new format - problems and glitches


I'm sorry, but I really don't like the new ordering of messages according to which message you are replying.  There are forums where this works: reddit and hackernews come to mind.  The difference is that these other sites allow you to expand and collpase each sub-thread.  I am totally confused when I read post on Swaylock's now.  It should be ordered chronologically or there should be a way to expand/collapse subthreads.  A better example of a site that Swaylock's should emulate would be Quora.

testies…1,2…ah… ha…3 ?

testies…1,2…ah…ha…3 ?


Half of the search topics in the archives don't show up. It's like the list files??? Anybody!!!

Any chance of getting messages back? I had a lot of great tips and other info from some great guys willing to help me out the last few years, all gone.

All of my bookmarked threads don't work either.

What's the reason for the switch anyway?

I don't get notified to my e-mail when I get a private message.  Only the banner on the top of swaylocks.

Hmm the new forum doesnt display very well on my iPhone :frowning:


Back-edit and delete.

Sequential posting in chronological order has been restored.

Just a test!


JohhnyK3 wrote:

"Any chance of getting messages back? I had a lot of great tips and other info from some great guys willing to help me out the last few years, all gone."

I would never trust anything on the net to archive info I valued. I'd suggest a copy and paste of that info, and save it as a text file on your HD or other personal hardware.

can we get a "back to top of page" button?

I cant get access to the Surfboard Geometry thread, how can I do?

wow, I just noticed you can't follow threads (can you?), and all the threads I was following ("watching") are gone now.  bummer

Yeah, I noticed that too Huck,

Now I have to use my memory to find threads I followed.

So much for modern conveniences.

Theres somthing about topics  I'm following in profile but no idea on how to add any maybe its coming soon.

A back to top of page button sounds good especially now the pages are bigger. Its a lot of scrolling

The Auto links are distracting especialy being in a different colour. Maybe if they were the same as the rest of the text.

Stoked that there is no longer any simple editor  or pic upload issues any more.

I can't cut and paste anything in the forum any more something about browser settings.


all my pictures are gone - anybody else experienced the same thing? can i get them back? how?

older threads show without pictures now, which is a great loss…