Too Badd they locked out Simon J's thread...........

Mr. Barrow, for the BAR. Mr. Bill Ruger, as most like John Browning.

Looks like Bill answered Nr 2. As for the first, I would say the thruster and John BROWNING’s surfing equivalent would then be Simon ANDERSON.

I expected nothing less from you Bill,good show my man.

Clyde Barrow was the imfamous “Clyde” of the Bonnie and Clyde fame.

He prefered the BAR over the Thompson because of it shear penetration.

My Dad Showed me a picture of himself(somewhere in the so.pac) holding a service BAR that he personal stripped and cutdown.He then said he got the idea from A 20s bank robber C.B…I always thought that the booze was doing more of the talking,and when the movie came out he was VERY pissed at how Hollywierd re-wrote that fact…Long after my dad’s passing ,I found out by fact,not fiction Clyde Barrow never carried a Thompson in his life,He dislike them and infact Clyde was the first person in history to modify and use a cut-down BAR.

Dad…if you’re reading this ,Sorry for not giving you more credit than snickers.Herb


Well done Grasshopper,

The rifle to follow-up the S&W Mod.1 was/is the famed Winchester pump,followed by Remington. Better known as ,“Gallery guns”.Actually Annie made the round so popular so quickly, MANY mfgs cranked out high #s of models that handled this cartridge…The next most popular cartiridge IN HISTORY to follow the .22 would be the 12 ga. shotgun round.

Benny1 /Balsa/Bill,would you say that surfing is just coming out of it Genesis into it’s evolved future ?

The smoking gun Therory…Have we seen the equivalents to the smokeless powder yet…???

…I say that modern fin designs are about where rifling came into play and / or it’s equivalents,and cartridges are where surfing went from wood to foam…

I think the best is yet to come…

Keep both eyes open. (see there mister moderator,my longwinded point did comeback to a surf related subject)


This thread makes me feel like going to the pier and “shooting it”

Okay you guys are getting to good at this and I’m going to take my ball and go home now!

Naw not really,I’m hungry and need to re-twist my eyeballs for a moment.

Stay tuned for further developments !



You know what I’ve learned in life ? NO of course not(and no offense to you)

There are no stupid questions…only stupid people.Herb

i like this thread. as a kid the BAR was my favorite weapon(that i didn’t have).hollow point ammo , hollow boards, it all works…

Weapons suck, people shouldn’t resort to killing each other. Guns don’t belong in the hands of civilians.

But… if you GOT to get up close and personal…

And no, the Belgium it was made in is NOT in Wisconsin…

But, how did we get this thread???

Simon was on about the environment wasn’t he?? How did such a surffriendly discussion get so lock-and-load??

Much better to hijack this thread with some of Laird’s bad habits? SPEED!!!

Hey Dave,

It’s relativity… all or nothing…get it.

If weepons are not your bag relate it to the history of automobiles or aircraft…it’s all the same, just in different periods of time…Herb

By the way the weapon you displayed is chambered for the new NATO 7mm x 28mm round…but I think this round may have some competition in the Hornady .17HMR…A round of the future ,today ! Herb

As far as I’m concerned, my interest in guns never had anything to do with shooting anybody or any animals for that matter. I’m just fascinated by the fine mechanical part of it and the beauty of the designs, which may well be the link with surfboards or cars or planes or whatever as long as those things were designed with beautiful curves around a very functional design. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a gunsmith. Life (and very restrictive firearms laws that led to the destruction of the fine french firearms industry) decided otherwise. Still, the aesthetics of an old Kentucky rifle are just on the same level as those of a Brewer gun for me…

People need to be more responsible for there actions,not by laws,but by example.

Flight 93 is a great example of heroism and courage in the face of death.Herb I had to step in and say I have always agreed with this, far too much regulation even in this country nowadays. Criminals get weapons whether legal or not. I mean really – if I were a felon, would I make sure I went through the proper legal channels to obtain a gun? HECK NO, not even in this country, because then there’d be a record of it, etc. I’d buy it on the black market with cash like any smart criminal would do. But if I knew that Grandpa Johnson up the road had the option of going to Wally World and buying a 12 gauge automatic for himself, I’d probably think twice about pulling a heist on his place in the middle of the night :open_mouth: I just think that the key to safety, in guns, in surfing, in driving, in whatever – lies more in education than in regulation. I was scolded for even pointing a toy gun at a friend as a child. No no in our family. A BB gun?? Black and blue hinder for sure. When I got of hunting age the gun safety was sort of just burned into me already I guess … I do agree that there are people out there who should not have guns, and we need some means of limiting their ability to get them. I’m just not sure a complete ban would be good. No more than I think a beach should be closed because a surfer gets himself killed. Just doesn’t add up. All this from a person who does not own a gun, but likes the idea that I can get one if I want to go hunting or need to protect my home. :slight_smile: Billy

