Moonlight ... [mainly] "T.F.A.D".'s photos....


This is my buddy’s board! Insanely beautiful work and the reason I even knew about Moonlight in the first place. And a good thing I did because they did an excellent job on my first self shaped board back in January. :slight_smile:

I saw a board a couple days ago on the beach by a man, asked him if i could take a look at it. It was an old roxy board, and it was glassed by moonlight!!! It looked pretty awesome, and was probably glassed a good long time ago.

Those pics are amazing, they are definitely master glassers, but i think ive got something up my sleeve that they haven’t done yet. I’ll post pics of it later on when it’s complete!

John Cherry’s homemade board stands behind the boards …

Aussie Fish by Dain Thomas, Byron Bay

NICE !!!

…Cheers for that !!

…is it YOURS ??

…if so , what are the dimensions , please ? [and who makes the fins … Finfection ??]


Thanks Ben,

5.6" x 21.5" x 2.5"…it’s a knee board.

Couldn’t resist the opportunity to give him a plug.

Dain works out of the McTavish factory ar the moment; they make their own fins.

Only had a couple of sessions so far; very different from my

Friar Tuck & Flashpoint ( 5’10 X 24"), fins forward designs.



great stuff Andy !!

I’ve always wanted to ask …

how do keels feel on kneeboards , compared to [your] regular thruster , twin or four fin setup ?

A mate here just got a Parkes [ ? " Friar Tuck" ?] four finner kneeboard sent over …As it has plugs , I want to make him a set of keels for it , but I wonder if the fins may be a bit far forward for that ?

…how far are your keels up from the tail tip on the board in that photo , please mate ? And , how far in from the rails , and toed in ?

cheers !

ben [West Oz]

Hey Ben,

Used as a kneeboard, it’s a lot ‘stiffer’ than my Parkes ‘quad’, which is longer, at 5’10".

Banking turns & longer lines (bobsled style!) rather than pivotting off the fins , as with the quad.

Remember, riding a kneeboard, the body positioning is fairly static;

we don’t have the luxury of rocking onto the back foot.

I may end up riding it off the tail a bit more…

Tail is 10.25" tip to tip;

Trailing edge of fins 6" from tail tips;

Fins parallel to stringer ( 5’’ off ); I thought they were toed-in until I measured…and measured again…

Steve Lis himself helped Dain with his templates when he was over here last year.

Keels would be interesting on your mate’s quad; I’ve heard of guys switching the larger of the 2 fins to the rear, with good results.

And , now …

back to “moonlight glassing” glassed boards …

some of Taylor Knox’s …

Fung Shui master Chip, That blue bonzer is pretty sweet looking however the Chi factor would have been higher if it had glass ons… You don’t want to block the bonzer power triangle with negative Chi… that lawn looks really goods


no idea… but , it was "three rolled"s board [used without perissionai…sorry mate …just liked the colour…]

And , Moonlight DID glass it , apparently …

Ben , do you have any boards “on the go” [ie: being shaped ?] at the moment ?

It seems a while between drinks , eh ?


Chip…Yes I Do…

good ,will we be seeing them here at sways ?

more for Taylor…

A Channel Islands quad fin…

tfad’s “SURFY SURFY” ‘blogsite’ …[whatever the heck a “blog” is ???]

worth doing the “add to favourites” thing with this , "in my opinion " …[he updates it]