Weapons of Mass Velocity (WMv's). . . .

Could part with a wee bit if you twist my arm.

What sort of dimensions are you after ?

( BTW part of the deal is a big bundle of 2 inch wide strips about 1/16th thick which were milled for making blinds. The strips are all in good nick, not cupped, but I was thinking that they might be good for bending around rails and so on, I don’t do that but you might? )


yeah that sounds perfect for what im doing with perimeter stringers etc

i hope to drive up and have a looksie for a long weekend in the next month or so

maybe i could come and see you

ill put some dosh aside for the trip

also want to see your workshop and stuff if you have the time

how was that swell


im on dial up sos i cant really download ya video

maybe a few screen shots roy

Looking forward to your visit Paul, there will be plenty of timber waiting for you ( wrote a reply earlier but it didn’t post for some reason)



sweet yah

cheers for that

most likley easter hols

Here’s some Paulownia arriving !


And here’s a Paulownia layer for another 10’8" Thrusterbuster taking shape, thought that we might as well make two at the same time, James is making this one for himself.

It’s also time to completely refinish the D11-9 tunnelboard which has done several years of good service (gotto have a perfectly slick bottom again!)

and replace the front fin with the new 4th generation front fin, a faster flex bulb tipped version (with carbon fibre upstand and timber bulb.

The bulb tip is actually parallel to the bottom the picture is deceptive due to the wide angle

And that wonderful looking beast represents a pinnacle of purely functional surfboard design !!


Getting back into building that 10’9" WMV

Here is the laminated board with three layers done, just the bottom to put on and then things will speed up, just cutitoutsandtopandbottomfordaysandthenroundofftherailsmakefinsaddgloptoboardsandsandsandinstallfinssurf.

Nothing could be simpler…

Hi Roy -

Better not let Chipfish see that “multi-winged” skin in the background in shot #2… he’ll be drooling all over the place.

I understand the weapon part but not velocity.

If a person in motion wishes to maximize their velocity, then that person must make every effort to maximize the amount that they are displaced from their original position.


I think the small v, in WMv, stands for ‘‘small velocity.’’ Every photo I’ve seen of one of these boards on a wave, seems to bear that out.

That’s fighting talk there Bill, but it isn’t possible to measure velocity from a photograph.



I understand the weapon part but not velocity.

If a person in motion wishes to maximize their velocity, then that person must make every effort to maximize the amount that they are displaced from their original position.

Indeed, but we must first assemble the device.

THEN we ride it !



I understand the weapon part but not velocity.

Tom Bloke, I commend you on taking a path of originality and steering away from the norm… Those are some fun little playful waves you get over there! Just an observation… Watching your many videos it seems your boards push a lot of water. Looks like going in a straight line there is a lot of water spraying forward off the bottoms which indicates much resistence cutting down the velocity… Is it intentional that these designs travel in this manner? Do you ever ride fast boards just for design comparisons? I like your craftmanship… Nice work!

You are mistaken there CarveNalu, the boards are actually very fast, much faster than any of the conventional boards which I encounter in the water.

Allow me please to explain how the design works.

We have a design with a very flat tail rocker, this tail rocker starts 30% back from the nose. We also have a lot of nose rocker. Now the reason for this is that at low speed the large, heavily rockered nose produces a lot of lift, and this lift releases the nose from the water, allowing the board to ride on the faster tail section and the underwater wing.

As far as spray goes, the underwater wing reduces load on the bottom, reducing the spray rather than increasing it when compared with a conventionally finned board of similar mass and dimensions.

As far as your perception of speed goes, have you ever noticed how a Jumbo jet looks like it is hardly moving when taking off. . . . . particularly when moving away from your position? Don’t be fooled by the apparently stately motion of the board, it moves very quickly indeed, as will be proven soon.



I must agree with you and Bill Thrailkill. The boards look slow and don’t seem to be able to outrace sections - on any of the numerous videos posted - that many other designs would.

Though I too like the originality (construction ways), from what the vids show, Thrailkill nailed it - small “v”.


