What are you working on? Post your current project here.


" needless to say , i’m working on a few fin panels …

and , next … my [now 9 years old] 7’ single fin will soon be butchered into a 6’5 ‘widowmaker-type’ setup … from a pinny nose to a more rounded eggy / fishy nose … and , from a pin to a squaretail … … and , if that doesn’t work too well , it may then be stripped of glass and thinned and reshaped … "

cheers ! ben


and in 20 yrs someone will be offering 10 g’s for that tunnel vision board in original condition

and you chopped it up,LOL!

I’m working on version 2 of my foray into stubby quads (#1 is working unreal) … this one is 5’4 x 19 x 2-3/16

well its not a surfboard

but its a big project

been working on it by myself cence november



and in 20 yrs someone will be offering 10 g’s for that tunnel vision board in original condition

and you chopped it up,LOL!

i very much doubt it ken

it looks and goes like shit …

i suppose there “may” be surfers out there somewhere with more dollars than sense , but i have yet to meet many !

Bud, that is a really cool little stick! You’ll have a blast on it for sure.



and in 20 yrs someone will be offering 10 g’s for that tunnel vision board in original condition

and you chopped it up,LOL!

i very much doubt it ken

it looks and goes like shit …

i suppose there “may” be surfers out there somewhere with more dollars than sense , but i have yet to meet many !


you know I was being fashicious…

most inovative designs came from reshapes

cheers ken !

funny enough , i had a surf with a 16yo grom yesterday

his board caught my eye

he had reshaped [cutdown] his brother’s 6’8 rusty …

into what looked like a 5’8 kneeboard ??

i realised then that i had video’d him last week with it under his arm , as it was the assy

metricality of it all [plus the psychedelic sprayjob he and his mate had d

one to it] that caught my video eye !

so we swapped stories of surfboard butchery as we waited for waves .

a FUN session , as i also got talking to a french surfer [“…yes i am french why else would i have this OUTRAGEOUS accent , you silly englishman ??”] …unfortunately he` was too young to be familiar with monty python , so he looked at me as if i was a lunatic hahahahhhaaaa

I’m working on a board for a friend’s daughter.

Somehow I’ve managed to acquire a bunch of hollow carbon fins.

By selectively cutting off the tips of 2 and the base of another I end up with fins for a symmetrically foiled 2+1 set up. The original fin as shown is 9".

If symmetrical foils work for Skip Frye and Larry Gephart on their twin keels, maybe they’re OK for sidebites?

Working on a wobble board/balance trainer, saw one at the surf show, great fun, that’ll br £100, but its just a basket ball and same 20mm ply, ball £4 ply free, I’ll be making my own thank you very much.

Also picked up a washed up/abbandoned board at my local beach a couple of weeks back and plan on giving a new life, the have the technology we can rebuild you, make you faster…stronger… the bionic popout. but its my sunday projest so will take time.

going to pick up a blank at the weekend, haven’t planned anything yet so I’ll see what takes my fancy. maby pick up some inlay fabric and some more tints aswell, maybe some more pens, some tape, maybe some fin pannels.

Just done a ding repair workshop, it went down well, I wrote a guide to ding repair I gave away, I was goign to put it up in the resources but the pdf is 82MB any one got any ideas how I can get it out there. Mike could I post you the disc???

Peace out.

Here’s a project I just finished. 6’4 quad…

Part of the process:


Inspired by Balsa

My pin lines are clean…the computer likes to chop them up!

This little board has been reshaped from an old 70’s backyard job. It’s a bit of an experiment in regard to the spray. I’m having a 8’ thruster shaped and I wanted to do a tiger stripe. But I didn’t want to go to the extent of doing a traditional style cut lap resin job on a modern shape. So I thought I would see how a sprayed one would go. The base colour was applied then I dipped wool in paint and applied the stripes.platty.

I used the Lowe’s foam method and PU glued the blanks together on a rocker table, but when I tried to bag the CF rails with the balsa skins, the rocker table and bag didn’t provide enough pressure around the rails to keep the CF flat against the foam. Bummer. I’ve got ripples along the rails from the bag where it transitioned from the bag to the rocker table in the bag. Looks like this one is a scrap. Good thing I used “second” CF material, so it didn’t cost all that much.

Looks okay from far away.

Here’s # 010

10’ longboard

And here’s # 011

5’ 6" grom board

Great thread, I dont know why but I absolutely love the outline of your #002!!! Makes me wanna shape one myself! Looks like lots of fun to surf that little stub

6ft twin keel fish - roy stewarts method. Nearly finished

Cheapo left over spray paint job on my nugget inspired shape. Was going to give up on this board, but i figure i may as well finish it ( it started out as a 7’5’’ minimal blank, but is now 6’5’’ ). It has just over 3’’ nose rocker, so i dont know how it will go, but, i’ll find out i guess.

Top side of the grom board

just about done shaping this one for a friend 5’9 x 19 3/4 x 2 1/2