I came across this swallowtail stinger at a yardsale, so I snagged it. Its 6' 7" by 19 1/4. Its got a definite twist to it, I've seen that happen before with wood boards, but this is the first time I've seen it on a foam board. But I don't think that's gonna matter much, in the final analysis. It was obviously loved and surfed a lot. I cleaned it up, and sanded it. Its a little worse for wear, but thats OK.
Anyway, the way I see it, I have three basic options: 1) fix the dings so its waterproof / surfable, and sell it; 2) do something kinda radical / experimental, like laminate a sheet of eps on the deck and glass over it, making it in effect a step-deck, in an attempt to pump up the volume into something I could paddle and maybe even ride LOL; or 3) spackle and paint it, then re-glass it, into a decorative wall-hanger.
What would you do?