What are your Opinions About Channels etc?

Beating a dead horse…
Mystro AB is gone.
I might add…
Sorry Lowell,
GG has valuable info and offers up freely.
Believe me.
And the boards sales are enjoyed best
when those who believe in the maker lay down the cash.
Flat is your best bet considering your conditions.

sometimes skin gets thinner with age
and even air jousting can leave a mark
if…you let it land

Let’s bring back dueling, at twenty paces…On the subject of dueling, (of a different kind) the twinzer setup works well because it’s a dual Twingle. Think about it.

…again, the original question is not about channels in general. Think in these boards without wood stringers and with carbon stripes cut curved in front the fins etc that have those angular channels.

-G Griffin, as many others only connected here to promote his/their boards or brands never see them to help a newbie with a tip etc.

-Twinzers; remember early 90s and the ones that I saw performed by average surfers in average waves, the boards could not hold right, too loose and the guy did not like em.

Channel Bottom related
Ban all knowledgeable shapers now !! :slight_smile:

Such a goofy group . Information was posted .

You are clearly a gifted SB shaper, builder and designer Mr. Griffin.
However, I have to agree that your technical input at Sways has been vague at best.
Usable knowledge has value.
McD is as always McD…

We can talk about surfboard design, or we can take this over to E&B and talk about each other, entirely up to you guys.

Actual design input would be nice.
My take on the Coanda effect is that the channels create low pressure areas on the bottom.

“Actual design input would be nice.”

Toed in with resized fins , even actual sizes stated .

Discussed this effect , mentioned and explained the need to drift .

Posted customers response backing up what I spoke of .

Posted requested pictures .

Typical Errb hate - name calling resulting - with no design comments from those posters .

“Goofy” is a harmless description of this interaction .

No hate here.
Do not have much use for ambiguous.
Channel size? Shape? Depth? Width? Length? Number? Placement?
How much toe in? Where?
Re-sized fin shape, number, placement. surface area and foil?
Define drift, release. What does the water flow look like in the channels? Pressure change? How does that affect physical performance?

I would never criticize any pro for holding certain info a bit closer to their chest. This ain’t a hobby or fun-n-games for them.

As a garage hack I’m immensely grateful for everything I’ve learned here from everyone who has dropped a nugget whether they intended to help me or not. I would NEVER have been able to learn some of these things on my own. Sways has shortened my learning curve considerably.

If I have to occasionally wade through an ambiguous response or sift through some ego play or sit on the side knowing there’s something over yonder but I’m prolly not going to get there, I’m not going to pay that much attention. I’m already way ahead of where I’d be had I never come here.

…HOWEVER, the sad truth is, that most folks don’t know how little they know. I hope I’ve been helpful to you, in the past.

I too fell a bit short on my understanding of “drift”.

Ohh well.

“I hope I’ve been helpful to you, in the past.”

But of course I am grateful for your contributions. I read for content everything you guys post, even if I’m not necessarily headed in those directions with my own feeble efforts. How else do you think I remembered the discussion about the slot effect, stacked sails in sailing and the Greek shipbuilders buried in your Twingle threads?

I firmly believe most participants here hold similar levels of gratitude to one extent or another and that it’s not at all uncommon here. In that I include most of those who have made comments about personality conflicts or about how hard it is sometimes to sift the wheat from the chaff. Which is to be expected in ANY forum that involves people exploring a common interest. I think we just sometimes forget the thank you or the hat tip that normally occurs in polite society when gifts are exchanged. I’ve been as guilty of that as any so i should probably clean my act up, too.

This written medium requires its own separate skill set in communication that isn’t necessary when people are speaking face to face and can hear the other person’s tone or see their non-verbals. Some people will naturally do better than others in this sphere, which conversely means some won’t do as well as others. Being better at yakking doesn’t translate beyond talk (which is cheap) into the craft, and vice versa.

The too long; didn’t read version is that I’m sure the answer to the questions about fin sizing for channel applications COST Greg or whomever instructed Greg on it a considerable amount of trial and error and has a very real dollar value to him. So if he’s a little vague on it just the fact that he’s already mentioned “smaller” and even gave a size combo would put anyone who wants to try it out one step closer to that answer than if he had never mentioned anything at all.

People being people, we sometimes value things more when we work them out on our own.

I (and many others on here I’m sure) have benefited greatly from both Bill and Greg’s vast knowledge and experience on this site and am very grateful for it.
The advice they offer and the manner in which they offer it I believe benefits all of those willing to consider it in the proper manner.
“Soon learnt, soon forgotten”.
But getting back to channels, I would be interested to hear from anyone who has experience with channels that do not exit the tail and how they compare with those which do. It seems to me that a “cleaner exit” of water from the tail would be preferable - but of course I could be wrong.

This is not an ad
all of you are board builders
I am showing you what is possible outside the generic fin realm


Be inspired to create your own - I did

Since the “thought police” have arrived and are ready to ship every lively discussion off to “E&B” at the drop of a pin; let me only say that this discussion has been beaten dead many times previously by Mr. Griffin. We already know from many previous and past threads what he exspouses. So nothing new here as far as design goes. An idea from the late 70’s and 80’s that has been repeatedly reinvented and nothing new. You can redefine, refine, add more channels, make them harder, softer etc. it is still an idea that came along 70’s&80’s in an attempt to liven up single fins and twins. Call it your own. Make it your own. Gimmick or not. I would wager to say that Indo has been torn a new asshole on everything from single fin retros, to quads. Good surfers rip on anything. But five fins and eight channels doesn’t make a good surfer. LCC—ever get that drift boat done?

Mc Ding has not explained any design theory here yet , just plain old shit talk .

I make people happy everyday .

Its illegal to post that on this “Design Forum”

So shall it be written - So shall it be Done !! :wink:

Greg rocks and is one of the most helpful pros on here since Barnfield and PlusOne.

Greg, Thanks for the photos it gives me a better idea about you are taking about.