Where ya from, whatcha do?

i’m 44 (16 mentally) been surfing for 32 years, shaping for 10. live in huntington bch. bill paying job is a project coordinator/inspector in seal bch. stress relieving job is making boards. up to #1231 and counting. surf anywhere i can. (but not as much as i want to) hope to make it as a big time board maker so i can go to all the exotic destinations when i want! married with the coolest 9 year old guy who is already starting to carve it up!! used to ride for rainbow bridge (herb spitzer) and know all about him!!! i can give him credit for getting me interested in shaping even though it took a while for me to get going. McCabe Surfboards TRY ONE!!!

Italian, 36, moved to San Diego a year ago, with my wife and newborn kid.

Started surfing as much as I can (work and wife permitting), and having a lot of fun.

Trained as an architect, but working in Product design for about 10 years, I always wanted to “make my own toys”, but I was riding skateboards and snowboards before, too hard to make one-offs.

Now I can (make my own toys), I’ve been avidly reading anything I could on this forum, and I’m ready to start shaping.

too bad I don’t have a garage, now I’m talking a friend into this.

If you’re curious about my past, you can find some of my work here


but don’t email me from there, I hardly read that email anymore.

you ever surf the ship waves in the gavelston harbour. i saw it in the step into liquid video and thought that would be a good way to spend a day. actually i am watching it right now.

Actually I grew up with one of those guys in the movie, the other is a local surf shop owner. Nah, never did that, requires a boat which I didn’t have. As a kid, the folks with boat access water skiied and me and the other non-pertroleum energy wasters surfed - when there were waves.

yeah it seems like it good be a good time riding waves for a few hours. it something that i would like to do once but i dont think that i will be making my next surf trip to the gavelston ship channel.

Hi, Im new here too, live in south jersey, 42, have very tolerant wife, 16yr old son and 8yr old daughter, a dog, a cat, run a hardwood flooring business, surf when theres waves, have a great core of friends, lots of surfboards, and lots of debt!!!(it cant all be good!) Been surfing since I was a kid(hhmmm, still am) and finally made my first board, thanks to all the info on here!! Ive got to get my kid to help me post a pic. Oh yea, I like budweiser!