Unfortunately not me.
double post
double post
yah, i thought the same thing…
is it Oneula or Sharkcountry??? i dunno, i’ve never met either of them, just throwing out a guess…
board looks sweet as usual tho Greg… Rocket?
Oneula / Bernie ?
Does the winner get a free surfboard ?
Greg Griffin!?
Obama. Final answer.
The Ewa Beach Kid!
I like his hat........Does his shirt say Justin on it?
Like "Justin Bever"
Like always Griff nice board! fantastic outline!
Jimmy Hoffa
Sting Ray’s twin brother.
Tom "paku" stone,,,,,????
Mr. Aloha.
Bu La'ia??? Afta one haircut.
KK Kaumanua???
A swaylocks elder?
just one jewel of the “g-spot” collection… Second from right
The “DP Collection”
The “Flexible Condom” Collection
The “Devil Made me Do it” Collection
And the messy aftermath of it all…
such relationships are hard to break up, so how do you juggle them all when you really on need one and this is only half the harem
so, what do i win???
good to see you on here Oneula =)
For a second I thought you bought another one. I was ready to call you some nasty names.
It all started as an Evil plan.
I was going through my photos flagging some then saw these and decided to have some fun…
So here they are
This is a 6’8" x 21" Thruster Shortboard for Bernie who has been a great friend.
Hope you all enjoyed this.