Weapons of Mass Velocity (WMv's). . . .

I like your craftmanship… Nice work!

I was thinking that with that much rocker up front, it looks as if you could cut 3' off of the nose and get the same results w/o the water pushing away. If this were flattened out, the length would be beneficial. If I hadn't seen the videos, I don't think I could have come to those conclusions.  

Still, I don't think I've ever seen such a method of construction. It really is cool, and I find it interesting that a lot of the great wood builders here live in areas that have an abundance of material. Where I live, the material costs would kill you.  


The results would certainly be more accurate than what we are getting now.

How about I send you a GPS unit and we take it from there ?

Or I call you Chicken !


Roy Stewart

PS As I said, you have an advantage with your waves, so what are you scared of?. . . it’s all good fun surely . . … and yes my boards will certainly perform very well in Hawaiian waves.


next time you get vid footage try and get some of the other guys on “conventiional” boards as a reference. Watching the footage i would have thought i could go just as fast on my thruster.

Hard to tell without something to compare against.

Looks like you got some fun little waves tho.

Nice work on the board too.

Have you tried the fins on any other boards?

Hahahahahaha!!! You could call me chicken or whatever you like! Haha! I’ll just go with the video evidence to your designs… Hey, if you feel you are on some sort of rocketship then more power to ya! Scared? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Lets put it this way… Strapping on a GPS to prove a point as obvious as this is really a waste everyones time including mine… My opinion is different from yours and that’s OK! I’ll leave it at that…


and yes my boards will certainly perform very well in Hawaiian waves.

I’m glad you think so!.. Hehehe!

Hi Epac,

Board laminated and planshape cut out


Hi Roy -

Better not let Chipfish see that “multi-winged” skin in the background in shot #2… he’ll be drooling all over the place.

Hi John,

I saved some wings for Chipfish:


I have a great idea, how about a Swaylock collection to send Tom and his ‘fastest’ board to the North Shore for the months of Oct, and Nov. Then on an appropriate day at (dare I say it…) LANIEAKEA, paddle out and show off the speed. I’ve surfed it at a solid 15’ Hawaiian size, and in my opinion there is no faster, or finer wave on the North Shore. It is truely awesome. It will test you, and your equipment. With board speed, you make the wave, without it you don’t. Simple, no need for tech devices, just the original Man/Board/Wave formula. I am prepared to, and will, donate $100.00 to a fund to bring this about. ROY, (Tom Bloke) will either get some DESERVED bragging rights, or will simply shutup about it. What say you people out there? Want to see a real objective test? I say objective because the wave doesn’t care if you make it or not. The wave has NO axe to grind, but will grind you up if you don’t meet the challenge. I think it would be quite refreshing to see the brag put to the test. Don’t you?


Hahahahahaha!!! You could call me chicken or whatever you like! Haha! I’ll just go with the video evidence to your designs… Hey, if you feel you are on some sort of rocketship then more power to ya! Scared? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Lets put it this way… Strapping on a GPS to prove a point as obvious as this is really a waste everyones time including mine… My opinion is different from yours and that’s OK! I’ll leave it at that…


and yes my boards will certainly perform very well in Hawaiian waves.

I’m glad you think so!.. Hehehe!

Chicken, my dear fellow, is what I am calling you.

I repeat my offer of a free GPS unit, what have you got to lose except your pride ?




I have a great idea, how about a Swaylock collection to send Tom and his ‘fastest’ board to the North Shore for the months of Oct, and Nov. Then on an appropriate day at (dare I say it…) LANIEAKEA, paddle out and show off the speed. I’ve surfed it at a solid 15’ Hawaiian size, and in my opinion there is no faster, or finer wave on the North Shore. It is truely awesome. It will test you, and your equipment. With board speed, you make the wave, without it you don’t. Simple, no need for tech devices, just the original Man/Board/Wave formula. I am prepared to, and will, donate $100.00 to a fund to bring this about. ROY, (Tom Bloke) will either get some DESERVED bragging rights, or will simply shutup about it. What say you people out there? Want to see a real objective test? I say objective because the wave doesn’t care if you make it or not. The wave has NO axe to grind, but will grind you up if you don’t meet the challenge. I think it would be quite refreshing to see the brag put to the test. Don’t you?

Now this is a challenge I would participate in! Real waves with real speed out together at the same time. Forget anything to measure speed. All you got to do is make it to the end!

The inside racetrack with stand up barrels…


Chicken, my dear fellow, is what I am calling you.

I repeat my offer of a free GPS unit, what have you got to lose except your pride ?


BOK BOK BOK BOK BOKAAAK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh Roy, I have no pride in this situation to lose! Your boards are fast? Good for you! I think my MASS MARKETED Pop outs are much faster… Big Deal. BUT, I will challenge you heads up together in real waves. Then we can meet and have a beer afterwards and laugh how I smoked your ass! Hahahahahaha!!!



next time you get vid footage try and get some of the other guys on “conventiional” boards as a reference. Watching the footage i would have thought i could go just as fast on my thruster.

Hard to tell without something to compare against.

Looks like you got some fun little waves tho.

Nice work on the board too.

Have you tried the fins on any other boards?

Hi scot,

Actually we have a few seconds of what the others were doing during that last session, this was pretty much the norm, a couple of national champs out there too. . . gotta feel sorry for them, conditions were tricky.

