Too Badd they locked out Simon J's thread...........

I understand…you bet…the old firearms argument…it gets old…FAST!!!

It’s a shame some people hurt/kill others …for whatever.

So let me say this in final and you can lock this one up too,Paul.

“All the gun choking laws in the world wouldn’t have stopped 911.”

People need to be more responsible for there actions,not by laws,but by example.

Flight 93 is a great example of heroism and courage in the face of death.Herb

Guns don’t kill people…rappers do!

Oh yeah,

What brought this on was a pm that Benny1 sent to me.

It dealt with my sir name a rifle and bullets…he said to post it here because others would benefit from the infomation(or something to that effect)…Sorry Benny, I suck at computers and that’s abit out of my knowledge range to move it from the pm section to the discussion page.PLEASE feel free to do so if desired.

BTW,FYI ,The Jorgensen/Krag 30/40 round was the first mass produced smokeless powder high power round built.The rifle you aquired is very familar to me.Has a side box mag.That flips open for ease of loading.BE CAREFUL!!! that round the 30/40 that is …is very powerful and kicks like a mule.

The reason why modern military rounds are called ,“Ball” instead of ,“Spitzer” is because of the same reasons that the names,“Police Dog”,“Euro Shepard” etc. were created for the breed of dog formerly named ,“German Sheperd”.Herb

Naw “fast foods” do…why do you think they call it fast? Herb


How about the 7 x 57 Mauser cartridge? It’s old. Mid to late 1890’s, I believe.

And don’t forget the old (1886) 8mm Lebel cartridge…

You’re absolutely right, Herb, about the 30/40. Fortunately, I can also use the .30-03 which is a little lighter & a lot cheaper :slight_smile: I don’t need the 2000 yard range of the 30/40! Can you imagine that? Almost a mile & a quarter.

Bill, I have a Krag from my grandfather that was 1898 Springfield Arms. Still looks new. :slight_smile:

What I had found out & PM’d to Herb was that in the late 1890’s, the first pointed bullets were being loaded into rifle cartridges for the purposes of aerodynamics. Prior to that, even rifle cartridges were round balls or, at best, ovals like a Colt .38 or .45. The pointed rounds were developed in Germany (yes, Mauser was one) and were called Spitzers.

I just found that too coincedental not to point out to Herb. Its so much like exactly what he’s doing 100 years later - innovation with pointy small things designed to go fast. Superchargers might be closely akin to the surfboard equivalent of putting a point on a round slug.

See? Its even surf-related :slight_smile:


See? Its even surf-related :slight_smile:

From you guys, we’ve come to expect nothing less…Nice save…


I just found that too coincedental not to point out to Herb. Its so much like exactly what he’s doing 100 years later - innovation with pointy small things designed to go fast. Superchargers might be closely akin to the surfboard equivalent of putting a point on a round slug.

See? Its even surf-related :slight_smile:

Taking the analogy a bit further, how about superlight EPS bullets? . . . guaranteed to be slow but definitely safer !



That’s funny Roy… only because I’ve often thought about things like that.

If you look at the bullet stuck in a .45 ACP cartridge, its so much like the foam plugs I use in my ears when shaping a surfboard with my planer (again, one for you, Paul :slight_smile: ) and I’ve often wondered if I could make reloads with those foam earplugs instead of bullets. Probably melt in the barrel & really wreck things up, but you never know. Wonder if Glaser makes any blank-size stuff out of their nose plugs…

They do have rubber bullets. Of course, I saw on the news the other day that they’ve developed a non lethal ray gun, so for non lethal why use bullets at all? All I know is that I want one. I also want a cattle prod for when kids in my class ask stupid questions…

Bill / Balsa,

Both rounds you have mentioned are neck and neck w/ the 30/40 for first. Most would say the lebel was first,and yes was the first to be produced of the three,but didn’t see production runs until the 90s.Lebel was the first to produce smokeless powder centerfire rounds…somewhere in the 1870s.The Swedish mauser round that Bill mentioned is another high powered long range round produced and marketed in 1890…The 30/40 was developed and produced in the mid 80s,and was adopted by many countries.

The earliest successful round developed for smokeless use and is still in production todate and was a favorite of Annie Oakley’s…the .22 short.

It was developed in the mid/late 1870s.Herb

With primer fire only you can use parafin wax…or my fav…epoxy putty. Shape the bullet anyway you want and can be made to do a variety of tasks by adding …stuff.Herb

How come noone’s mentioned the 7.62 NATO rimless hollow wooden bullet, with a Epoxy nose block…

Environmentally savvy AND faster…


The earliest successful round developed for smokeless use and is still in production todate and was a favorite of Annie Oakley’s…the .22 short.

It was developed in the mid/late 1870s.Herb

…by Smith & Wesson for those model 1 “tip-up” revolvers. Am I right, teacher?

Well done Grasshopper,

The rifle to follow-up the S&W Mod.1 was/is the famed Winchester pump,followed by Remington. Better known as ,“Gallery guns”.Actually Annie made the round so popular so quickly, MANY mfgs cranked out high #s of models that handled this cartridge…The next most popular cartiridge IN HISTORY to follow the .22 would be the 12 ga. shotgun round.

Benny1 /Balsa/Bill,would you say that surfing is just coming out of it Genesis into it’s evolved future ?

The smoking gun Therory…Have we seen the equivalents to the smokeless powder yet…???

…I say that modern fin designs are about where rifling came into play and / or it’s equivalents,and cartridges are where surfing went from wood to foam…

I think the best is yet to come…

Keep both eyes open. (see there mister moderator,my longwinded point did comeback to a surf related subject)


Speaking of weaponry...
Not a exactly bullet, more of a missile...
Just trying to keep it real...

I’ll bet any amount of $$$$$$ that the pictures don’t do it justice.

Nice work Paul !!!


The smoking gun Therory…Have we seen the equivalents to the smokeless powder yet…???

Maybe when boards dropped from 10’ + to 6’?


You get a junior g-man badge for that answer !

EQUIVALENTS TO Full sized full autos …and the very first successful shoulderfiring full, the Browning B.A.R. ?

ANSWER me this ?

Which imfamous gangster of the 20s modified and swore by the B.A.R.? AND !!!

(HERE’S A TOUCHY ONE : WHO DO YOU THINK is the equivalent to John Browning ?)

The BAR was my dad’s battle rifle.Herb