Underground revival Update

Thanks LivetheMoment!

so close in mind

Nice to find like minded creatures.

"what kind of numbers are you working with for nose and tail rocker? "

Here is a snapshot of rocker development

two upper from November.

When I started with the 6-4 EA (I needs more foam)

Making headway and the bottom (newest) was bent +1" N +1" tail

Made a jig with a plan

for the next series.

Hoping they can bend it without wrinkles.

“If you can run tow boards with huge concaves why not conventional shortboards made for powerful waves.”

I agree.

Much Aloha!

I keep looking for the like button then realize I’m not on that f-ck’n timehole known as Fazebook.

Keep up the fresh approach buddy…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Right on Bruce!

What a wild and crazy ride!

 in truth,

seeking is what makes us tick.

Man on a mission.

Gonna get this puppy wet.


Found the underground, plenty o good motivation in this thread especially on what goes up an down and up and down, bounce , bounce…:slight_smile:

How do you balance the concave and having a flat bottom so you can still get in a little early or is drop the name of the game?

Eh melikefish,

Me love flappin’ fresh yellowfin.

Like Porterhouse, yeah?

To answer your question.

“How do you balance the concave and having a flat bottom so you can still get in a little early or is drop the name of the game?”

My terms are “get gone” no bog/hang EZ entry and “let’s roll”.

Combination of correct entry rocker and concave “feed” blended for minimal resistance.

Had plenty of failures.

The price of experience so to speak.

Here is “last years” go at EZ entry.

Yeah, Y Knot?

Minamal entry rocker did not help.

And drop WAS the “name of the game”



Hi Mattwho,

Feeling stoked for you, and looking forward to your ride review.

I found this on the WSL page, an interesting read I think, it also had a comment on too much lift on powerful waves with too much concave, strange as I said before that there seems to be plenty of designs going in the other direction.




Hey LiveTheMoment,

Thank you for the link!

Quite interesting.

And at least reinforced my confidence

in my never ending rocker search.

And damn swell good conditions rotten.

Hoping for early next week.


LTM that link was really good. I was watching the contest and really curious about what those guys were riding for that particular wave. So much info, in that interview. Kinda cool to, because they give the guys volume as 25 liters, and he is 136lb, which is more volume then I thought the pro guys would use at the size.


Been too long since I have been out for tuna. Used to head out of Hatteras, now I try to do a yearly trip out of Haliewa.

Thanks for the advice on the concave, I just started a new short board out of 6’2a 2# eps. I started the concave around the front foot, and it is only about 1/8", and will go to a double out the tail. Hopefully get the rails done this week.

Going to put in green futures boxes, and asked wife what color should I make the board. She said purple, I was thinking ok, maybe, sounds good. Then she told me to put sparkles in the purple… I think I am going to go with white.

Done hijacking

Hey Mattwho,

Hows that board going? Did you get it in the water for a test ride?

The truth,

Just as I was sanding

I got back 3 test boards 1 outa 3 (the lightest) had nasty leash wear and tears.

Decided to stop and reinforce rear rails and add some “media “pads.

Also the “Contender has kept “Boy” busy.

El Diablo has had a few sessions and is very good.

No bitches.


The “Clone” is looking’ bad ass

A juicy groveler.

Thursday is looking good.

Pix and I hope some Go Pro



Difficult to tell from the pic, the board looks like it has quite low rails (high performance).

Any reason for not having the leash plug in the stringer? Just asking as I’m sure you have a reason .

nice observation


I play with alot

on my limited budget.

Cloth i.e. E, D & this batch W.

Also rail shape 

I have for many decades had my own.

Just trying to step up my game and yes HYPO.

With the concave and edges on this puppy it will need more energy.

Here’s is a fish eye view.

Board is @ polish, HA 

I’m gonna!

Just to blow some heads up.

This puppy is still lite!

Promise I’ll get some shots detailing this work.

In progress.

Oh leash plug

rider perference

“Boy” is goofy foot

1st off I’m a lucky SOB

Forgive me

but i stummbled on an older video

shot about 3 boards ago

with my rails.

