Underground revival Update

Thanks for looking in!

I have tried the general discussion.

And feel I’m more a heretic up there.

I prefer the “children’s table”.

 Being that children have such an uninhibited and wonderful view of things

So very far away from the seriously lacking status quo.

Got this one done!

for “Boy” it is trade in/trade up.

old groveller (pix 1) for a new one (pix 2).

This design is moving on.

More nose and tail rocker and EZ entry rocker (flat).

Still single concave.

Next blank waiting, ah, little more tail rocker.



El Diablo

Works damn good.

“Boy” gave me the “hey Popz” I’ll trade up.

Once the new board proves itself.

Really wanted to bitch slap him.

How dare you doubt!


Right now I’m feelin’ frisky…

Loney down here.

Just saw some baloney flow by.

Banned to the “sin bin”

Send down down some Good food!

Oh, almost forgot.

Had a Strange dream last night

here it is…

Aloha & keep the stoke



Oh my.

Oh my +2

I’d only put this shit up 

Down here DEEP in the belly

Of Sway’s.

Almost got the “contender” done.

And after workin’ on it.

It was still daylight.

Mama on her walk.


Thought for the hell of it

I’d through in the tools I plan on using.

Remember this.

There is no right or wrong in shaping

Being (for the most part) self-taught.

And now,

I am a really Olphart.

Less is more.

Prior post on “El Diablo”

Ride report

Damn F&c*+ing good.

Had the next blank +nose & tail sitting.

Dig this stringer

“Team” like a micro T - band!

Here’s the process.

Chime in low life’s!


you can get down faster use



Before we get to tools…

NOT my idea.


Y knot???

i.e. 2:08 & 44:00


as in

“less is more”




Shaping Video from Dave Daum on Vimeo.


If you did not watch video (prior post)

This will not make alot of sense.

But what the hell.

Cut “the Clone” out (w/ the Skilsaw)

next the outline true up.

Ah, simple

and simple to make.

Maintain the STOKE!!!


I lied.

The board is 5’-10"

After thinking about it.

Screw the outline maker

Nice for long boards.

Ah I love the feeling of the curve as I true’d this cat up

by hand.

Yeah, I know planers don’t lie.

“Forget about it”

laid out the concave and had a go!


Matty, with the template clamped down like you had it, if you were to use a router with a collet, you’ll never have to touch the outline again.

By far the most perfect outline ever.

I outlined for a living once.

Wish I had known this then.

Otherwisw, keep up the good work.

Do whatever works for you.


Thanks Barry!!!


Bitches me out too!

See that in production.

me=small time maybe 25 a year.

And most R&D.

Here is the update on this evening

with the “Clone”



Nice thread Mattwho,

Do you have any more design tweaks planned for future builds?

Eh Live TheMoment,

You on board with this?

Been developing the single concave

From groveler thru semi gun.

The “El Diablo” and the “Clone”

Are the both R&D.

Not so much shape and concave.

More to do with tail rocker.

And reinforcing to fight forward rail flex.

El Diablo sans fins 5.5 lbs.

With the clone no Aramid fiber.

Going for as light as possible with poly.

Next batch w/more tail rocker…


Put some concave in my SBC board

“The Contender”

Off to the glasser!

Oh shit…

That’s me.

Yes Mattwho,

Im totally with you, same kind of journey, I use my own boards as my experiments, some ideas don’t work, other ideas give a step in the right direction, I learn more from mistakes and bad ideas, and have a good handful of boards in my shed that didn’t work.

I’ve done flat rockers, flat contours, high tail rocker flick. Now Im heading for the deep concaves with more rail rocker curve. I have gone almost full circle but arriving back almost where I started but with better understanding of everything.
Still much more to experiment with.
A journey of understanding how things work and why rather than just copying whats out there.

I’d be interested to know your experiences with hips, as I see you have some going on in some of your photos of your boards.

A while ago I did myself a flat bottom contour, I read lots of posts from people that like them, I fou
found it horrible , like you have to roll the board over too much on rail before the board responds, my concaves have always been slight to moderate -playing it safe, now to go deeper. I had a request from a customer to makea board with a really deep concave, perhaps its time for me to join in to see how they go.

Not trying to hijack your thread just throwing some stuff in.

Keep on posting, I like where you are going , I will be here watching with interest.


Same kind of journey of understanding, alright!

I too have a good supply of boards that didn’t work.

You say “I have gone almost full circle but arriving back almost where I started but with better understanding of everything.”

Still thinking that over.

The Tow in’s speed caught my eye.

Here is my photo trail.

As I robbed Maurice for a head start.

I’m in So Cal and learned

That depth of concave is relative to wave energy.

Eh, I could be wrong, so

Tit for tat

“I’d be interested to know your experiences with hips, as I see you have some going on in some of your photos of your boards.”

The “hips” are more of a tiny wing changing from curve to straight.

Absolutely nothing new.

My guys are riding these thruster and the rail allows for quick vertical changes.

Shit saw a board the other day with a double wing variation, Hummm.

Where are you?

Your fed back on wave energy would be valued

“Not trying to hijack your thread just throwing some stuff in.”

No one is an intruder down here.

Thanks for your interest.


Swell comin’!

See if I can get this puppy wet early next week

Ah, like Monday…

Love UV poly!!!

Hurry up…

Gonna take a vixen file to this and hot coat the deck



Dreaded double pole plant…


Those photos that you posted before are some boards with some serious concave going on, especially the webber. I think I will go and take a look at the kindof boards he is shaping now, after all, he has done plenty of experimenting -more than I’ll ever get time to do.

I’ll be looking forward to a ride report of that board you are finishing Mattwho, just out of interest, what kind of numbers are you working with for nose and tail rocker?

Just throwing another thing in, I was always told by various shapers in the industry that boards for powerful waves needed less concave otherwise the board would suffer from too much lift and become less controllable, however a lot of the recent designs from the choock shed and plenty of other shapers seem to be turning that idea on its head. If you can run tow boards with huge concaves why not conventional shortboards made for powerful waves.