.....Whatever you do , PLEASE DON'T let this happen to you !!!!
ALWAYS wear goggles !!! I cannot emphasise this enough !
Just one time , I hadn't been , and came down with THIS [suspected 'irisitis'] . Extremely painful ...I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE , EVER !
Dozens of squirts of different liquids into my eye , pressure blown into it , a visit to emergency , four hour wait to see an opthalmologist . Walk to the shops with an eyepatch on in our glarey west australian light . I have had it for a week , so far , and my vision in this eye has lessened , and become hazy , during this time . Can't sleep at night from the pain , have nightmares of people stabbing me in the eye.
Anyway ,
crew ...
Just a longwinded way of reiterating ...
take care of your eyes , PLEASE !!!! ...you only get one set , and if blindness sets in , you're rooted for life [pardon the french]
So, I will not be sitting in front of this screen typing for a LONG while [It's KILLING my eyes now , doing this , as it is , but I just thought I'd let you guys know in case you wondered why I'm around for a while ...]
Needless to say , I have absolutely no intention of doing any fibreglass stuff at all [yes, fins included] , and cannot surf at all [THAT'S what HURTS the most , actually !] until WELL after this clears up [and I hope / pray the prescription eyedrops completely heal it , or I'm done ?! ]
ben chipper
west australia