I haven’t done it while riding boards or bikes, but I have peed myself laughing at some of the funny moves people have done when the surf is consistent and fun.
I believe I could pee while longboarding, but I can’t pee while paddling. I always thought the urge to urinate signaled an imminent set…paddle now…piss later…
Yeah, have you ever noticed that? The set always comes just when you start to pee and then you gotta pinch it shut.
Also, is it true that pee attracts sharks and like youshouldn’t pee when surfing spots in Australia and South Africa??
And finally, I guess having glassed too many boards I can’t smell really good, but sometimes when my wife gets in my car she goes, “What’s that smell?” Could it be my wetsuit?
Since I’m the third shishi boy to admit it with the same observation, might I ask why is it you always get the urge is when the macker set is going come thru.
I’ve always thought I was just getting tuned into to the flow of the ocean but maybe there’s more here than we think… I wonder if your internal organ ie spincter could actually detect the pressure of an incoming set to trigger that I gotta go feeling… Makes you wonder since there’s three of us that have our urges timed with the sets…
nothing like having to go in your shorts with no feeling of guilt associated with it, imagine if you could just do it in real life, like in the middle of a big presentation or board meeting. I’ve actually been in some business meetings just with the boys with some 100 year big bear old geazer CEOs just farting away after our martini lunches. Seen some do it in front of women as well just to make’em blush. Pretty hilarious if it wasn’t true…
I guess it’s a sign of age when you can’t laugh too hard without peeing or pooping in your pants… Been there seen that… You know hahaha oops…
I guess we all should be feeling guilt for peeing and polluting the ocean but when you’re surfing for 3-6 hours at a pop you gotta pee sooner or later. Just glad I never got the poop problem some folks get in the ocean. Seeing a blind mullet flaot by is the worse experience anyone could have…
I can’t imagine peeing regularly in rubber although I do remember having had the experience surfing baja
Then there was a big wave surfer, when asked if he preferred Waimea or Mavericks he replied, “What you’re asking me is do I prefer shitting in my trunks or my wetsuit?”
I too feel the flow coming just a minuet or so before a huge set comes…If there are any scientist out there, why arn’t you guys looking into this? This is the important stuff in life!
When I was 16, I stepped on a stonefish while bodysurfing in Ecuador. I specifically remember pissing as I stepped on the thing. WORST PAIN EVER. I have gotten over the fear of pissing in the water (mostly) but I was pretty superstitious there for a while.
Oh yea, I piss when I’m sick of waiting for a set. Seems to work. And it’s warm.
One more thing.
I had this friend down in SD. He was the guy who would eat all sorts of weird stuff, basically just doing stuff to get a rise. One day he crapped his 3/2 and when he got out of the water, peeled his suit down, he had a poo smear from his ass to his neck. Pretty raw.
Sorry about sharing that one. I just thought it very appropriate to this thread.
Maybe it’s something to do with the subconcious anticipating the wavelength, because the guys on mythbusters tried to prove they could loosen their bowels automatically using sound waves, and it didn’t work.
They obviously didn’t try ocean waves, because some of those big waves would scare the shit out of me!!!
here’s the Aussies, Kiwis , and vikings , taking it to a fine art …
…it would appear from this shot that doing the Maori “Haka” [?sp?] leads to a thicker stream , a more acurate trajectory , and greater distance …GREAT for pissing off [?“on” ?] your mates !!
ah yes …the juvenile in me LOVES a good potty / toilet humour thread !! [kinda balances out all the OTHER “pissing matches” threads , wouldn’t you say ?]
Up until this post, I feel this topic is not meeting the guidelines of true Swaylockism…
I pee while shaping. To be specific, I pee when banding rails. Yes, its warm. I pee while glassing. To be specific, I pee while I’m folding my laps… Yes, its warm. I make most of my boards yellow. I never have flaws in my yellow boards.
I too feel the flow coming just a minuet * or so before a huge set comes…If there are any scientist out there, why arn’t you guys looking into this? This is the important stuff in life!
what works for me , rather than having a "slow stately dance or music for it " as I let go , is singing in a falsetto voice at the top of my lungs [Tiny Tim style] whilst simultaneously letting out loud sighs of delight .
Seems the crowds move away , for some unknown reason . [Maybe it’s the yellow dye I spread into the water , while I’m doing it , you think ?]
I’m thinking Mr. Chips had one of those brown racing stripes up his back before he punched that shark. Come on Chip. You can tell us. Break. Were waiting… Mike
I’m thinking Mr. Chips had one of those brown racing stripes up his back before he punched that shark. Come on Chip. You can tell us. Break. Were waiting… Mike
That was Brad who punched it …luckily , I was not there …
I prefer “number threes” to “number twos” when surfing [no I am not talking about surfing the 'south shore ']
WHERE is “Silly” on this thread …you OUT THERE , mate ?
…I’m sure YOU would have some good puerile [?“putrid”?] comments to add to this unsavoury thread …I wonder if this thread will get locked , eventually ? …I hope not …it’s all in harmless [if bad taste / smell] fun , really , guys ?!