nothing like having to go in your shorts with no feeling of guilt associated with it, imagine if you could just do it in real life, like in the middle of a big presentation or board meeting. I’ve actually been in some business meetings just with the boys with some 100 year big bear old geazer CEOs just farting away after our martini lunches. Seen some do it in front of women as well just to make’em blush. Pretty hilarious if it wasn’t true…
I guess it’s a sign of age when you can’t laugh too hard without peeing or pooping in your pants… Been there seen that… You know hahaha oops…
I guess we all should be feeling guilt for peeing and polluting the ocean but when you’re surfing for 3-6 hours at a pop you gotta pee sooner or later. Just glad I never got the poop problem some folks get in the ocean. Seeing a blind mullet flaot by is the worse experience anyone could have…
THIS is the exact reason why I close my eyes and mouth when I duckdive … blind mullets
…this thread has SOOO much potential for jokes about [fish] butt cracks , plugs , [gl]ass ons …ANYONE ?? anyone ?