Apperently name calling is helpful for some.


[quote="$1"] To attack the defenseless is cowardly. [/quote]


Reagan was fond of doing just that. Let us not forget that he ratted out his friends in the movie industry during the McCarthy era. He acted as a spy for HUAC. Those who voted for him can take pride in the fact that they supported a stool pigeon.


I was just waiting for it...Joe McCarthy was a "Senator", and had zero involvement with HUAC.

McCarthy was investigating Communists within the government at the insistence of others, mostly news organizations of the time; and in fact classified documents which were declassified as recently as the 90's showed that his concerns of a communist infiltration of the highest levels of our government were factual. Army Intelligence (prior to the CIA) would not support a public outing of these individuals because they were conducting a covert investigation that was apparently not authorized so they let McCarthy stand alone on this issue. 

Reagan was a democrat in those days and ultimately the leader of their labor union. Guess they actors in HW thought more of him than "stoolie".

Funny how history gets twisted around huh?

I blame them both for putting their next election ahead of the good of the people.  Both are equally to blame.

Very nice looking board Huie.  I’m intrigued.  Nylon???  You’ve reinforced  my respect for you.  I’m quickly losing respect for all the political hate mongers…


Did you choose to ignore that I wrote “McCarthy era”?  Are you going to say that the McCarthy hearings had no connection to HUAC? It was part of the nonsensical hysteria prevalent in those days. Those who feared Commie infiltration of the US were as paranoid and delusional as those who later thought the student movement and radical groups of the 60s were a threat. But, common sense was never an obstacle to those who are fond of fear mongering (See: Iran Contra and WOMD)

This thread has morphed into reflecting what is now our fully polarized society.

Those on the right detest the current President.  In some cases it’s because of his politics, which are actually more centrist then left, (healthcare and education actually aren’t socialist programs)which is why the real liberals in this country are pissed off with him  Many detest him simply for being an uppity black,  that really grates their cheese.

What would those like?  Another Bush and Cheney administration, conducting phony wars under pretext, so Bush Jr. can win the war his Daddy didn’t,  Haliburton can make billions on military support contract, and hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars grow legs in Iraq and walk off untracked, crazy expensive projects are funded and never done, the money never recovered, all within a country who had zero to do with 911 and had no WMD’s? A phony war that has helped bring our country to the brink of insolvency?.

Maybe loosen up the regulations even more on the banks and Wall street who under the Bush deregulations got to place Monte Carlo bets with our investments, and then came howling for federal relief money, and then used some of that relief money to pay for lobbyists to fight against stronger consumer protection laws and pay big bonuses for the exec’s who 'saved their business?

maybe extend the tax breaks to the ultra-rich that swung our treasury from having the biggest budget surplus in our history during Clinton to the biggest deficit in our history under Bush?

And what has the current President really done, beside inheriting a disastrous economy?  For the veterans (as am I, 69’-71’) on this forum, he found and killed bin Laden, allowed families to meet our brave dead soldiers being returned to the USA on the tarmac (Bush/Cheney wouldn’t,remember?), planned withdrawals from undeclared wars that have zero to do with 911 or protecting the US, and has greatly improved the care of our wounded veterans returning from war.

Oh yea, its’ more about Obamacare, that socialist, evil, capitalist killing plan to provide basic health care. Just like we do for our seniors with MediCare, only for everybody.  Only those on the right who do have MediCare yell “it’s different, I paid for it.”  Not all of it you didn’t, and don’t, taxpayers pick up the tab, and the more you need it, the more they pick up. But it’s somehow different if you’ve got it, right?

How can anyone think that for the USA, strongest, richest country on earth, to provide healthcare for it’s citizens under fair open market regulations is somehow akin to socialism.  Does that make Canada, Britain, New Zealand, Australia and a dozen or so other large democracies who provide similar health care socialists as well? Remember, you still have to pay for it yourself, only you can get it a lot cheaper because of access to group purchasing pools, it’s not free or heavily subsidized like MediCare.

But since this thread started on Obama, and I am always willing to upgrade leadership for someone more prepared to lead us forward, who’ve you got to replace him with?

