Where ya from, whatcha do?

Fight fire with fire they say. Does that mean I can change my picture now?


I am trying to figure out the answer to how I can surf more and work less. If anyone has any tips, send them along :slight_smile:

  1. come to Australia ,

  2. marry an Aussie woman [ IF you dare ! …see below]

ia’s women0001.jpg"]

  1. Then… ask to join 'L.J.H.S.T."

…They have branches in most suburbs Australia wide, called ‘centrelink’.

Okay...there you have it, Onemunk... good luck, buddy ! 

  ben ['chipmunk']

Thanks Ben. That put’s me one step closer to the dream (I think).

Alright, I’ll bite… What is the L.J.H.S.T?

Meteorologist/forecaster in Wellington, New Zealand, but originally from Copenhagen, Denmark. 41 years old, surfing since 1985, but due to the extreme fickleness of surf in Denmark, mostly on surftrips. Finally moved to a country with waves.

Shaped a few windsurf, surf and snowboards back in the 80’s, then was forced into a long hiatus, with nowhere to shape. Have just gotten back into shaping last year, and thanks to the generous souls at Swaylock’s, with much more success.

Thanks for your help!


New to the forum, figure this is a perfect for everyone to get to know me (assuming someone even wants to). I am a 19 year old college student attending the University of North Florida. Born in Miami, Florida and lived most of my life in the small beachtown of Jupiter, Florida (north of West Palm Beach, where Reef Road is). Anywho, I surf competively and love the design aspect of surfing and love surfing new, different shapes. I am very interested in shaping and hope someday (very soon) to shape my own board.

I’m a 32 year old female from Charleston SC. Married for 9 great years to a fantastic understanding non-surfer. No kids (and neither of us have a desire for any). Two dogs, two cats, 6 surfboards (9’3 Cooperfish Malibu Foil, 8’6 Dewey Weber Performer, 7’6 Weber Feather Fastback, 6’10 Weber Feather Fastback, 6’6 Natural Art roundnose fish, 5’10 Neilson retro fish).

I worked for several years as a VB programmer before getting laid off in June 2003. Since then I’ve drifted around on unemployment and waiting tables while deciding that I’ll never be able to work a 9 - 5 job again. Not to mention the fact that any desirable and employable skills I once had have been replaced by new technology that I’ve had absolutely no desire to keep abreast with. Right now I work 3 or 4 nights a week at a local restaurant and surf all the time. I swim laps at the city pool when the surf is flat.

I’m making 1/4 of what I was earning as a programmer, and I’m 200% happier.

Hey onelua.

I have met on occasion I think a Harry, looks like he may be Hawaiian Chinese, out at Courts. He mentioned he worked for HE and that he lived right across the street at 1380 Ala Moana (lucky guy). Is that your bro?



Thanks Ben. That put’s me one step closer to the dream (I think).

Alright, I’ll bite… What is the L.J.H.S.T?

You know the Prime Minister of Australia’s name ?

nah, I thought so ! [half of Australia probably don’t care, either…the other half say…“she’ll be RIGHT , mate !”]


his name is John Howard…

but , everyone here calls him [WAIT for it !!]…

" Little Johnny Howard."

John has a Surf Team [which he doesn’t know he sponsors…

it’s probably the easiest surf team to get on , too…you just come here with no job, walk into your nearest ‘Centrelink’ and say [preferably WITHOUT an American accent ]… " sign me up …I want to surf for Little Johnny Howard ! "


Hey Chipper Ben.

Over here we call him the Bonzai (the little Bush).




Meteorologist/forecaster in Wellington, New Zealand, but originally from Copenhagen, Denmark. 41 years old, surfing since 1985, but due to the extreme fickleness of surf in Denmark, mostly on surftrips. Finally moved to a country with waves.

Shaped a few windsurf, surf and snowboards back in the 80’s, then was forced into a long hiatus, with nowhere to shape. Have just gotten back into shaping last year, and thanks to the generous souls at Swaylock’s, with much more success.

Thanks for your help!


Hiya Maz !!

I’ve been wanting to get in touch for a while…I forgot you posted here !