This is EXACTLY what I believe. I like guns and shooting guns for fun, but I also like the factor of self defense. When I have kids, if someone breaks into my house, I really don’t care who or why they’re there, they’re a threat to my children and I will not allow them to hurt them. Do I want to shoot them? No. Will I if the situation deems it necessary? Yes. It will probably ruin my life, but that’s better than the lives of my children. Of course, I will give the intruder every chance to give up (A.k.a, I’m not just going to sneak up behind him and put a few in his back, I’ll get a good bead on him and then tell him to stop, call the cops, but if he tries anything funny, it’s his time.), but between him, me and my family, family is by far the most important thing. Alot of times, the sound of a 12 guage pump racking is enough to scare away an intruder. Of course, with this comes the responsibility of knowing how to properly handle and fire a weapon, so that you don’t hurt your family or yourself in trying to protect yourself. I have grown up shooting guns, and my dad has always shown me what is and is not okay to do. We didn’t even have toy guns when we were little. I play airsoft now, but I’m old enough to know that there is a difference between a plastic bb and a lead bullet. I was rather disturbed a few months ago, I saw a probably 5 year old kid with two airsoft guns, I don’t remember that he had goggles on, firing away at his friend. Violent games should always wait until the child is old enough to know the difference.

Anyway, Yeah you guys would like our Smith and Wesson 38 special, it was my great grandfather’s, I think it’s an 1898 model? Still shoots great. We also have a Springfield trap door rifle (Still shooting), and an authentic civil war musket (Not shooting) that belonged to my great great grandfather. He fought in the battle of Vicksburg for the North.


People need to be more responsible for there actions,not by laws,but by example.

Flight 93 is a great example of heroism and courage in the face of death.Herb I had to step in and say I have always agreed with this, far too much regulation even in this country nowadays. Criminals get weapons whether legal or not. I mean really – if I were a felon, would I make sure I went through the proper legal channels to obtain a gun? HECK NO, not even in this country, because then there’d be a record of it, etc. I’d buy it on the black market with cash like any smart criminal would do. But if I knew that Grandpa Johnson up the road had the option of going to Wally World and buying a 12 gauge automatic for himself, I’d probably think twice about pulling a heist on his place in the middle of the night :open_mouth: I just think that the key to safety, in guns, in surfing, in driving, in whatever – lies more in education than in regulation. I was scolded for even pointing a toy gun at a friend as a child. No no in our family. A BB gun?? Black and blue hinder for sure. When I got of hunting age the gun safety was sort of just burned into me already I guess … I do agree that there are people out there who should not have guns, and we need some means of limiting their ability to get them. I’m just not sure a complete ban would be good. No more than I think a beach should be closed because a surfer gets himself killed. Just doesn’t add up. All this from a person who does not own a gun, but likes the idea that I can get one if I want to go hunting or need to protect my home. :slight_smile: Billy

Still, the aesthetics of an old Kentucky rifle are just on the same level as those of a Brewer gun for me...

I just got back from spending a week with Brewer. He’s got some nice guns (balsa and foam) around the house. His back porch has a couple nice air riffles… .177 pellet guns. I like shooting cocnuts or tin cans with those.

I have a thing for 1911 style 45s. Kimber makes an excellent gun for the price.

Kendall…you know Jackson Arms in SSF? I’ve got a factory accuratized M1911A1 that’s sweet as… meet ya there some time :slight_smile:

Herb & Balsa…I gotta disagree. IMHO, the BAR surfing equivalent was Team Strapped. Full-auto is the shooting equivalent of tow-in surfing, regardless of the caliber or the target!

Man & tool vs. nature or Man, tool, and machine vs. nature?

BTW, no surf this morning…so I used some of those second-place 12 ga. shells to put dinner on the table (1 pintail & 5 greenwing teal :wink: ). One short of a limit, even on the last day of the season…life is good.

(Its tough to know when to stop this thread…hunters are some of the most ardent environmentalists I know - usually even more aware & sensitive than surfers, really - but you just can’t talk too much about it without being written off as a gun-nut by such a large percentage of the population. I have never been, and never will be, in the NRA because I don’t really support the way they lobby. Its not all-or-nothing; it’s the gray areas I’m rather fond of, really. And I personally harvest more than 50% of the meat & fish my family eats every year…)

ted nugent is my hero as far as hunting/weapons and environment go…

OK… or Bullseye in San Rafael

ted nugent is my hero as far as hunting/weapons and environment go....

“If god didn’t want man to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them taste so good.”


Is that your final answer? If it is, I AGREE !

Even more to the point is my favorite bumper sticker ever:

“If God didn’t intend man to eat animals, He wouldn’t have made them out of Meat.”
