Moonlight ... [mainly] "T.F.A.D".'s photos....

Here’s the Phillips -

And from a few weeks back…

Ah yes !!

…them there’s the “fish in a barrel ones” I was asking about

Jim !!

…hopefully this coming winter WE [here in wozzieland] will get some days like that and I can drag the ol’ water camera out there amongst it !


I love this thread.

Is it my imagination, the camera lens, or do those fish have too much rocker? Fish are supposed to be flat. The rail does all the work.

thanks , Jim , for letting me use YOUR shots too … the moonlight crew seem to be generous blokes !

twinzer egg

twinzer egg logo…

‘Lokbox’ … fins are close together , eh ?? …Any comments on how it rides , please, Jim ?

ah yes , this one I REAALLLY REAALLLY like …thanks Jp ! [wish it was mine !]


And, the man called this photo " blue crushed"…

"be mindful "… campbell Brothers’ bonzers…

the twinzer egg’s logo


I love this thread.

so am I !!!

There’s really wonderfull glass job in this world !!!

maybe one day we’ll have a moonlight similar in europe…

…and hopefully in australia too .

There may be , but ‘waves’ , ‘tracks’ and ‘surfing life’ are probably not going to search them out and do articles on them any time in the near future, I would hazard a guess ?


in fact, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have similar glasser(?) in france because that’s mean we don’t have enough surfers…then not a lot of peope in the water

GOLD !!!

The problem is it is money not art, glassing is for money. Which is crap more threads on this site are about glassing but everyone wants to be shaper. the art is in the process not the product. If some people tried to take on other aspects of the process employment oportunities would be better. shaping is only one bit . If you can shape and sand or sand and foil or are wicked at wet rubs. it tottaly makes your employment worth while. At the end the art is in the product but sometimes 2-3 or 4 people are responsible for the product. I am never drinking corona again.

…look nice, but with wrong place to put the leash cup …it will damage the tail.

ben’s bonzer [shippy’s …not chippy’s , unfortunately] getting some T.L.C…

another “Lokbox” bonzer conversion …this time , from a single fin to bonzer… thanks Jim , for sharing that !!
