Moonlight ... [mainly] "T.F.A.D".'s photos....


She’s a 6’5" chipper! The guy just picked it up and seemed pretty stoked! He’s had a solid 2 years on it as a single, and is frothing at the mouth to try it as a bonzer. He said he had some issues with finishing cutties with the single. He’s hoping this problem is gone now. I’ll keep you posted…

yep…6’5" is good !

I’ve had a solid two months on THIS 6’5 " [nightmare] ‘benzer bottom’, as a single …

I hope this doesn’t happen to his , now it’s a “Bonzer”…

[still , I doubt you guys would glass a stringerless board with one layer 4oz top and bottom …it takes a chip monkey to do that … ]

bonzer website of Jeanpaul St. Pierre [otherwise known as "TriFinsAre Dangerous…“T.F.A.D.” , at]

Well , I hope you find these boards inspirational [ or interesting , at the very least]. And , as usual , a big “thank you” to Jp for sharing so generously …

…time for some more !!!

…ripping !

This is why Perth’s boogie boarders annoy me SO much, too …blatant , or what ??

“…but duuuuude …I didn’t see you …”

“that’s because you didn’t look behind you , as you paddled for the wave , and chose not to hear me shout at you , before I ran you over”

howzit chip, I like the channel board especially since it only has 4 not 6 channels, the more channels the more the glasser hates it,just kidding, once you figure them out they are a piece of cake. Rob Brower ( I think ) who was from Washington went to Moonlight to work a few years back, before you came here. Rob is one heck of a board builder and was a real positive force for Swaylocks, wonder why we don’t hear from him any more. I do know that a glasser from Moonlight was glassing for Bill Hamilton a couple years back and I asked him how Rob was doing and he said he was a real plus for their company.Aloha,Kokua

hey chippers… i thought you would like to see these…

and some more

kokua , thanks for the info !

Dave , those are LOVELY mate …do you do the glassing and tints and swirls too ?

nice job !!


1980s air…

…been hanging out with Matt Kechele at Sebastien , eh Jimmy !!!

Howzit Dave,Nice boards,Ian says to say hi. and thinks your drive up ding repair window is classic.Aloha,Kokua

thanks to Lob , for posting this at !

and of course to Surfing magazine for FINALLY giving credit where it’s due … thanks to “Nowhere photography” , too.

The mags DO occassionally have some good stuff …I eagerly await this issue to arrive here in Perth , Wozzieland !