Tribute to Waves.....

We love waves… Big waves, small waves, long waves short waves… This thread is a tribute to waves… No need a surfer on them… Waves are awesome enough!!!

This morning was one of many,many awesome sessions this season here on the North Shore. Empty Laniakea if you can believe that. 10 guys out when I left and it was just way overhead, thick, reeling freight trains. Barrel after barrel after barrel. I was in awe of the absolute beauty of it all… I had a wonderful surf out there!!!

Took these pics before I drove home…

Even the inside had dredging 10’+ faces…

I saw dozens go by un-ridden like this… Just appreciating the beauty of the wave itself…


Pure Stoke !

I’ll ride my mini log in the morning on 2’ junk pretending that I’m the king of the peak!

More photos please

Photo taken by Bud of

12-03-05 Clean morning perfection with a few guys getting an up close view of the beauty…


Your photo above clearly supports what I’ve maintained since 1963. Laniakea is, hands down, the best big wave on the North Shore. I so envy you getting those waves in such stunning conditions. And at the same time am stoked for you. It’s a rare event, and uncrowded to boot. Lucky man. Happy for you.

why do i live in florida?

The photo above is of Rocky Point yesterday morning taken by BUD who owns I just posted it because it looks soooo awesome!!! Perfect size, conditions and you know barrels were in abundance out there… Part of this tribute which I’m gonna keep alive with pics… Hopefully others will post pics of un-ridden waves from their spots too…

The big sets a Lani’s yesterday looked pretty much the same but with the freight train factor going on… The crowds were very light all week. We have been very fortunate to have so many great, perfect days in a row. To get Laniakea so many great days is a real bonus! I can say I caught some incredible waves this season at various spots and its only the beginning of December… The funny thing about it is I’ve been surfing everyday with a 12’ tanker and a canoe paddle! Haha!!! I’m mostly a morning surfer and the conditions have been outstanding…

Hope great waves head your way too…


The photo above is even MORE impressive to me. I’ve never seen Rocky Point that good, much less surfed it like that. Being there full time makes all the difference eh? Great series of photos.

these 2 were from Angourie on the North Coast of N.S.W in OZ.

love your work by the way Carvenalu!

That’s Parlementia (Guéthary) some two weeks ago. Sorry for the guy spoiling this nice wave.

hey CarveNalu thanks for the photos…

i saw you out at on thusday morning getting some beauties…

what a week it was for surfing in hawaii!!! i surfed 7 times at 6 different spots on three diffrent shores this week and rode 5 different boards, every session basically with my buddy and one or two other guys (even at perfect gasschambers on sat morning !!!) and every session i was saying i can’t believe how beautiful it is out here… amazing north shore sunrises, insane south shore storm sunsets, middle of the day sweating while paddling back out because it was sooooo warm… just an amazing week of getting drilled and tubed…


hey CarveNalu thanks for the photos…

i saw you out at on thusday morning getting some beauties…

what a week it was for surfing in hawaii!!! i surfed 7 times at 6 different spots on three diffrent shores this week and rode 5 different boards, every session basically with my buddy and one or two other guys (even at perfect gasschambers on sat morning !!!) and every session i was saying i can’t believe how beautiful it is out here… amazing north shore sunrises, insane south shore storm sunsets, middle of the day sweating while paddling back out because it was sooooo warm… just an amazing week of getting drilled and tubed…


Howzit! Come talk to me next time… I’d like to put a face to the name or in your case, letters… Hehe. Well, if you were out on Thursday, then you know how good it was… Paddling back out I saw guys getting awesome rides on perfect waves and the crowd was happy and giving…

I lost my first paddle on a set wave kinda pushing it and got drilled… Went in looking for it and its nowhere to be seen so I go to my truck and grab my back up paddle. Get out there and same thing! Tried to pull in right off the take off but it looked to skinny… Tried to drop down, go around, got clipped and lost the other paddle… Gone again! Finally saw it past the bridge and sprinted for it… Figured the other one must’ve went that direction then found it down by Papailoa. Ahhh man I got a good workout! Hahaha! That 12’ board is such a challenge to ride!!!

You are soooo right about the great waves we’ve been having. That’s why Lani’s was so un-crowded. It was firing almost everywhere!!! I can just imagine all the great rides you had… Looking at the weather pattern and swell forcasts, these great waves could continue… Awhoooo!

Dios Mio! Buenos olas, muy buenos olas!!


You made my day as I’m sitting at work after a morning surfing very clean but tiny south bay waves, beautiful day, I had fun but those photos…


hi Carve !

here’s a link or two to some wave photos I posted a year or so ago ……string=waves;#178172;post=176930;page=4;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

cheers !


looking at empty, perfect waves is like watching porn.

you know what its like, you want it, you can see yourself out there, but its 2 dimensional…



looking at empty, perfect waves is like watching porn.

you know what its like, you want it, you can see yourself out there, but its 2 dimensional…


Different day at Lani’s…

Another couple shots from Bud of

argh, jaysus! hurt me!

lol, yeah, and to think the 3’ almost closeout, yoohoo brown, oily feeling, can’t see the bottom, cold, overcast windchop is going to be here for another week…

I don’t know but I get this funny feeling that this is going to a remarkable year here…

Maybe an epic year

maybe “the” year (69?)…

who knows but the storm machine is cranking away

Hard to say but with every day running a minimum of 4-6 and at least 8-10 footers every week,guys are going to be burnt out early this season lots of empty days and I predict more visitor deaths as the red shorts guys just can’t cover it all and there’s alot of inexperience stupid blue crush surfers flying in every weekend for vacation…

Also getting quick replacements for all the snapped boards are going to be tough as well with clark going out of business…


I don’t know but I get this funny feeling that this is going to a remarkable year here…

Maybe an epic year

maybe “the” year (69?)…

who knows but the storm machine is cranking away

Hard to say but with every day running a minimum of 4-6 and at least 8-10 footers every week,guys are going to be burnt out early this season lots of empty days and I predict more visitor deaths as the red shorts guys just can’t cover it all and there’s alot of inexperience stupid blue crush surfers flying in every weekend for vacation…

Also getting quick replacements for all the snapped boards are going to be tough as well with clark going out of business…

onuela, I think you are right. Already every spot on the North Shore has had epic days and this is only the beginning. Pat Caldwell’s forcast is calling a huge swell for friday and more behind that one… I don’t feel burnt out yet but definetly spoiled. I feel like I lucked out picking this year to come back surfing! I was talking to a friend this morning and he would agree with you to. Its been that good… You know the saying… “Lucky You Live Hawaii”

I’ve posted these before but I’ll put it in this thread… Jocko’s on a clean morning… Small but fun…

Empty Holton’s…Same morning… Had so much fun out there. At this small size, this is about as good as it gets…


I might actually make a trip up north when all the pros leave…

I heard the traffic right now is the pits everywhere cause of the triple crown and with the honolulu marathon on sunday the wave watchers and turtle feeders will be out in earnest for the next couple of weeks…

I looking forward for some West Northwest wrap here on the southwest when it hits 20+

other than that green lanterns and rest camp should be alot of fun this year maybe even swabbieland

You guys take care up there even a 6’ day can kill you in the wrong position…