Twinzer Discussion:

I'll take the red one!. Who's scratching his nuts?

That's orange (we have a red too), and that's the boss in the background. Is he scratching something?

Nice work mike. Nah, he's not, just my gutter ( aussie ) sense of humour!.No offence mate

No worries on the aussie humor; I got lessons from huie... (haaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

…hey MD that Orangy have a very nice outline

also both look fantastic


by the way, the wpage is kind of dead

I own a couple twins so I thought I would give shaping one a try, I’ll put pics up soon as I still have to finish up the rails. Here’s me adding some rocker I believe.[img_assist|nid=1058770|title=Fish|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=425]

somebody put a mask on that kid!

This  is what Russ posted on Surfer



Reged: 05/08/09 
Posts: 41 
Loc: Santa Barbara
 Re: HOYTE TWYNZER - Board Review!!! **[Re:hallucinogenic_toreador
      #2044646 - 05/03/11 02:37 PM

Thanks H.T.!! AMAZING review I hope there is a AB3 WEST so I can get some of these there for demo. Gallery sent me a P.M. to say the AB3 EAST is Oct. 8 and I am planning on being there!  

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It would be great for the Halcyon finned Coils to go against the Marlin Finned Hoytes in a shootout of Twinzers at this AB3 event.


Even better would be Stretch entering this market as well.


Custom boards and fins for them - who would ever have thought !

and pics and video for a poll vote on surfermag , LOL 


i got a twinzer in the works too , my #1


entry curve is knda funky but it will work 


There ya go

Quite that day job !

what do you think for the tail shape ?


fang  ,  bat , swallow , jet , winged diamond ?



We will have to ask HT !!


4 fins dont work !

I have ridden one !!

something about that center fin looks funny...



Might be one of these guys lurking in the background.



Did Wil ever write the dims on the boards ?



i have been loving the twinzers , bought many and decided to make one myself


bought these ,


here is the one i made :slight_smile:



still need to sand it , by hand :frowning:


…that red lamination looks very well done, at least from here.

By the way, next time, sand a bit more the laps besides the fins to have a better and smooth bond for the glass ons

I have yet to be let down by any twinzer. All fast, loose, and fun.

anyone building a twinzer or have more pics to share ?