Here’s the video clip:


We have shorter boards with that general kind of tunnel setup, my youngsters ride them.

Ohhh, Ass Smoking, isn’t that illegal in Texas or somewhere…

Roy, still love your work, awesome looking board…keep up the good work…

Let me at it!

Start the collection now, if not sooner !

I only travel by sea, and I take all my family members with me when I surf, so you are looking for 12 berths on a freighter. . . . we can bring our own food.

I’m still going to wear a gps while I’m out at Lanieakea though !

How big is that? Looks nice, a bit slow maybe


PS let’s have a beer right now, then you will feel tough enough to say yes to my gps offer !

Bwah ha !



Let me at it!

Start the collection now, if not sooner !

I only travel by sea, and I take all my family members with me when I surf, so you are looking for 12 berths on a freighter. . . . we can bring our own food.

I’m still going to wear a gps while I’m out at Lanieakea though !

How big is that? Looks nice, a bit slow maybe


That inside section was about 5’ Hawaiian so around 10’ faces… You could stand straight up in the barrels. Very fun… Hahahahahahahahaha!!! Just thinking about this is very entertaining! Are you gonna bring your Day Glo orange wetsuit? Might be too warm. Maybe some bright orange trunks and a flouresent orange rash guard… Don’t want you burning up with all that speed! Hehe!

Ten foot faces, perfect!

I have a 2mm ‘Flamingo’ summer suit, and an air conditioned lid.

Can’t wait.

Now, about that beer and the GPS, you really have to. . . . .


I’ll pitch some cash on this venture.

Maybe we can get paperview to host the contest.

That’s going to be a long boat ride…

Well if you come over we will do the test in real waves… I’m thinking Big Laniakea or Big Sunset or Big Haleiwa… Places when we don’t make the wave we get a nice punishing reef scraping wipeout with a nice brutal hold down… You know the kind that make you think, “If my board was really as fast as I thought it was I wouldn’t be almost drowning like I am now…” The truth is Roy… No matter how fast you think your board is, Hawaiian waves will always be faster. I think you will be in for a rude awakening… Hawaiian waves don’t let up for those in Fantasy land… I hope you can swim good…

And another thing… This picture proves I’M NO CHICKEN!!! Monkey perhaps…

I’ll throw in fifty bucks to send Roy and one of his board to Hawaii. I think it takes a great deal of skill, strength and balance to ride those huge boards. Roy never seems to fall off and lose his board(fortunately for the other riders in the water). They ‘appear’ to move slowly. Of course, the surf Roy post is usually pretty marginal. Roy has the balls to put it all out there for everyone to see. He’s not just a “talker.” Should I send my money to you, Bill, if Roy goes for it? Mike


Step up like a man, and get your ass over to Hawaii during the peak wave season, and put up, or SHUTUP. (tall order for you!) I’ll pop some money to get you over there, but don’t pull this whole family travel crap. I’ve been at this surfing/surfboard game since 1955, and I know to a certainty your boards just can’t and won’t cut the mustard in Hawaiian waves. In my opinion your boards probably can’t perform at the speed level of surfboardsof the early to mid 60’s era. So you’re a minimum of forty years behind the performance curve. So, do you have the balls to step up, or are you going to start setting unreasonable conditions to WUSSY OUT of a real world test. If 1000 Sway members would kick in $10.00, I’m sure that would underwrite the airfare, board shipping, car rental, and lodgeing for a two month window. Or like the Eddie, fly you on short notice when the conditions indicate appropriate surf. That would be cheaper. Unused funds could be a donation to Swaylocks. It would be so worth it to shut your silly ass up. I hereby commit $200.00 to such a fund. Mike Paler, are you listening? Start the escrow to hold the funds. Donors can use SwayPay. Anyone out there care to match my offer? We could start a shut Roy up thread, and make it a stickey. Lets get this done. I’ve got to go get back on my meds now, I’m STARTING to get worked up. And Roy, IF you really do go out at Laniakea, I suggest you wear a life jacket instead of a GPS.

Hello Bill,

A few points:

  1. If I do come to Hawaii, it will be by sea, and I will be travelling with my family, that’s just the way it is, I always surf with my family, end of story.

  2. I have never claimed to be a big wave rider, or a great surfer, but I will go out in anything which I think I can handle. My claim is that I make very fast boards, and that they will handle big waves, but I can only test them in waves which I can take physically. This is a speed issue, not a big wave issue.

  3. Assuming that CarveNalu and I went out for a surf, and we both made some waves, how are you going to decide who went fastest? if you try to do it by eyeballing it we are right back where we started ! We need GPS.

  4. CarveNalu has to step right up and accept my GPS offer. . . . if your waves are so fast then he will be posting faster times than me, which would shut me up, at my own financial expense, so why ‘wuss’ out of it ? For the game to make sense, CarveNalu must accept the GPS challenge, this applies here or in Hawaii, so lets start that part of it (the GPS measurements) up right now, and if the Hawaii thing happens then well and good.

  5. I am interested in speed measurement as a surfboard design tool, and I am also interested in Speed contests (in all sorts of waves) . . . . talking big is just part of my competitive nature, please don’t take it too hard, and if you really are on meds, please chill and see the funny side of it.

All the best,
