6000 RPM.

Get ready Pete,

You’re gonna be busy!

Barry: I’m going to have to force you to come to my shaping bay to help me plumb in the vac system. You know it’s because of this that I haven’t bought a set of those bitchen calipers from you yet. (Joking of course, but seriously)

Ductwork that reminds me. 

What are people using for thier ductwork? HVAC tubing? the big silver stuff?

Pete, Mike came and hand delivered my new planer this morning, brought a blank with it and watched me test it out. . The planer is great. I had no problem adapting to it. Mike at MPH was Great too.

Mitch, I am happy to hear that you had the same great experience dealing with Mike and Pete that I had. In business, when I am treated with good product and customer service I am happy to talk about my experience. Good business deserves our support. Everyone keeps asking me what kind of “deal” I got? I paid full price and I am getting a 2nd at full price. It is worth every penny.

Mitch, with the throat mod how did she cut at 1/2 cut?


Mitch, I am happy to hear that you had the same great experience dealing with Mike and Pete that I had. In business, when I am treated with good product and customer service I am happy to talk about my experience. Good business deserves our support.


Pete is great.

Matt, it seems to me that it cut just fine. The blank mike brought over was a Foam EZ 2nd . I actually made a finished shape with it, and I tested the planer buy using it accordingly, to produce a finish product. (Even though mike wanted me to mow it into oblivion) 1/2 depth was the deepest cut I needed to make. I didn’t need to make any real deep passes being that this blank was very close tolerance to the finished thickness. With the foot mod. I didn’t experience any hanging up or digging in. it worked well while rail banding. I could tell that it cuts vary smoothly, but the blank was a 2nd quality and was very prone to tear outs when making quick passes. I’m positive that when I take it to a 1st quality U.S. Foam blank that it’s going to be excellent. It had no clogging. There was no problem expelling dust though the elbowed exhaust chute at 1/2 depth. (Temporary till I get a vac system up and running)

Just read through the thread for the first time.  Pete is the man, and paying the money is worth it, if your goal is to become a pro-ficient hand shaper.  He is a good guy and worth his weight in gold.  Plus his kid is a pretty sharp tool himself.