you guys make me feel old

hip replacements, back problems, Jeeze sometimes knowing the future suck

Growing old, is not for the feint of heart! Steel yourself.

Classic Bill !



Remember…you only grow old if you’re lucky!

my father (of blessed memory) used to say “golden years my ass”

I reckon, if you are refering in part to Shifty’s Back pain Thread, that he too will have been surprised at how not-alone he is!

For every reason to gripe, there’s another ten to be grateful…

(I’m forcing myself to remember that right now…got some savagely grown-up issues to face, and I can’t hide!)


I’m lucky . not growing up

good for you Speedy! It’s the real mesure of a Man.

"For every reason to gripe, there’s another ten to be grateful… "

going through a very dificult 2007 i love this one

just don’t tell your ex that you’re gratefull




Remember…you only grow old if you’re lucky!

“Growing old sucks, but it’s better than the alternative”

Think about it, pain, age, responsibility, etc. I hope you young guys without a care in the world can age into surfing, or for that matter still be surfing when you reach age. Most end up taking a job in some landlocked city, spending weekends doing P&L spread sheets, of figuring out profit margins for some mega company…and if there lucky they get to play golf once in while…if it’s not snowing.

So the 99.9% of you young guys 18-30 surfing right now…enjoy it, because life hit you fast, when it’s time to grow up.

Surfing, were are the chosen blessed.

By the way, I refuse to grow up.

Just a reminder here: Often times life does hand you a “s§∞¢” sandwich as far as health goes BUT there are things you can do to minimize their occurrence and maximize recovery. Diet (both what goes in and what doesn’t and that includes mental diet), exercise, rest…most know what needs to be done for maintenance, far fewer actually do it.

“You’re only as old as the woman you feel”.

–WC Fields

“there are things you can do to minimize their occurrence and maximize recovery. Diet (both what goes in and what doesn’t and that includes mental diet), exercise, rest…most know what needs to be done for maintenance, far fewer actually do it.”


So True…

I am also a big fan of what speedy said. I remember arctic training in Greenland, when our instructors used to always tell us “cold is a state of mind”. I’m pretty sure being ‘old’ is the same way…a state of mind. If you get down about the fact that more things hurt than they did before, and you aren’t as fast or quick or your reflexes aren’t what they used to be, that’s exactly how you will feel: OLD. But if you think about the fact that you can have fun, and can still have good days where things do hurt less, and you can still enjoy things you used to do as a kid but with more experience and wisdom under your belt, you do not feel as old at all, just lucky. Just like speedy said, I think state of mind is quite important…


I’ve got two very distinct personalities… there’s the really young immature 12 year old me… then there’s the super mature grown up 16 year old me.

Forget about the 50 year-old (in two weeks) body that goes with it. I’m definitely fatter and slower than I used to be. At least I’ve never spent the night in a hospital, been operated on (other than stitches), or broken bones… I don’t even have cavities yet. All stuff to look forward to.

Surfing is as fun as ever, and as an older dude i don’t feel like I’m missing as much if I’m not the first one out, if I let someone else have my wave, or if I don’t totally own wherever I’m surfing. Just more waves in a life full of waves. Now I’m just as happy (almost as happy really) watching other people get good waves and I don’t have as much to prove.

I am also a big fan of what speedy said. I remember arctic training in Greenland, when our instructors used to always tell us "cold is a state of mind". I'm pretty sure being 'old' is the same way...a state of mind. If you get down about the fact that more things hurt than they did before, and you aren't as fast or quick or your reflexes aren't what they used to be, that's exactly how you will feel: OLD. But if you think about the fact that you can have fun, and can still have good days where things do hurt less, and you can still enjoy things you used to do as a kid but with more experience and wisdom under your belt, you do not feel as old at all, just lucky. Just like speedy said, I think state of mind is quite important...


Yessiree! Great point. I’d put that under “mental diet”!

Brother Ray Kunze used to say " I’ve been old for a very, very long time. There was only a short period in my life when I was young".


I’ve heard it said that ‘‘Any day you’re looking DOWN at the grass, instead of UP at it, is a good day.’’ Hard to argue with that, given the alternative.

every now and then I run into uncle Grant Kauhane in the line up who’s in his 70’s approaching 80 if not there yet.

still catches the big ones from way outside

still takes the drop on one knee which most young ones can’t do

and still hangs with the boys the age of his grandkids or younger

having a couple of what ever they are doing on the beach afterwards

one of the few hanging in there living the life…

Nothing better than uncle grant smile in the lineup to make you feel good

BA is another amazing example of fitness not many guys are pulling moves like his at his age as are the two retired surfing teachers from punahou. Woody and Doc were two others

watch surfing for life

like Jay said the rest of the 95% living the high life right now who haven’t figured out what surfing really is about are doomed for a short existance with a painful ending.

I’ll be 56 in a few short months, and Im still stoked after 42 years of surfing. Im a lot slower, a lot more tired, a lot less stylish, but I won’t give up until I can’t walk any more. (Really hate that cold water though)