I guess you’re right. With that much board it sure looks like slow motion! As far as water spray what I was referring to is the water shooting forward from what looks like to much rocker pushing water… I would think if you want super velocity you could minimize some of that rocker which would make it paddle faster to get in earlier to trim quicker then hang on!!! A 17’ frigging freight train! You’d probably have to pass out helmets to all the other surfers too!

Have you ever seen the movie called Seedling? There’s a section with Skip Frye on a 12 footer… He’s just flying along and the board makes very little resistence while doing it… That looks like a fast board but then again, its only 12 feet long… On small waves like in your videos, I prefer boards that generate speed instead of just going wave speed so I can turn and stuff… But then again we have totally different styles and approaches… Power to ya! Have fun! BTW, I like the way your videos are put together… Very cool!



I must agree with you and Bill Thrailkill. The boards look slow and don’t seem to be able to outrace sections - on any of the numerous videos posted - that many other designs would.

Though I too like the originality (construction ways), from what the vids show, Thrailkill nailed it - small “v”.


The honest truth is that on nearly all of the videos posted I am the only surfer to make the wave, I am sorry if this sounds outrageous but I must tell the truth. For example on the video ‘Sunshine day’ no one else was able to make the first section.

Just shows how deceptive speed is.

Oh, and by the way, I still can’t see how Bill can evaluate speed from a photograph!


Hello CarveNalu

Wave speed? If the surfer is going down the line then he is already exceeding the wave speed, and since I am going down the line, how does it follow that I am only going at wave speed ?

As for turning, I am doing that too, just more subtly than some.

I suggest a friendly challenge between ourselves, namely to post gps speeds. The aim of this challenge will be to find out how far our visual perceptions correspond with reality, and to have fun.

The way I see it, you will have an advantage (assuming waves of similar height) because you have more powerful waves, whereas I will have an advantage due to my equipment.

Are you into it? I will ave a GPS unit sometime next week, have been waiting for the right moment to get into it, and for the right man to take it on. . . . Hawaii vesus New Zealand, let’s go, we can both be winners !

The deal is that a photo (or preferably video) must be posted with the gps speed.



Hello CarveNalu

I suggest a friendly challenge between ourselves, namely to post gps speeds. The aim of this challenge will be to find out how far our visual perceptions correspond with reality, and to have fun.

The way I see it, you will have an advantage (assuming waves of similar height) because you have more powerful waves, whereas I will have an advantage due to my equipment.

Hehehe! Sounds good BUT… I really don’t see how this could be done with any sort of accuracy unless we were surfing the same spot on the same day. In all honesty, it would be hard for me to find a wave that matches yours speed wise. On top of that, I’m not going out to buy a GPS for something like this that wouldn’t produce any sort of accuracy… Sounds neat though… ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ So what you are saying is you are traveling faster than conventional boards with your boards? So if someone were to be on say a 6’-0" Fish or a 9’-0" progressive longboard or a modern day thruster shortboard generating speed while turning down the line you feel you would be going faster just standing there on your boards? So if you came to the North Shore and we went out in some big surf you feel you can go faster than those of us on conventional equipment? I’m not sure but it sounds like you are saying that your designs are faster than what most everyone else rides, yes? So theoretically you should be able to surf big Sunset or Pipeline easier because speed is what we’re all after out there… If you come to Hawaii, I’ll take you out into some waves that will really test the speed capabilities of your boards! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Just by watching the videos you have, it is only my opinion that any good surfer on more conventional boards could be flying over, under, through those sections basically ripping it up with way more speed. I’m only going on what my eyeballs are telling me and over 30 years of surfing and watching surfing which includes plenty videos and movies… I understand the longer looks slower part but TOM BLOKE! Really??? Anybody else see what I see? Like I said, its only my opinion… Nothing wrong with your designs or passion. I think your work is beautiful! I just don’t agree with the performance part of it all… No need to challenge anything Tom… Its only an opinion… Plus, we don’t surf anything alike… Even the waves we ride are totally different… Like I said, nothing wrong with your stuff…