Twinzer Discussion:

I will be building this as a twinzer. EPS/epoxy semi fish.

6'2'' x 12 7/8 nose x 19 3/4 x 14 3/4 tail x 2 5/8


I will be keeping it a square tail. Im not very experienced with shaping bottom contours so i was thinking of keeping it flat, or possibly a light double from my front foot, getting deepest in front of back foot, then going flat through the tail. It'll be for small to a little overhead waves.


I have to add, it'll be a while before i get this done. My shaping bay is now full of junk!!. Few months i hope to get it done.

one on the right is a twinzer in progress. gets its wings tomorrow.

how cool is that!  Love those blunt nozers, post up some pics of the twinzer setup, and a ride report if ya don't mind.  Nice work.

Those noses remind me of Some Mike Wellman Boards back when i lived on Kauai 90s. His son Kyle maligro was a bodyboarder and used to stand up, so he and Mike came up with these boards they called Squaters. Twin fin, fish tail, about 5’0" x 21-21.5X 2.5 or something. they were a blast supper fast and loose. but floaters were tricky cause no length to clear the v .  Now you got me thinking. like that but quad. or twinzer… next board

    I have ridden the proto in mush to steep hollow surf. The only draw back is width in hollow waves. No issues with the squareness of nose or straightness of rail outline. And the nice thing is you can knock off a ton of length without sacrificing stability because that nose is like a platform to launch off of on the pop up. Highly recommeded to try… I’ve done the previous two as thrusters, larger rail fins and a small trailer, can’t wait to try the twinzer out. will post up when done huck…


Hi Halcyon

Could you explain in other words what you wrote here? I can’t figure out what you are saying… Thanks!

vane=canard= front fin

parallel to the trailer = same toe as trailer

trailing edge about 1.5 inch forward of --it–? from all pics i see, the trailing edge of the canard is just past the leading edge of the trailer fin/back fin

and an 1 1/4 out board of the line of the trailer  = do you mean that the distance between the 2 parallel fins is 1.25" ?

There seem to be 2 types of twinzers:

1 - the will jobson placement, with the canards further forward + parallel to trailer

2 - placement of the canard Herb Spitzer/Rusty C5 style [with canard less toed??]

I will take pictures tonight of the board we are retro-fitting, a nice 80-ies shape 



Just read this by Greg Griffin: I will be bold and say my twins work much better than the twinzer with the main fins at 8 3/4" and a small fin forward of that.

Yo Wouter,


halcyon wrote:
"The vane or canard as you will will be parallel to the trailer and the trailing edge about 1 1/2 forward of it and an 1 1/4 out board of the line of the trailer."

Explaination: Base cord of canard and base cord of main fin are parallel. I wouldn’t say the toe is eactly the same though it may be.

                      If you draw a line across the board placing the trailing edge of the canard 1 1/2 inches forward of the leading edge of the main fin bring as much engagement and drive as can be expected by using the Twinzer system. As the fins are separated fore and aft board action will become stiffer. As the canard is moved aft and moved even along side the main fin fin action becomes more pivotal. Presently the fin spread that working best for Nick Palandrani (Source Surfboards) & I is a 3/4" fore & aft spread with the canard set 1 1/4" outboard. The placement of the fin set varys from board to board depending of tail width & board foil.

As far as what G.G. has to say I won’t touch it as doing so wouldn’t serve anything progressive IMHO.

I will go on record as saying that there is proof positive of a glowing flow efficientcy by use of a vane. It is in the scheme of nature being found on all the raptors and commonly used on modern high performance jet aircraft.


Finally there are as many approaches to setting up Twinzers as there are shapers.

Wil began things. His work is seminal to the set-up. Just here in Santa Cruz, Ca. there

are at least a half a dozen versions of it and of course I have my own version ~ go figure.


Stay Stoked, Rich

Thanks so much for putting things in perspective Halcyon!

Thanks so much for putting things in perspective Halcyon!

I just came back from a surf. 


 I got talking to a guy , brett , a bit older than me ,  who was ripping


 Afterwards ,  in the carpark , when I asked what he was riding ...


