wave riding vehicles history

Hey I was wondering, my first surfboard was a WRV, and I am looking to find another. It was back in the seventies in VB. I think it was shaped by Bob White but I am not sure. It was a model #8, single fin round pin tail, fairly full in body. Does anyone have an old board like this or a picture of the shape. I haven’t been able to contact anyone at WRV that knows about the early shapes. This was a great board and I was looking to duplicate it if possible. If anyone has info on this board it would be much appreciated. Thanx

I think you are talking about one of the old Bob White surfboards which featured what is now the WRV logo forming the dolphin/wave. Each model had a big number on it to identify the model. You might try talking to somebody at Freedom Surf Shop on Laskin Rd, Va Bch. One of their specialties is retro board design and some of their employees are long time Va Beach veterans who probably knew Bob White. They are a quality shop with quality people. Frankly, you’ll be lucky to get any help with anything at WRV. It’s an impressive facility when you walk in but they have kids working there who are way too cool to be of any help to something as lowly and inconsequential as a customer. I could say more but you get the drift.

or try Bill Frierson - his web site says he shaped for Bob White & was once part owner of the VAB WRV shop:


Aloha! Some deep Va. Beach history there. I started surfing in V.B., and W.R.V. was the big deal then. The wave of porpoises logo was the coolest thing I’d seen. The number models were from the very late 60’s, they had a poster with all the numbered ones. They even had a double ender, with a fin box in both ends. I moved to Fla. in 1969, and I came back and worked at the factory in summer of 71, and early in 72. By then Bob White had sold the company and disappeared. I remember the big guys were Bill Frierson, Ronnie Mellot, and some others, including the former Va. Beach ‘ding king’, Robert Myers, who was actually my first teacher, ruthlessly drilling me on shaping, and generally everything related to board building in those days. If Myers is still out there, I send huge Mahalo, and Aloha for helping to turn me into the board building fanatic that I was meant to be. Besides Smith & Holland, W.R.V. was the main roots of surfboard business there, then. Aloha…RH

Hey Rick,

I got into shaping my own windsurfers in the early 90s in New Orleans. The local shaping master was Rob Myers who shaped Pelican sailboards for the small New Orleans windsurfing crew. I know he was originally from VA and really did some nice work so I am guessing it has to be the same Rob Myers. I left New Orleans about 9 years ago and he was still there running his house renovation business. I’ve lost touch since then, but hope he is still around and kicking.


I have a WRV board that fits that description almost to the tee. It’s 6’5" and it was made in 1978.I got it in the used board section for about 160.00. I was stoked to find it. It had some dings but I fixed them up and ride it every once in a while. I think it was shaped by Frierson. If you are interested I’ll take some pics of it.

After a year or so of reading posts on swaylocks, this is where I add my first post?

I really haven’t felt like I had anything to contribute, since I hadn’t shaped any boards

and had no real shaping skills.

Well after all this time, I finally shaped my first board a few days ago and was about to

post a “my first board” type thread. And I know to include pics!

Then this thread. Finally I have a chance to help out.

David I have an old WRV on my porch. It has Bob White’s name on it, underneath a large

number 1.

Measurements are approx Length 7’6", nose 19", width 24", tail 15" and the wide point is

about a foot and a half north of the middle of the board.

I don’t know much about the history of WRV but could this be close enough to the shape you

are looking for?

I would be happy to take photos(must find camera) and exact measurements if it would help.


After a year or so of reading posts on swaylocks, this is where I add my first post?

I really haven’t felt like I had anything to contribute, since I hadn’t shaped any boards

and had no real shaping skills.

Well after all this time, I finally shaped my first board a few days ago and was about to

post a “my first board” type thread. And I know to include pics!

Then this thread. Finally I have a chance to help out.

David I have an old WRV on my porch. It has Bob White’s name on it, underneath a large

number 1.

Measurements are approx Length 7’6", nose 19", width 24", tail 15" and the wide point is

about a foot and a half north of the middle of the board.

I don’t know much about the history of WRV but could this be close enough to the shape you

are looking for?

I would be happy to take photos(must find camera) and exact measurements if it would help.

I think that there are probably others here who would also welcome pictures of that board. I’m in line.


Yo Monk that would be so cool, I would love to see pictures of that shape again to just see if it would might be worth getting back on. I kind of forget what the dimensions were like. Anyway since I am living in Colorado, I envy your access to the surf, so please catch a few glassy morning waves for me this summer. Thanx and be well

Riddim, thanks so much for your info. I would love to see some shots of the board. I remember my board had the big# 8 on its tail. I don’t know if WRV had a series of shapes all numbered 1 through 9 or so. Does anyone from the seventies know of how Wave Riding Vehicles in VB had their shapes laid out. Maybe there are some boards around from WRV in the early 70’s that people can share with us. Anyway, congrats on your shaping efforts.

I will look for pictures. Take care.

I was surprised to find out that this guy surfing out at Queen’s in the early 90s surfing on one of the strangest boards I’d seen in a while was none other than Bob White. I told him that I thought he had the coolest ads back in the day. That board he was riding though, gosh, it had a narrow squared off nose with slight belly, maybe 21" wide, then pulling into a narrow pointed pintail.

Aloha! How about the Bob White WRV “Real McCoy” longboard. I still think that model is one of the top tankers of that era. And East coast even. WRV was a real upstart deal. The top shop was Smith & Holland, that was the Hobie dealer. I’m pretty sure that the Dewey Webers were at the Western Auto hardware store, of all places. WRV had the hottest surfers, and the porpoise logo was completely unique. It’s been a long time for me, I’m sure that some Steel Pier veterans could stir up some sweet memories. Aloha…RH

Aloha Rick,


I’m pretty sure that the Dewey Webers were at the Western Auto hardware store, of all places.

Well, until late last year/early this year they still had that (Dewey Weber) sign up at the hardware store! They took it down very recently - I have no idea when they last actually sold a board (probably years ago), but it still cracks me up thinking about it…

Ha, I’ll get some pics for you. As for catching some glassy waves; I’m in the same boat as you. I am living and working in Baltimore now and it is literally killing me being away from the beach. I will be down there this weekend however so hopefully I can get something. How sad is it that I have to make a 5 hour drive to attempt to score Virginia Beach waves? Yeah I know ocean city is 3 hours away but I have friends in VB so I make the trek. ANYBODY LIVING ON THE EAST COAST WITHIN A HALF HOUR FROM THE BEACH, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A VIDEOGRAPHER OR SHOP RAT/WHATEVER; LET ME KNOW. I’M LOOKING TO MOVE!


Here you go iam2sam, David and everybody else.

One of the Logo


And a couple of the bottom

Any other angles you want, let me know I’ll get them tomorrow.

I have a #8 WRV


Hey I have a real maccoy Bob White

from the pics that #8 looks like a pretty cool board, how does it ride?

Is that #8 a 7 footer? The “70” in the serial number may be the length, or the year. Given that it’s an 8 and has a Waveset box it was probably made right around 1970. His first numbered series came out in 1969 and was 1 through 6.

Here is the original Bob White logo, from roughly 1967-68