Twinzer Discussion:

better surf than the UK? well, that depends… more consistent, and therefore crowded too!

As far as Wil… well, it isn’t one of his… Actually, no, I’m joking. Well, kind of. Sorta. In a round about way…

He doesn’t “like” Bonzers aparently, and thought that the canard was too big, and the cant too great to be effective. Essentially, from his standpoint, it was directing the water away from the fin, not creating the slot effect - for lack of a better way to say it.

In a sense, he’s totally right. It sure isn’t a “twinzer.” But, that wasn’t the point anyway.

Let me get this straight though, I totally respect the man. He was very gracious in sharing a few very dense and cryptic morsels of his theory, spending hours talking about concepts, and sharing stories. He’s obviously got a following for a reason, and I’m not trying to undermine that in anyway. In fact, I was going to order a custom from him when we got to talking about design, etc…

So, all I’m saying is there are more ways to have fun with the concept than the standard formulae. He has refined his over years. I’m combining ingredients in a recipe of my own liking. Taking inspiration from him, Eaton, Campbell, MR, and others. In the end, he was complimentary, and I left him the key to my room to build his customs. Looking forward to seeing them, and hopefully catching up when I get back.

and, to be totally honest, here’s where I 1st got the concept. Placement, template, size, “slot,” bottom contours, etc. are all different, but the seed was planted by Eaton in 2001. Only took 10 years to germinate…sheesh…




and lest i forget to mention my friends back in Ol’ blighty that are doing the same thing, with equally fantastic results…

Steve Croft of Empire and his Lumus:



And Tim Stafford, of Just Bonzer fame…




fun fun fun!


To my way of think, for what little it’s worth, the last three boards pictured are more

Zingers than they are Twinzers. This isn’t to say they’re any better or worse that

what I view as a Twinzer. With this said generally speaking zinger will not changer

direction as smoothing or quickly as Twinzers. However, they do go down the line a warp speed.


Stay Stoked, Rich

rich -


oh no, for sure they are Zingers, Twonzers, etc… I was only showing them as examples, devil’s advocate, spin offs, and to give credit where due.


in theory, you’re also right in terms of performance… longer “base” generally means longer turns. However, it is more than just the fin set up that equates to a boards turning circle, of course. Template, rail curves, rocker, etc.


anyway, it’s all about the feel anyway!


more Twinzers please!


Got a custom Jobson :slight_smile:




waves on the way

more detail sir



 cheers huie

Fun and ugly freelapped fun machine

I too have a 6’4" Mabile Twinzer Fish and its absolutley amazing. Up here in the PNW we have size but not the hollowness you get down south, well, not as often. The fish is  pretty much by goto board, I haven’t found a day when I needed more bite for a steep drop and the constant speed is awesome for making sections up here. I’m not a slash and burn guy, I like to make some turns but I’m mostly into getting down the line as fast and far as I can. 


Its not as drivey as a keel, but it also doesnt loose speed through turns. Which can be an adjustment for some.


Either way, other than a single fin its my favorite fin setup ever. 



This is what I’ve been riding the hell out of

" this is really Albert’s baby" Mike Eaton about MY zingers March 12th 1992. It is funny how things get forgotten when money is involved.

Albert “ACE” Elliott

I have a stray, seems to be habitating my front yard… I think he goes by the name of Will Jobson… I’m sure if you feed him some greens he’ll show you how to build a proper Twinzer… I’ll throw in the litter box for free…  LOL!

But Seriously, I have Will Jobson on tap, anyone who is interested in their very own real Twinzer from Mr.Jobson himself drop me a line. Will would be delighted to get some more work! 

Call me (707) 486 7277 (Santa Cruz Area) 



Got a chance to ride Knowa’s Jobson:

Amazing. Fast, responsive, holds in turns. The chined rails are fascinating. I want to order one for myself.  

… I LOVE this thread !


does anyone have any more twinzers to show , please ?


 by the way … this ‘bump’ of the thread is for YOU , ‘clamsmasher’ !


  cheers !




lets see the chines on the Jobson

I was later told by Wil that they’re bevels, not chines. Not my board, but a good illustration of them:

what’s interesting about his boards, that I’ve never experienced with anyone else’s twinzers, is that they hold in unbelievably well, even with that releasing hard-edged rail.  

bevels are good, I usr them on my front rails

many thanks to “RDM” , for sending this , apparently a Surfers Journal article on THE MAN !


thanks , Rohan !


photo ZWILJOBSONTWINZER0_zpsd1fdcf49.jpg

photo ZWILJOBSONTWINZER3_zps175634c4.jpg



Interesting… the turned in wing tips on the main fins

and the greater degree of cant on the RHS canard fin.