Romney, who has zero beliefs in anything except his Mormon Church and self entitlement to be President, the jobby his Daddy couldn’t win, who has flip flopped on his positions so many times it’s impossible to know what he truly stands for, other then making the richer richer?

Santorum?  Who calls Obama a snob for wanting our children to be college educated and competitive in the job market, even though Santorums own kids all go to college.  Who says ‘it makes him sick’ that Kennedy believed in separation of church and state in politics, which is the absolute fundamental underpinning of our constitution?  Who suggests that access to contraception should be rethought?

Maybe Newt, who has told so many lies in his life, redacted his past so many times, been adulterous with every one of his divorced wives, shut down a government over a perceived insult of being back seated on Air Force One, a man so erratic and deceitful very few of his ‘old pals’ that actually worked with him in government will endorse him, and most run from him?

Maybe Ron Paul, who speaks a lot of truths, has no real ambition for the job, is just having a good time making some good points, but wouldn’t have a clue on how to actually govern once put in the position?

Who would you like to see responsible for leading this country during a time when China is eating our lunch, owns our debts, and is stealing our intellectual property, Europe teetering on an economic abyss, Iran about to light a fuse yet again in the region, South Korea as dangerous as ever, Putin reclaiming the Prussian presidency and talking about reemerging as a global weapons superpower…who?  Personally, I think the current Prez is showing a pretty cool head, thinks the long game, and is doing a fairly good job of heading down the middle during a time in which our edges seem populated with loonies.

The good news is the world will most likely survive this time, like it always does.  Generations will come and go, immigrants will continue to flood the US, demographic change will accelerate, and all of us dinosaurs will soon be long gone, and the country will continue to morph into something we couldn’t even recognize if we were here to watch it.

So might as well wax up, paddle out, and have some grins, the rest of it will take care of itself one way or the other…









Can't we all get a bong???

In the immortal words of the Surf Band,


Well put, lcc. I don’t think we’ve seen such polarization in this country since the sixties and early 70s.


I always preferred to hand roll my own.

And someone suggested my questions about Lagundri was off for a surfboard design forum…

I love ya Bill - But why does this kind of shit have to come up here??? 

I’m a full on died in the wool liberal who works for the government helping some of the most disabled… everyone can kiss my ass when it comes to this kind of shit…  Go make a board or a baby.  My board are to fucking weird for most anyway… why bother…

No Bogarting...Sammy.

Hopefully this will get this thread locked.

Bill you should really have started this on the Surfer Mag General Discussion Forum. There’s plenty of this kind of crap always going on there.
























I find the first one to be racist. But, I’m a liberal commie bastard, so it’s to be expected.

The second one is just creepy.








living with unjustified wars that kill off our best and drain our treasury tends to do that…

Heck - I’d like to get in on the front of that second train…  ;-p

Thank you , Icc.

I’m jumping on the train wreck!!

Here’s the lady who’s running our country, I don’t care too much for politics because I’ve figured that what ever party is in, the real leaders of the world, banks, secrect societies and corporation always get what they want.

This picture was from tuesday when Julia zillard beat Rudd in a leadership battle which I thought Rudd would win because he was really popular with the people.

The thing that drew me to this picture firstly were her hands,  very creepy, she also has mong eye, one eyes moving off to the left, her cheeks are creepy as is her chin which looks retarded.

Then I noticed the flags behind her with the Commonwealth star possitioned perfectly either side, Inside the star are 2 stitched triangles back to back which make a Hexagram.  The Hexagram is a powerful ancient symbol used in historical, religious and cultural contexts including jewsih identity, hinduism, Occultism and Islam.

It's also used as the sign of the devil but most likely used in this address to the nation as the six pointed star/Hexagram used by the Freemason society and other well know secret orders. 


I’m not religious at all, never have been but whats with all the devil worshiping? 

That two finger gesture is used by metal-heads, and some (US) football fans, too. It’s like a shaka for dummies.

To hell  with that other shit… I wanna  see more pictures and read more info about Huie’s new boards!!!

Is than one of the kiteboards Huie or strictly surfboard???