Too Badd they locked out Simon J's thread...........

I got some custom air rifles and ammo that you and Brewer would kill for…one fires at 1500 fps.that’s .177 cal

I know where to get a 9mm 40grain air shooter/rifle.It runs the pellets at 2000 fps.,but the price is like buying a Barett 85 50cal.

Hey for you that said not everything is realitive,and then mentioned grey…grey is in the everything cat.

otherwise its…

Buy the way

I had a vision recently of the distant future(how distant ???)…I won’t repeat it…it’s not good…and I think it’s definately beyond our control.

On a lighter note…Bill T. mentioned Bill Ruger…some might say Stewart, Lopez or someone…not me…why?

because it’s Bill Thrailkill.Herb

I was going to write something in the SimonJ thread about some governments setting a double standard for how they treatother nations depending on if there is oil involved. The kurds are a people without a nation and treated equally bad in turkey as in Iraq. Tens of thousands of kurdish men ‘disappear’ in turkish jails. Their language was forbidden up untill very recently, you would go to jail for speaking or writing it. Yet the turkish are allies in the war against terror, a war that they conduct against the very same kurds. And while Saddam was an allied in the war against Iran, there was not much talk about the genocide against the Kurds. Once he attacked Kuwait and it’s about oil he’s no longer an allied. And while said government talks so warmly about democracy one of the allies are pakistan which is run by a president who took the power in a military coop.

I was going to write something about how the tight connection between the government of a certain nation and a certain company that has received massive contracts without competition would seem like corruption in most of the western world (with the possible exception of Berlusconis Italy)

I was going to write something about a certain other country’s government being a bunch of hypocrites, claiming to be ‘peace loving’ and hosting the nobel peace price yet at the same time sends soldiers into war all over the globe, contrary to what they said they would during the election. I was going to write something about the same country’s government being a bunch of hypocrites, signing the kyoto deal yet allowing several gas powerplant to be built without CO2 washers which will more than double the amount of CO2 released from said country, contrary to what they said they would during the election. I feel like the economic growth and luxury we live in are paid with the blood money of our planet. I’m ashamed.

But then they locked that thread. It’s about politics. That’s not what swaylocks is about.

I was going to write something about the stuff about ‘guns don’t kill people, people do’ being true to the letter, yet being either naive or cynical and absurd. It’s like saying ‘poison don’t kill people, ingesting it does’ Or ‘CO2 does not cause global warming, people do’. It’s pointless. Although guns are just tools, and you could possible kill and injure someone with a pair of pliers, it would require a lot more effort. Gun are tools made for killing. Period. They are damn efficient too. And while I love a good target practice or skeet shooting and I did my military service just like everybody else, guns cause more grief, despair and sorrow than joy. You may argue that you may cause an equal amount of grief with a baseball bat or a knife, but I disagree. There are those that I have known (and those that I should have known) who would still be among us if they had a baseball bat in their closet rather than a shotgun. You may think you need one for protection, but statistics are against you. If you bring a gun to your home, statistically you increase the chance that you or your family are going to be injured by it by and order of magnitude. Statistically, you are not safer with a gun then without. Statistically, you are more likely to be killed by someone you know than by a stranger. And statistically, you are contributing to the amount of guns on the illegal market by buying a gun as most guns on the illegal market are stolen from private homes. If you live somewhere where you are likely to get shot by intruders in your home, IMHO don’t buy a gun, get the hell out of there! You may argue that people should be more responsible with guns, but statistics are against you. People are essentially stupid and unresponisble with just about anything(just look at the bunch here at swaylocks, we’d all rather be surfing and building surfboards than go to work). You may argue that you are responsible and that the above statistics are not about you. Fine. Just make sure you don’t ever become part of the statistics.

But out of respect for those who have been injured or lost their lives, those who have lost their loved ones, those who have died on the battlefield, be it for a just or an unjust cause, because of all the grief, despair, sorrow and death caused by guns, can we please keep the gun talk off swaylocks? Because after all, that’s not what swaylocks is about.

Thanks you.



i’ve had a gun held to the back of my head when i was 19. i have lost family members in wars. i have seen former students in the hospital after they have been shot.this thread doesn’t bother me at fact, it’s a good way to communicate and heal…i am a mellow, fun loving person, but i do have a selection of guns to defend against any intruders(or kill food if i so desire).it’s the trigger person that kills, not the gun.i think video games and paint ball games due more to contribute to man against man violence than a good ol’ boy going out with his winchester 12 gauge pump looking for some quail or pheasant for dinner.he most likely ain’t out to shoot another person like some jerk-wad all hyped up from a video game ,etc.i least i never did…

Howzit kendall, I bet those pettlet guns are for the roosters, get any where you were here. Almoat everyone has at least a bb gun for scaring them away.Aloha,Kokua

Haarvard - I completely agree with you on guns in the home.

Mine stay at the duck clubhouse, locked in a safe. I have kids, fer chris’sake! They get into everything.

I am truly in it for the sportsmanship and don’t see much use for them within town limits. (Herb & others may disagree. :slight_smile: )

A friend of my parents’ had a great theory, though. He took an old automatic pistol & filled the barrel with weld so it could never be fired. And then left it on the front table, right inside the door. He knew that anyone who was in the house & shouldn’t be would pick it up - and also knew the stats that prove that a homeowner’s gun is more likely to be used against him when he surprises a burglar who got there first, than it is likely to deter a crime. So he just taught his family - if you come home and the gun is missing, run away & call 911 from several houses away or more. I don’t think it ever went into practice, but I loved the pragmatism.

I had an internship helping to install a computer system at the Pomona PD while in college (a city of 100,000 with an estimated 19,000 gang members at the time). Their stock answer for citizens who called and asked for a home-defense recommendation was for a pump shotgun - with no shells. They said, if you hear a noise in the night, just rack the pump and anyone in your house was going to run like heck. I tend to think that’s true, too.

All that said, I’ve been held up at gunpoint twice, both times long ago. Not an experience I enjoyed, but I found that oratory skills are easier to master than a quick draw, for me anyway. My choice at home is indeed the old baseball bat. Anyone seen Pale Rider? :slight_smile: