Weapons of Mass Velocity (WMv's). . . .

thanks for showing me the way bill

my wife tells me im wrong all of the time


roys my hero

(especially his organic surf wax recipie)

and he can call his boards whatever he likes

what he does is unusual and fun

you can make polite jokes about it if you like

but i think

your sense of humour is cruel

me defending roy, is not me attacking you.

you started it with a snide remark responding to epac(small v comment)

im simply giving it back

and you need not take everything i say so literally.

i guess sarcasm isnt as obvious when its written.

me comparing shortboards to longboards is no different

then you comparing your boards to roys

and is obviously a complete waste of time

(never have i read him calling your boards slow)

oh and whats this

its not just you on a roy bashing party

a few others jumped on the bandwagon as well

looks like a gang of bullies taking the piss

your gunna have to be a bit more subtle than that

if you wanna avoid arguments like this.

or do you enjoy it?

i certainly dont

and to be honest i cant see much difference between a solid balsa longboard (which you said you make)

and one of roys hollow woodens

your right about my inexperience however

im sure after x amount of years you have fully discovered the nuances and design principles of

a stick that floats

i think maybe your displaying the “arrogance of obsolesence”

right back at ya mate

ps im feeling very uncomfortable at this discusion and sign out of this thread.

and untill now i have recognised your experience and respected your knowledge.

thanks for the personal attack it really puts things in perspective.

please let it get back to roy showing pictures and colourful descriptions of his cool boards.


Your wife is right. In the future concern yourself with I say to you, not what I say to epac. You need to work on your defense of Roy not appearing to be a personal attack. You failed. Small v comment set you off, eh? Interesting. It didn’t seem to set Roy off. If as you say, Roy’s your hero, you would do well to emulate his demeanor on this topic. Don’t like my humor? Don’t read it then. I, like you, do not enjoy this sort of exchange. You however, brought it on.

Stick that floats. Now thats a cute comment. You really need to let go of your fixation on the balsa thing, what you seem to disdain and ridicule, collectors have paid five thousand dollars for. Work on your reading skills, I did not say Roys boards were slow. I challenged the claim of extremely high speed. A further display of your ignorance. Glad my comments to you helped you get things into perspective. I’m here to help.

No personal nickle nackling on my velocity thread please gents, I don’t want the jackbooted ones (hello Von Hicksy) to make it go belly up.

My last speed thread was popular, but erupted into a kind of, well, eruption, and is now in Davy Jones’ locker.

Free garmin gecko beer coasters for all, just apply in person at my workshop.

Got to go and do some work now, before I become all talk and no action.



Good philosophy. Oh, and in response to your earlier question about Laniakea, and the gun board you mentioned, the biggest and best day ever there for me was 15’ near glassy, on Nov.22,1963. A memorable day for that reason alone. That was on a 10’ 5’’ 38# squaretail gun.

The smallest board I’ve surfed there was 7’ 10’’ 12# squaretail ‘mini gun’, as they were termed then. I never hit that combination of size and quality again. It happens alot, I just wasn’t lucky enough to be there. Aloha.

Here’s a bit of a video clip dug up from the achives, definitely velocity with a small v in this case:

It takes a couple of clicks to get to on this site it’s a freebie site which I am using for archives



Had some trubble navigating that site…

…Any GPS results for us?


Made my first speed measuring attempt today.

It was a shoulder high dying windswell, gutless, sunny, light offshore.

Gps unit went in a plastic bag and was taped onto the nose of the board.

After a few waves I noticed that it wasn’t there anymore

I’m so glad that I bought two of them


I am ninety nine point nine nine nine percent certain that it would have been a world surfing speed record for shoulder high waves surfed by someone wearing pink on Queen’s birthday weekend at the MaiN bEACH Mount Maunganui New Zealand If had managed to find the recording instrument.



I am ninety nine point nine nine nine percent certain that it would have been a world surfing speed record for shoulder high waves surfed by someone wearing pink on Queen’s birthday weekend at the MaiN bEACH Mount Maunganui New Zealand If had managed to find the recording instrument.


LLLOOOLLL… that is hysterical…

but seriously, i want to know one thing… were you having fun?

isn’t that all that really matters?