That quad fish you posted at ‘surfer’…can you post it on Swaylocks, and tell us a bit about how it goes, and where you’ve surfed it , please ? [on a separate thread, obviously !]

It looks a GREAT board…after watching “Sprout” , and seeing the ‘hydrodynamica’ article and a tiny bit of footage, I see why all the hype on the things…on the right wave under the right feet, Dan Malloy sure looked like he was having fun to me !

Okay, to bring it back on subject, now …how HAS the weather , and waves, been in New Zealand lately ?

[ and, does everyone expect you to be some kind of guru spot on surf forecaster expert , too ?! ]

       thanks for replying... and, jogging my memory that you post here ! 


p.s. - a mate of mine is in your beautiful country even as we type ! [He’s visiting the south tip of the South Island, though]

yo Gary you fiend,

found pic for you !

Keep surfn’



Hey Chipper Ben.

Over here we call him the Bonzai (the little Bush).



yep, here too !

one of our politicians, in a nationally televised interview, even went so far as to call little johnny / little Bush ‘a bloody brown nose’ …

N-I-C-E , eh ?

Aussies don’t often mince words… [especially the leader[s] of the ‘opposition’ …it’s kinda their job desription I think !]


hey Mudybech a golf course shaper, eh? Hats off to you, you guys are spectacular. Its great working with golf course architects and seeing you all build 'em. Nice curves. I’m in seattle, civil engineer, designing golf course water features and enhancing salmon streams.

Hi, I’m new here. My name is Chris Beacham and I live on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. I am 58 years old and have surfed since 1957. After fixing dings for pocket money after school, I started full time in the Sydney surfboard industry in 1962 and have been lucky to work with many talented designers and boardmakers including Scott Dillon, Dale, Wallace, Surf Design (Qld). These days I don’t work in big factories, although I have a small workshop where I usually do it all. I have also had a new fin system on the back burner for awhile (which my friend Bob McTavish kindly mentioned was ’ the best one he’s seen…). I have also made boards in NZ and Ca. in my travels…

welcome Chris !!

that wouldn’t be Avalon you’re from , by any chance ?

…your name rings a bell, that’s all !

My brother, Simon, lived and surfed there for many years in the 70s, while working as ‘Tracks’ mags [newspaper in those days eh ?!] water photographer…he surfed 'L.A. ’ a lot …kneeling AND standing…

‘Platty’ was from the area too ! [sorry to dob ya in mate !]


yo Gary you fiend,

found pic for you !

Keep surfn’


welcome aboard fellow spaceman […bit sad to see you left your cowboy hat behind though , Cowboy Fred !]

keep up the good work there buddy ! …

" the foam dust hurts me eyes …get it out…get it OUT !!! "

Hi Chipfish 61, Yes, I’m from Avalon…and I think I remember your brother. I knew most of the Tracks guys from those days because my surf shop was just a few doors down from them at Whale Beach.

I thought so…at least my long term memory is still good !

Simon is 49, so not that much younger than you…you probably would have had a few surfs with him if you surfed L.A. , the wedge, crosswaves, or newport peak [though he mainly surfed ‘l.a.’ . And north av too.] Platty here was a whaley boy too…you should have a talk to him .

Wasn’t Tony Edwards a character , eh ?? [Never forget the day I met HIM…I was waiting for ‘Astro’ to pop his head around the corner any minute …the similarities between tony and the ‘good captain’ were …er…striking !!]


Yup, I would have had a few surfs with Simon at the Wedge. Apart from David Elfick I haven’t seen Alby, Tony Edwards or any of the guys from Tracks for a few years. The surf at the Wedge doesn’t seem to be as good as it was, and the town locals are a different bunch from the days I had the shop. Those were great days and we had a lot of surf! Avalon is still pretty much the same, and I often photograph LA …

43, grew up on Texas coast - Galveston - surfed as a teenager, went to college, ultimately became a doctor (family practice), lived in Oregon (cold water) , now Austin, surfing when I can (3 1/2 hrs away), never enjoyed it more. #! year old son, 9 year old daughter, sculptor non-surfer wife.