Trivia contest!

This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb.

Busey and Vincent perhaps had been in the water before. The other guy not. Tomas>>> This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of > the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael > Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the > actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The > first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the > board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb.

I agree with Tom. Jan and Gary could surf.-Josh

Gary Busey was the one…he was in Point Break, also

I believe Gary Busey was the non-surfer also. Goofy Foot

I agree with Tom. Jan and Gary could surf.-Josh Ditto that with Tom and Josh. Aloha Duck

I vote Gary Busey.

Busey paddled like a kook…

I thought that Busey surfed, but I’ll pick him as the land shark!

Since every other actor has 3 votes there is no reason to put one down for anyone other than vincent, that’s my vote! - Brandon

This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of > the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael > Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the > actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The > first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the > board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb. I hope that Jan Michael Vincent is not a surfer since he beats his wife, has blown out his liver from drinking and been arrested more times than Sean Penn – Jan is a total looser – if he is a surfer, we need to confiscate his board. Gary Busey is may be a surfer. But he was probably too busy snorting coke (they pulled a golf ball size tumer out his nose a few years back). William Katt always comes across as a wuss in his movies - but I don’t think he beats his wife. So, I will go with Gary and William as surfers. Get a life Jan!

This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of > the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael > Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the > actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The > first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the > board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb. It was William Kat and Jan M. Vincent. Busey sorta learned on the set. By the way the shots at Malibu were actually location shots at Cojo in the “Ranch”. The most overrated surf location on the planet. Am I to late to win?

I’m thinkin that Gary Busey was the non-surf.>>> This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of > the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael > Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the > actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The > first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the > board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb.

I’m voting for Jan. I don’t think he really flew Airwolf either.

It’s Jan Michael Vincent. He couldn’t balance on a board if he had to. I read an interview with Busey. Gary loves to surf, but like me he sucks. Somewhere, I thought I heard that William Katt surfs.>>> This is not a Swaylocks sponsored contest,but just one of my own: Q. Of > the three friends in the movie “Big Wednesday” Matt(Jan Michael > Vincent),Jack(William Katt),Leroy(Gary Busey),in real life two of the > actors could surf.WHICH ONE OF THE THREE DIDN’T SURF? …The > first three people(by board posted time only) with correct answer on the > board will win a set of my handmade superchargers…Herb.

The first three with the correct answers are: Ramon,Goofy Foot,and Rastro…The correct answer was Gary Buesy(or how ever you spell his last name)He was the HODAD!!!..BUT WAIT! I have made a list of all that have contributed to this thread (at this point in time)…if that’s you, you’re a winner too! Everyone will recieve a set of Superchargers,…WHAT I NEED IS: your mailing address to send your prizes,…CONGRADULATIONS!!!I plan on having more events in the future, possibly with some XM stuff or what ever I can squeeze out of my industry friends.Herb…OH BY THE WAY(RASTRO YOU CAN e-mail me you ph# and can pick-up yours in person if so desired).ALSO NIB AND BRANDON MOYLES GET THE FIRST SETS,because they asked awhile ago…then the first,2nd.,third,then the rest…these are hand molded and hand finished,and do take some time to make.I SHOULD HAVE EVERYBODIES DONE AND SENT IN THE NEXT MONTH.


Noodle you too!..e-mail me your address.Herb.