Moonlight ... [mainly] "T.F.A.D".'s photos....

tinted laps

A Peter St. Pierre sprayjob gets the cover of “Surfing” magazine… [Rob Machado, on the “Jimi” board]…

“the thumb”

“T.F.A.D.'s” partial quiver shot

Taylor Knox rides bonzers sometimes …

Raise your right hand and repeat after me: I will never make a clear board again.

Greg , I guess that’s what caught my eye first too, when I came across these guys at surfer forum … COLOUR !!!

…especially since, in Perth, you often see SOOO many all black wetsuits and white boards in the lineup, makes a change to see some colour .

I’m trying to think of the last white board I made …I think it would have been 1994 , from memory ? …a 6’10 single fin . [The only board I have ever snapped , coincidentally]


A stubbie bonzer , resin swirled …

" …especially since, in Perth, you often see SOOO many all black wetsuits and white boards in the lineup, makes a change to see some colour ."

Haha! But I think black wetties and white boards may be a relief after me riding my singly in winter, my wettie is gray and red. I look like santa…!


…and hopefully in australia too .

Examples from OZ… (Board = My 5’10 thruster.)

Aussies can still do it!


…speaking of M.R. “twinners” …

pigment resin… I glass my last one about 5 years ago… :frowning:

another quad fin

"and the green and burgundy quad fin goes to… "

Ben, love that MR. My loving wife bought me a real MR for my 50th B-day. I called him up and talked to him told him what I wanted and he shipped it to me here in the US. I sleep with it. When my wife is out of town. I made a copy of it so I could surf it without dinging it. I’ll post a picture of it (the real one) tomorrow. It is a colorful beauty. Mark is such a great guy. He was very attentive to my need and very patient. Can’t say enough nice about him.

great , Greg !

I hope you have surfed it as well , though ?

Was it a “twinner” , or a “replica” [with refined rails , foil and rocker ] of his 70s / 80s boards ?

yes please …I’d LIKE to see a shot of THAT !

cheers !


unbelievably , I’ve never met the man , but my brother Simon [who photographed him quite a lot during his time working for “Tracks” magazine , speaks well of him …as do most everyone who meets him . He used to host a sunday TV programme on surfing a few years back , and certainly came across as a friendly , helpful , softly spoken bloke …who just happens to RIP when he surfs , also !

the “bonzer runners angulator”

Just two words to describe Moonlight Glassing: Toadly Ossum. Doug