Unofficial Asymmetrical Board Design Forum


Hi, have you surfed this board? How does it feel, it looks like a good design, but don’t know about the finplacement I don’t like the singlefin placed out of the center.

Just surfed it the once in the waves I made it for. Had the rights at Yallingup in mind, we unfortunately are a land of lefts in WA. Went beautifully, the sets were about head and a half and it was super smooth on the bottom turn, real single fin glide and then had a bit of snap on the top turn. Felt I needed to tweak the quad fin choices to make it a little looser still on the backside turn.
I like the off centre box as it brings the large fin closer to the forehand rail, enhancing the single drivey feel. It also makes a statement in the fact it does look a little wrong but only because of the stringer. It does line up with the apex of the tail which is moved off centre too.
Looking forward to more surfs on this sucker, only problem is i dont bother riding it in the crappy surf we have around here. Thinking of making the 3 hour drive for a morning surf later this week, might get the chipper to come along too.

Been thinking for a while about shaping my next board and have been quite interested in assyms.  What I’m thinking is a blend of a mini simmons (toe side) and an egg shape (heelside); reducing the width in the tail hopefully adding a little of responsiveness to backside turns. 3/4’s of the board would be symetrical, with the bottom heelside rail line altered.


My question is: in order to keep things simple on this first attempt at an assym, would something like this work?

mini assym

Or am I wasting my time keeping both lengths the same, and shorten up the heelside edge.  I figured this would eliminate the need to off set the fins(quad setup) and keep them symmetrical.  One less step/thing to worry about.


Any ideas, suggestions, or input are appreciated.




Sorry for the low quality photo, had to take a cellphone grab instead of a screen grab from my other computer.

Sure, that is what this forum is about.  Try it .  You have a good chance of success.  But do offset the fins.  Put a bunch of boxes in and try stuff.  Build it, ride it, and report back here.


all the best

Thanks for the encouragement. If both lengths are the same how much would I offset the heelside fins?

I understand the reasoning for it when one side is shorter than the other, just a little confused. 

Do you think it would cause the board to track to one direction?



some progress pics. 5’4 x 22.5 x 2.5


 I have a friend that is an avid back country skier. He has asymmetrical skis that he loves.  The snowboard is a very good idea.  My first thought was why didn’t they do this sooner? 

1984 7-0 Liddle Stubby with Interesting Tail Foil


That board just looks twisted.

I’d like to see the outline.

I have a couple twisted boards…this one is definitely not a twist…an intentional shape in the tail …below is outline and side view…Maybe I will check with Greg about it…not sure if he would remember…


looks great.  i like it.  keep us posted.

photo _MG_8083_zps7a5cf0d3.jpg

My first baby step into assym. Probably wont make a huge difference but keen to test it out and then amp it up from there.

Finished this a little while ago, stoked with how well it rides!!


Tell us about that thing.

Is that single fin on the Squash side a Twin?

I like mine a Twin on the toe-side.

Looks good!

Keep making them!

Just trying to get my head screwed on straight…

Been trawling the thread for nuggets, at least one contradiction, but is this list about right?


longer, straighter, fish like, thinner, narrower, keel fin, less toe in, Quad-Fin with a flatter fish style rocker, twin fin set-up. Thin tail, narrower longer forehand line - ‘gunnier’


curvier, shorter, quad fin, thicker, wider, softer rail, more toe in, less tail rocker, tri-fin with more rocker, wider and pivotier; one that cuts back better

I guess it depends on what type of waves you are riding.

I made this one for soft hightide waves. I am goofy and the toeside is longer (5’0") and less rocker. A concave runs from the center to the toeside. Heelside has a lot more tailrocker and is very short (something like 4’6’).

I’ve surfed it twice in different conditions and it works really well overall. The board pulls to the backside and the short railline on the heelside makes it very easy to turn. I have never surfed a board this fast and it tends to slide out on bottomturns because of it on bigger waves, especially frontside. That makes me want to put a nubster more towards the toeside.

The only negative I can think of, is that when paddling it’s not easy to find balance. In fact the board pulls to the right HARD whilst paddling and when taking off, which makes it more challenging for sure.

I really like there are no rules in this kind of design. I have a bigger one planned with a few tweeks for smaller waves.


I would guess that if it pulls to one side, it may be the nose outline causing it.

Cool board none the less.

Keep’em coming.

its a stringerless eps … 5’4 x 22.5 x 2.5

quad on the heel side and right now it just has a larger tri side fin on the toe side.  I’m thinking a keel would probably suit that side better.   What do you think?

Originally planned to have a symmetrical quad fin placement but when i brought it to be glassed I let him do what he thought would be best as it is my first attempt at an asymm.

Any asymmetry in your fin setup?