Under Construction...

11' long
20-21" wide
Nose 13"
Tail 12"
3.75" Thick
Nose rocker 5.5"
Tail Rocker 3.5"

holy dooley , Paul !!!

Today must be " great minds thinking alike " day…

THIS is what ‘Hicksy’ sent me today. [ie : the photo, not the board, unfortunately !]

this one is 10’ … [some of you Hawaiians may recognise this board ? ] …

I think there ARE similarities? [This one , though, was shaped in I think it was 1952/53 ? … is that right, Grant ? ]


Paul, very nice. I’m still working on my first. Learning many lessons the hard way, but accepting only the right way.

What material have you used for the frame? I see no CF on the stringer and it is a couple of inches longer than the frame. I assume that extra length will help when gluing up the rails?

Hey Paul, are you gonna do the rails with cork lams or something else?balsa ,foam.

sick puppy

beautiful…too many holes in that frame. what kind of wood are you gonna use in deck/bottom? keep us posted paul. Jack.

Howdy Paul,

I want to make something like this construction in a 14’ paddle board.

I have the tools,garageshop,willtobuild,some time,some skill?.

I know where to get wood, got that covered.

I just need a better choice in plans, any suggestions out there from you or anyone would be cool.

Thank u

You know, Paul, I have been meaning to ask you - what sort of design/lofting/layout process do you go through when you’re starting out with one of these?



Paul, what a beauty!!!, and it’s just the frame (with more work on than an entire “standard surfboard”).

It will be a paddler/surfer?

Thanks for being an inspiration.


What material have you used for the frame? I see no CF on the stringer and it is a couple of inches longer than the frame. I assume that extra length will help when gluing up the rails?

All that you see is cheap 1/8" mahogany plywood…The stringer and rails are two layers glued together with yellow wood glue…I’m not going to use CF on what you see…The extra wood in the nose just hasn’t been trimmed yet…


Hey Paul, are you gonna do the rails with cork lams or something else?balsa ,foam.

Kirk, if I could get some real balsa I’d use that, but my sources up here a limited…I don’t want to spend more on the shipping for just a couple of sticks than I do for the wood…Anybody care to help me out with this…???..A reasonable source for a fair price…???..


What kind of wood are you gonna use in deck/bottom?

Western Red Cedar and Basswood…Already cut out and taped together…Tomorrow I’ll laminate the inside bottom with 4 oz. e-cloth and a 4" strip of CF down the center…


I just need a better choice in plans, any suggestions out there from you or anyone would be cool.

Go to www.hollowsurfboards.com


What sort of design/lofting/layout process do you go through when you’re starting out with one of these?

I start out with the planshape…Pretty similar to creating a template for a foam board…Albiet harder with an 11’ length and only 20" wide…

Next, in conjunction with the planshape template, I create the rocker pattern…That’s a bit harder to layout, especially the deckline…But you can really visualize the board by making your own stringers…

Finally, The cross rib patterns are created in conjunction with the stringer…I can adjust the deck crown, the tail vee and nose belly at this point…

Building the framework this way, becomes a matter of “seeing” boards differently…Section cuts…In some ways it’s easier than foam…With precise templates, I know what I’m getting, as opposed to looking at a very white blank that can really only be “seen” with special sidelights…


It will be a paddler/surfer?

Primarily a surfboard that paddles really good, catches and rides waves in a specific sort of way… Not for everyone, sure, but for those who ride this style of board, who’ve experienced the joy of the “early in”, the superb trim lines available, and the incredible distance you can go on these things, it makes us wonder why more choose to not ride one…

I’m making this one a foot shorter than my current board of this style…

More to come…

Paul, I will call Yater tomm. and get a source,what would be ideal for you as far as measurements?

Nice work!

Thanks KP…

I’d need roughly one 4x4 12ft long or equivalent…

Anything of size…2x4, 4x4, whatever…

Any good carpenter can make do with what they have…

Gracias, amigo…


What sort of design/lofting/layout process do you go through when you’re starting out with one of these?

I start out with the planshape…Pretty similar to creating a template for a foam board…Albiet harder with an 11’ length and only 20" wide…

Next, in conjunction with the planshape template, I create the rocker pattern…That’s a bit harder to layout, especially the deckline…But you can really visualize the board by making your own stringers…

Finally, The cross rib patterns are created in conjunction with the stringer…I can adjust the deck crown, the tail vee and nose belly at this point…

Building the framework this way, becomes a matter of “seeing” boards differently…Section cuts…In some ways it’s easier than foam…With precise templates, I know what I’m getting, as opposed to looking at a very white blank that can really only be “seen” with special sidelights…

Yeah - I can dig it, the nice thing is your fairing battens and your outer framing are one and the same. Come to think of it, given a nice flat layout table and a rocker template, something could be done to scribe it all. Getting the heights above baseline right on the curved outer framing, there’s the trick. You ever see the granite layout plates machinists use, and some of the tooling/scribing gear? Neat stuff.

Kinda like a boat or a house or an airplane or any structure like that; they sometimes seem prettiest when it’s just the frame There is an elegance there, when it’s just the bones showing.

You do nice work, fella…


Hey Paul,

Looks great, good to see you’re now making round holes instead of square, nice and strong. Any idea of it’s current weight, proposed guestimate of finished weight.

keep us posted.



Hicksy beat me to it…

my other question was going to be what fin [s] will it have ?

Single ?

Thruster ? … other ???


shoot the bull-a call …Noll prides himself on cornering the balsa before anybody else can catch a break, Rhino balsa is that guy still around? whats is name aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh? tried to buy a bundle from him and greg noll bought it all ,that was a couple o years ago is he extinct? rhinobalsa .com he was in santa barbara too wasn’t he?..theres suposed ta be a cool wood pklace in seattle too that had baaalsa too …look uprett barnecutt in the seattle area he is a great information source tell im I sent ya …I’ll look arround for his number …coolproject looks like a fine aircraft…ambrose…sealer sealer seal’er up


…A nice flat layout table and a rocker template, something could be done to scribe it all. Getting the heights above baseline right on the curved outer framing, there’s the trick.

That was the idea…Keeping things simple and foolproof…

(above) Here’s the gluing form that’s used to create the inner rails…Later I added small blocks of wood to keep the stringer and ribs in place, and aligned…

(above) Here’s a detail of the gluing form tail, after the alignment blocks are in place…On the outside edge of the form are blocks that hold the cross ribs at the right height while attaching the pre-bent inner rails to the ribs / stringer…The rib blocks prevents the frame from getting “twisty”…

(above) Here’s the board frame resting on the gluing form / alignment table…

It’s not rocket science here, just adaptations of other ideas I’ve seen…Watch the motorcycle TV shows…Those guys use similar jigs / frames for algnment purposes…Why not surfboards…???..

Hey Paul

That sure beats my bricks and string!!!

Thanks for showing us that.




I keep hoping to run into you and your boards at WP… I’d love to get a gander sometime.