I was [pleasantly] surprised to see that his ? 6'8" ? quad fish


  was set up ....


                    in the front side plugs , with the larger sized bonzer runners that fcs make

                    in the back side plugs , with the large size 'H 2's .  [ I'd estimate  he would have weighed 20-30 kgs more than me ].


  He said he reaaallly liked this setup , and that when he was not riding THIS board [I have seen him on it a lot lately !] , he is riding a 7' tracker singley that P-Co Ross here made him , and also a 9' mal.

 [Semi ] interesting , as I rode my 6'11 this morning , and also , often ride the 6'6 " walden [as a quad] , and also my 9'4 " 2+1 setup mal .....  (COULD this be some kind of an "over 50s quiver " , perhaps ?  :)  )


  The waves today were overhead bombs [occassionally ] , but mostly around the shoulder to head high range . Also , there was no wind , which was VERY nice , indeed !


  After the last few weeks of heavy storms , a LOT of sand has been removed , and now the "banks " are deeper .... so , unless it is a bigger swell , and a low[er ] tide , the waves are a bit full.


  Brett was surfing fast , highlining , belting the occassional lip , and doing nice cutties ...the 'twinzer' setup certainly seems to go very well for HIM !


They have all been  righthanders that I have seen him catch , so far ... [ "mainly  what he surfs when in the Mentawais "  , he commented]


I told him I'd keep an eye out for him , and [if ] next time I'm taking photos , there's a chance I "may" bail him up for some 'fin setup' and board shots [a GOOD chance , I'd say !  ha]


  I'm keen to try this setup he had , in my wide-arsed 'Walden' [ which is probably ? much the same volume?  and , similar shape / size to what HE was riding .... minus the 'fish'  tail !]


  cheers !



this works a treat… stuffed if I know why pic isnt showin, did the same as always… prob best, the traditionalist will probably not appreciate my tweaking of the twinzer…

hi Mark ! ...


  besides the back fin ,


  can we have a hint , please ?


  eg:  did you use bonzer side runners at the front , too ?


  what BACK fins ?


  cheers mate !



Come on Pridmore , your boards are sweet.I think you should try that pic again.I am biulding one now, this thread pushed me over the edge, the natural edge. ( jokeing Rich)

thanks , Mark , for sending it in an email


  twinzer with back 'nubbin'...


cheers !



instead of making my board a twin, i will make it a twinzer, yahoo!

tiny nose flip with lower rocker behind it.

then, from mid to wing, straight outline + straight rocker, go fast?

nose to mid: flat to start of double concave

inside the straight area a double concave

vee off the wings

why did wil jobson add a concave in the middle of the tail?

rails should become fairly low volume but boxy

size is 6192.3

i cannot attach the boardcad design for others to use :( 












































































































































































I like the board Wouter whats the glassing plan?

Still interested in howthe twinzer goes with the nubin in pridmore? And how far up the plugs are for the trailer.

Should be doing plugs this weekend might move them back to 8in off the tail with canards ame as last time.

Brett's 'twinzer-type' setup on his fish ...yes , the fins are not as close together as a 'real ' twinzer , I know ....

Anyway , he said he loves how it surfs !


I wish I'd had the 'go pro' out there yesterday , but I was surfing ...


So ,  I took down the little point and shoot digi camera   today ...

....unfortunately , it was very high tide , deep 'banks' , and a bit sideshore , early . But he still got a few , nontheless  (just not the quality of yesterday ) ....





cheers !



I did this one a couple months ago.  6.2.  x  20.3/4  x 2.5/8

Mucho respect for Jobson and his focused and scientific approach to design. Meticulous is a disservice to the man.





Wil flat out said this board wouldn’t work… pity as I’m having the time of my life on it…


sometimes, it’s more the art of the build than just the parts…


Nice to meet you the other day GDaddy. Look forward to the next time too!



hi royal

is the surf better in cali than the UK?

could you enlighten us on what Jobson said? Did he say why it would not work? 

btw, is he bold yet like the buddha?
