Under Construction...


I keep hoping to run into you and your boards at WP… I’d love to get a gander sometime

Best chance to run into me at WP…Mid-week, early morning, offshore winds…Look for a silver Toyota van…

Hey Paul , Rennie said best place to get Balsa is Gary Fuller at Rhino balsa.

As far as I know, everyone around here that is into Balsa wood is waiting for the infamous container to arrive from Ecuador. The last I heard, it had arrived in Long Beach. If you want Gary’s number, or would like me to liaison for you, give me you spec.’s and I’ll check. He’d know about shipping. I think the web-site is down.


I go to the Berkeley store, not just for balsa but for furniture wood, too. The Berkeley store currently has an unopened skid of 5/4 balsa, random width (most between 3 & 4") at about 40" long. They also have a few sticks more like 12/4 x 16/4 at 6’+ long. But some of those are heavier than others. The skids of small stuff are extremely good quality, color, lightweight. I’ve bought many sticks from the other (twin) skid that is opened. For rails, you don’t need long pieces anyway, as the rocker gets in the way of using a continuous piece. I just cut my scarf joints at a slight angle and go piece by piece. The wood, when recut to 3/16 or so, is so light & soft that the only clamping I need is blue tape, but none have split or checked yet. $5.51/bf. They ship.

I’ve been a busy bee…

(below) I laminated the inside surface of the bottom with a strip of CF, over that is a 4 oz. layer of e-cloth…

I’m trying to keep the weight down…

6 oz. CF holds a lot of resin…Thus I’m using the e-cloth…

Still it’ll be strong-o-plenty…

(below) Here’s a detail of the fin box, under all that CF…

The ply strips were spring clamped in place while the epoxy set up…

Trying to keep the lam tight

The grey block over the fin box is some construction grade epoxy…

It’s part of the eventual fin box-leash set up…

You can see the bead of polyurethane construction adhesive that attaches the frame to the bottom

(below) Here’s the bottom planshape…

Look fast…???..

Next week, the rails…


The McBeath Berkeley store currently has an unopened skid of 5/4 balsa, random width (most between 3 & 4") at about 40" long. $5.51/bf. They ship.

I called Compton Lumber in Seattle…

The currently have 120 bf. of 4x4 & 4x6 …

6’ lengths…

$6.95 bf…

I’m getting some today…!!!

Paul , the plan shape looks sooo good. When you pulled the 11ft off the van at the lake that day I knew that baby was a keeper! Then our session in Sandollar booyaa!!Let me know how the balsa goes on.


Let me know how the balsa goes

He Scores…!!!..



Oh I guess it went ok…

Such nice stuff…

They had 25 or so 4x4s & 4x6s…

All 6’ long…

Sweet, clear, no pith, no stains…


I selected 4 - 4x4s…

Picked for weight…

All look and feel identical…

And for only $149.00…


Tomorrow I rip and plane…

oooohhhh! and he said compton …the spirit of the low-rider…

Iambic pentameter means sumtin’ ,

does it relate?

may the spirit of the wood speak clearly …another fine board…go man van gough…ambrose,my termites in the shed are stimulated just heearing my thoughts

Paul by now has had his 3 cups of PNW.jet fuel coffee. And was up at the crack of dawn makin noise in the shop. Post pics asap on balsa rails .Watch that blend on the balsa to your hardwood.KP

Not been here for a while, forgot what I was missing. Fantastic Paul!

Involuntary exclamations of F*****G Jesis ensued. Absolutely beatiful.

Finally finished my first hollow about a week back, fins on, pollished up, just waiting for either the weather to warm up a bit or a new winter wetty.


Jase (MMM)

Progress Continues:

I abandoned the balsa rails after applying a test layer of 1/8" cedar and 1/4" balsa…I routered the edges flush with the deck and the cedar just wanted to shred and explode…I’m not into fighting wood, so I returned to my tried and true method of “Bending Plywood” and cork…I could do it solely of one material, but it looks boring…This time I’m using 3/8" thick bending ply…It works so well in this type of application…Cork, well it’s gotta be the most forgiving material out there…

(above) You’re looking at the rough shaped nose, bottom side…

(above) Rough shaped tail, bottom side…

(above) Tail rail line, rough shaped…

(above) Rough shaped nose, the hole is where the vent will be.

(above) Rough shaped tail, the hole is where the leash loop will be.

After putting the rails on, the board’s dimensions are:

11’6" Long

12.5" Nose

21.5" Wide

11.75" Tail

Next: Final sand and pre-seal the wood with epoxy…


Not been here for a while, forgot what I was missing. Fantastic Paul!

Involuntary exclamations of F*****G Jesis ensued. Absolutely beatiful.

Finally finished my first hollow about a week back, fins on, pollished up, just waiting for either the weather to warm up a bit or a new winter wetty.


Jase (MMM)

Ahhh …WELCOME back, fatbas etc !!

…I thought you had morphed into "Woody Waverider ", you been gone so longgg…at least now he can see who I was talking about. […unless , of course, HE has now disappeared…then it really WILL be the whole Clark Kent / Superman thing all over again , won’t it ?! ]


beautiful lap joints! I looked at the photos for a long time before I clued in on the laps. It’s going to really shine.

Hey Paul, why no balsa on the rails? It looks GOOOD!! keep us posted.If you guys are cruzin down in Olympia go by and say hey to Erin , Oldschool Pizza is open again.

I know it sounds stupid, but it would have been too much work with the balsa…

It would have taken me a week just to build out the rails…

I’m patient, but I have a life…

I’ll swing by Old School sometime…

Paul, I own the fish that you made and I love it… thanks for the new pics your boards are amazing



Paul, I own the fish that you made and I love it… thanks for the new pics your boards are amazing


So, you were surprised by Santa’s little helper…???..

OK, spill…How’s the ride…???..

Compared to foam…???..



Reactions on the Beach…???..

What else…???..

Be honest…

Oh, I’d love to get some pictures of it being ridden…

I am acually not planning on surfing it… although I do understand that your bourds are built to be surfed…

I view this board as something I will hand off to my kids… + my local fish testing pointbreak is not very kind to boards…

You gotta ride it once.