Twinzer For California

5’10" x 1 1/4" x 2 1/2" Felix Tail Twinzer 


Adjustable G-10 fins  :-)


Looks like your place at Sunset Point.

Another beauty!


GG, I love that outline.  And I love the little fat ones too.

A little thick and gunny for average Calif. conditions I would say.  But having lived and shaped in HI for a few years, I understand the tendency to continue along those lines when one has left the 808.

McDing, 2 1/2 inches is thick?

all the best

Yet another work of art from a master.  Beautiful.

Hey GG, I thought you were in Florida now(?).

Looks like that 2 1/2” is all in the tail.  Not knocking the shape just stating that it looks to gunny for average Calif waves.   I’m sure it would go well in overhead Rincon tho.  I like Twinzers, but like them even better with option of a Fifth fin.  The outline reminds me of 70’s Swallowtails that I used to see around The Central Coast during the “Black Wetsuit/Clear Board” Era.  Lowel

A 7 year old thread that nobody replied to gets resurrected and now has multiple replies? Weird. Nice looking board!

Weird.  I thought it showed up as a new thread, but you’re right.  I never get tired of looking at Griff’s boards, though.

Yeah took the bait.



Haven’t been on here in a while, but since this thread got bumped, I might as well post these. Sorry my pics aren’t as nice as Greg’s. I don’t have the North Shore as my backdrop. 

Stoked on my new Griffin twin(zer). Can’t wait to get his famous g10 fins sent from Florida. 

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Greg sent the file to me. I had Sean Jensen cut it for me. I scrubbed it. Aloha glassing glassed it for me in 2 days. I owe a lot of thanks to many people for many favors now. Taking it to Hawaii next week. 

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 Where’d the concave go?

Nice, Ghosty!  

Dims?  Fin placement?  Ride report?

I’ve read through the twinzer thread on the erbb several times.  Biding my time until I get around to making one for myself.  I suspect I’m close to your size (5’8”, 145 lbs)

edit: I guess we can wait for you to get your fins before asking for a ride report.

5’7 x 19.5 x 2.42. I’m 5’7 x 140-5. Where are you located? I’m in S orange county, CA. If you’re nearby, you could give it a go.

Ghost - where is Sean now? I learned a lot watching him glass boards at my buddies old factory. 

Super nice guy - always willing to help me get better. 

Thanks for the offer, but I’m on the gulf coast of Florida.

This is one of my favorite boards. Greg made this custom for me in 2005. 6-0.

I also have my brother’s 6-2, same shape just a little bigger. I also have a 6-5 modfish version, but I like these better.


drove through your area for the first time on our 33-day roadtrip last month. camped in Pensacola beach for a night. nice beach. saw ospreys. 

he moved back to Huntington from his last stint on Oahu. Agreed: super nice guy


Hi sharkcountry,

I’m flying over to Oahu next Saturday to visit family. My grandma lives in Waikiki, but we’re staying on the Kailua side.