6 pages of right wing dildo smoking tripe on Swaylocks…Oh Joy…

Can I start a thread on what bullshit organized religion is?

Photo of “Obama Family” - photoshopped

The one below it - actual photo taken in Palin’s trailer by her husband.


Hey Pete.

I started a surf music thread a couple of weeks ago and I felt kind of guilty about it, going off topic and all…

 But at least it’s just a music thread that motivates your surf session…

I don’t recite political speeches in my head while I ride…lol



Thanks for the post.  I agree with you 100%.  Glad to know there is at least one other surfer out there who shares my views.  Best thread in weeks.

My president can go right.

not like your daddies president

he surfs.The first since…well

the first president that was…

…experienced …


oh yeah

surf forum.


Dubya isn't Prez, Reagan's dead and "der fueher" is the current man.  Those of you who voted for this guy and will again deserve what you get.


Huie’s got… “A new surfboard model”

I’d like to know more about it…



i see you free thinking wizards condone this crap. no wonder you let nazi goons like roy stewart to hang out here.

Bonzer5fin welcome to the forum!!  You’ve waited 5 years for this?!!  Hows your board building going?

kite as you can see i tried to slow the fire instead of fueling it haaa’’


**yea its a h p with a much more solid build   just a proto type for kiteing

the good thing is i havent had to go near the surf industry for material most coming from boatbuilding supliers


cheers huie

Roy has been banned from here repeatedly, Bran…ummmm… “Bonzer”

Gee Bill are you happy now? 

Did this spleen venting help advance any ideas on surf design or add to own knowledge of modern surf history? 

 Now to the more conservative swaylock brothers you have the right to your your opinion no matter how stupid and wrong headed it might be.  

For all you that whine about Your loss of income and poor quality boards being shipped in from China isn't that just what laissez faire  economics? 

 Don't worry you have Mitt, he will save you. Mitt will buy you out for pennies on the dollar sell all your tools to China then give you an eight dollar an hour job at sports authority selling more crap from China.  Newt,  will somehow legally or otherwise  weasel a few million out of the deal.  Ron Paul will  will tell you everything is OK because he channels the minds of the Founding Fathers. Santorum will pray that you end your evil ways. It's Gods plan to punish you for surfing on Sunday.  

Will someone please close this F-ing thread I'm beginning to have a low opinion of some of the people here people that I truley respect for their dedication to their craft.


Please Please Please!

Don’t blame Bill,

The vitriol on this thread has been shocking. Me included. Like many of you I am passionate about my beliefs and most everything else I do in life! I have often been accused of having the deportment of a sledge hammer.

My kudos to Sammy A. I love talking about this stuff! Especially historically factual information. Sammy knows his history…I may have a different view but I respect people who’s beliefs are not based on the sound byte of the day. Seems we rely on others to form our opinions for us these days.Talking points from bloggers and talking heads who literally make their living by creating discourse.

Like it or not our lives will continue to change, we will be challenged more than we ever have been before. But that’s what we do, we have no choice!

I promised myself that I wasn’t going to post anything else on this thread but…I just kept thinking about this last thought:

There is one significant lesson for all of us here…amazing how we can be so very different in some ways…but how passionately connected we can all be about surfing and surfcraft.  I’d paddle out with any of you anytime, anywhere…and I’m sure I would enjoy the experience! 

**Plus I’m a Goofy Foot and I’m callin all the lefts! ha!

Absolutely amazing!

**Don “Woody” Woodruff



I’m a tea party conservative. I surf with people everyday that don’t share my views politically. We have very spirited debates as to our opinions of the current direction of the country and what is to come in the future. These people are some of my very best friends. Politics is just one small part of our relationship. I was guilty of name calling earlier in this forum. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone. Some people have questioned my beliefs and positions, but I never took it personel. I just looked at it as part of a debate between people who have diferent views on politics. It was my intension in joining Swaylocks to meet others that share my love for the ocean and maybe learn something about making surfboards. I have been blessed in being successful in both cases.

…the politics are the TV show/circus for us that do not have the real power…to have the real powered people and megacorps still up and forever as always was and shall be.


No matter the republics, feuds, etc, always was the same: power and money (or equivalent)

Please understand the history.

Read ancient books like TAO TE CHING (beware bad translation…) that have around 2400 years and still kicking to see that nothing changed.

Always was the same

or watch a good movie (and book) like “The name of the Rose” or a truly good like “I Comme Icare” and many more of course, but with all these 3 combo you pretty understand everything society

[quote="$1"] Gee Bill are you happy now?  [/quote]

No.   What has happened is like the card game of Hearts, when you ''smoke out the queen.''     The spleen venting displayed here by the haters, yes, HATERS, going ''off topic'' attacking past office holders, and deceased presidents, was a revealing display.   Read the original post, it is humor founded in truth, about the current and disasterous office holder.    I, like you, have experience a severe disappointment with a number of the hateful, vicious posters in this thread.    You among them.     You know who I am, I'm easy to find, I don't hide behind a phony internet name.    If you want to get in my face, do it like a man.     Up close and personal.   I'll be civil.  Can you?   Just FYI, your  Founding Fathers comment has real meaning to me.   I'm a direct decendent of the Pinckneys of South Carolina, two of whom are signers of the U S Constitution.    Look it up.  Read a little history, you'll get an insight as to why this topic is meaningful to me.   The freedom you enjoy, is because those ''rich men'' of that day, put it all on the line to create this country.

"Read the original post, it is humor founded in truth, about the current and disasterous office holder. "

Finally had to comment. Whole thread mostly sad more than amusing but here’s one thing.  The same guy so many think can only go left and that he sort of faked right and went left, etc… Me and most of the folks I hang out with think the exact opposite, that he faked left and went right and seems to only be able to go right.  Shows ta go ya…something or other.

Since we are over due for a woman Pres.  I plan to vote for the lady monkey in that pic above.  You think I 'm kidding???

It’s going to be a horrible day for all you wingers when Obama is reelected in November.

And I will revel in your misery. 


What the fuck does all this BULLSHIT have to do with surfboards??? just sayin’…

WOW talk about Sex, Politics, Religion and Surf Design gets the old Hippie in me wanting to roll up another one just like the other one. 

I have issues with both sides but more with the Assclowns of the past who made the mess and never take personal responsibility for it!

I have a problem with any party who wants to start offshore drilling on the West coast or any coast. Drill baby drill mentality. I don’t surf in your toilet so don’t shit in my pool.

I really have a problem with any ideology who doesn’t understand the reason why we need a separation of church and state. Just look at what is has done to world the past few thousand years. 

When I look for a leader I look for the ones who share a Moral belief and to hell with the Amoral assclowns who want to take away women’s rights. Those who want to cut funding to the less fortunate and make cuts for Vets but not tax the rich?

Last but not least I am more progressive then I am a liberal or conservative. Not that I care what others think of my personal beliefs. 

Those who choose to Enlighten others are who I trust. Those who look to insight retoric are Kooks who need to go down the beach. Get a life and take some time to look outside the hole you dug yourself.

Screw politics on Swaylocks. Go surfing