“the search”

Aloha friends


In a quandary here,

Been going at this (again) since 05

Like all of us

I have made some absolute junk.

I do not regret any of my failures.

Just make sure they are recycled

Not put into circulation.

My true love is advancing design.

Here is a photo of my view while working.

Simply a study in rocker and rail.

And my confession of my sins

over the last year’s trials vs now.

Mahalo for LOOKIN’ in!


Yes, those rockers notes are critically important to be aware of up on the corkboard!


Well the “Clone” is (finally) done.

As you recall

I pulled it back into lam.

The honest to God truth?

I suck…

Well rather

I am mostly a one off guy.

In the day the underground had production shapers

I had my own quest and seriously bombed as a pro

Well recently.

 I shaped the same board design in succession x 3.

They all finished off nice.

But 1/2 way thru #2

I’m already thinking of how I want a change it.

By #3 I have the next blanks in my mind.

Mindless rambling

I need to stop the “knock the edges off” and surf it tude

“Go pro”

So sorry

Puppy has become BITCH….

Ride report comin’



Keeping myself entertained

Until ride report comes in…



Lets see if I can get any right

Top board - 3 Stage rocker?

Next down - 2 stage?

Next down - continuous?

Last. - Flat continous.

Let me know my score

Generally I like continuous, but thats generally playing it safe, my latest board I have tried to add a very slight extra bend at the side fins. Hopefully this will give enough rocker where needed at the back foot without losing too much drive, and a bigger sweet spot than just having a flick at the end. Added more dome in the deck to compensate for deeper concave - need my extra 1/8 of thickness. We shall see.

Still waiting for that ride review!

Thanks my brother!


Your guess is very close.


Concave cannot mess with entry

My limited budget.

Has to provide me with feedback on



Take off ease

Rail to rail mobility

And the bite and release of the business end of my rails

Any boggs

And critical handing

Speed and handling in critical sections, etc.

A lot to ask.

So I do “sneak up” on sessions”

And park my fat ass under my umbrella, and my well-worn chair

And make ‘em worries!

Right now concentrating on principal or priory of rocker

Starting from bottom for prior post pix

Over a year old, very low entry and tail rocker.

Outstanding, all around and well documented here on Sway’s see “Bolt Action”

 #2 The Rasta, a lot more nose and trail rocker and lite 5.5 lbs. Personally observed Work great in high energy waves, and in weak or medium energy, tended to bog when over amped.

#2 also light 1+2 glass job leash rips up the ass!

#3 Blue same blank as “Rasta” my “Boy” started out as #3, OH shit!

He kind of “widdled” the nose a’for I caught him.

So it is a compromise or compound.

“Blue” is a winner.

Pix 1 why I added more rocker!

Pix 2 is the board prior and the feedback is positive

The “red” biggest change outside of nose and tail rocker was

A change in the rail profile.

See pix 3

Da clone or newest

Even more rocker

Concave a bit more

Harder business end “ + da shacka”

Thinking she is gonna need energy.

Ride report delay is killing’ me.

Plotting out next go at blanks

More rocker!

Eh check this out!

Pix 4

Makai Mc Namara


Check the concave!

Not near what I doing in So Cal

I’m running the concave end out the back

Flat to help release of air.

And today

Garrett’s nephew caught my eye

And Oh jezz!

Back to the “Crook Shack?”

Worried now

But I love this shit!

Good stuff Mattwho,

Liking your stoke,
Have you ever played with a slight vee in the tip of the entry rocker? I have done this in my latest board but only the first 4 inches or so, the idea being that it could help entry into waves but its so far forward that it shouldn’t affect anything of turning performance because it shouldn’t actually be in the water whilst turning. Hopefully I can test it this week.

Contast this to the worst board I ever had (not shaped by myself) that had rolled entryin the first 15 inches going into deepish single. Now Im wary of rolled entry, but I figure it shouldn’t affect performance if its only at the tip.

Again we shall see.

I hear what you are saying Mattwho, making and testing is expensive, every board costs money, time and money are limits to how fast you can develop, but its great to see you making developments,

That last pic with monster concave is amazing, gives more confidence to keep pushing on with things.

Im staying tuned in to the underground revival .