That’s true, but then not everyone gets to have fun the same way, I happen to like gismos

and I like holding lots and lots of world records for stuff


go to a dive/boating shop and grab one of those dry plastic boxes to keep your gps in, we use them for cell phones and what not kayaking.


hey Tom, I can’t remember if it was this thread or not where I saw a vid of yours called “glide street?” or similar?

anyway just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all 4 or 6 mins of it!

it was tiny clean surf on a beautiful day and you looked like you were having just about as much fun as a guy on a board could, and that’s what it’s all about!

I can’t wait to try out my board so I can contribute legitimately to the WMV’s thread! (30lbs, does that qualify?!)

Cheers Robbo,

Looking forward to seeing your machine in action (tiny camera on the nose?) of course your board qualifies for the WMV thread, all you need to qualify is some mass and some velocity, but no cutting back ok ?


Well you can cut back if you really want to but no airs.

Actually airs are allowed too but only on Sundays, and don’t go busting the deck.


Post it on the Weapons of Mass velocity thread sport, this is a flextail thread Nice rarking attempt anyway!

Clever sidestep Roy. If in doubt, dodge?

In SurferMag’s “Surfboard Design” message board a small mob eagerly awaits enlightenment from Roy Stewart through clarification of his unsubstantiated statements. Since Roy is “up for the challenge” maybe he should answer them first.

From the thread, “What type of board generates the most speed from it just trimming”:


"My wife photographs and watches every surf session we have. She has been telling me for years that when our boards are moving fast, that they are going three times the

speed of the other boards in the water"

“Just for the record, my wife has spent countless hours panning a canon 800mm so she’s not completely uninformed”

“I have been analysing video clips at 30 frames per second and have calculated that I have reached a speed of 27+ miles per hour on a head high, mushy, but fast breaking wave at my local beach.”

“27mph is not very fast. Closeouts at my local beach go much faster, and I am always trying to catch them”

“On a day when the mals and shortboards are getting buried in the first 20 feet, I could quite possibly be going 2 or more times as fast

“My video analysis is a conservative estimate of the actual speed achieved”

“I can assure you that 27mph is just a ‘walk in the park’ for one of my speed boards”

“I have generated a lot of speed (27mph) on some sub par waves” “Here’s me on a 25mph+ run on a piece of slop”

“I have still posted the fastest speed on this forum”

Hello Hootingtubes,

No sidestep, just keeping things tidy.

Are you trying to ask me a question?

If so please state it as clearly as possible, and I will answer it if I can.


Bloke (T)

Are your above statements, as quoted, true or unverified, subjective observations?

Absolute proof is rarely possible, the statements above include opinions based on observation and some early attempts to measure speed by video analysis, and are obviously not ‘proof’ of anything exact.

Which is why I now have GPS speed measuring equipment and track analysing software.



Terry Hendricks, Ph.D. (Swaylocks username MTB) and friends have been logging speeds via GPS in the San Diego, CA area for some time. Last I heard, higher speeds recorded for various riders, surfcraft and breaks were over 30 mph. Ken McKnight of AllAboutSurf.com has been one of the test pilots.

Some of Terry’s efforts from 1969:


Hi Dale,

What we are hoping to do is to get speed ladder software as used by several windsurfing sites, this enables surfers to download their tracks onto their computer, analyse the track, and then upload it directly on to the speed ladder, along with any verification which is available, and other information including board type, wave size, etc. There are several standards of verification, ‘unverified’ is allowed too, provided that the track is recorded so that it can be independently analysed. . . usually tracks are requested from those who post speeds in the top ten, and also tracks are requested at random.

Ideally, for the information to be really useful, the speeds should be able to be analysed according to wave size, board length, board and rider weight, fin setup and so on.

We have been offered the programme by one of the windsurfing sites, but I would need to upgrade my web hosting package to handle it. Something to look forward to anyway.




Do you recall what they were using to compute/record the speeds in 1969? It surely wasn’t GPS, as I don’t believe wide-scale deployment even as military hush-hush tech occurred before 1970. I hope Roy gets to implement the speed ladder database. It would be nice to have a database of measurements that were all recorded after Selective Availability was turned off.
