new format - problems and glitches

Which brings up another thing…why can't we simply delete a post entirely?

Doesn't work for $h!t on an iPhone.  Never had a problem with the old software.  Only problem with this site was that it was painfully slow…well its still painfully slow so why the change / downgrade???

Agreed. There is no need to waste space with periods, dashes or an ellipsis when deleting a post …

Especially since we can back-edit and delete comments in old/previous posts now.

 seems like at the moment …


  the main glitch is the amount of ? japanese spam? on page one , and on older threads being resurrected ??  …


  … payback for the ongoing effects of the nuclear terrorism of hiroshima and nagasaki , perhaps , mmmm ??

After about 11 days with the new format, I'd say the biggest, most annoying things are the lack of a quote function and the fact that the whole forum is slower than ever, by a large amount. The one and only upside I see is the increased file size limit for pics.

Here, I am testing out the button labelled "background color". Fancy, no?


Well, there was an orange background behind the text as I typed, but it's a plain old white background once the post (finally) completes.

The current state of the forum brings to mind a quote that seems to fit the situation… ''The cure, is worse than the disease !''   

I'm trying hard to get used to this new format…but somethings missing here…not sure what it is…it's like a familiar restaurant that I liked to visit , has been re-located to another place , and the nice old furniture has been replaced with new stuff…there's a new chef …with strange things on the menu…has anyone found an improvement yet ?..why isn't Balsa posting more on  his chambered gun thread ?..what planet are we on ?

"why isn't Balsa posting more on  his chambered gun thread ?.."

…just because he's been so busy deleting weird spam and blocking accounts…

Besides, the gluing process takes more time than intended as I am gluing parts together one by one. And it would be boring for everybody to post pictures such as "gluing part 6 and 7 together", "gluing part 8 and 9 together"…

Is it too late to put everything back the way it was.  Its safe to say this experiment didn't work.

A sad comment, but true.      I wish it were not so.

…more patience…less complaining…(lol).

its sunday

say a lil' prayer

for swaylocks

as you step into

the water.


if it works 

it will rain

a little

to wash off 


clik save

Ambrose…how do you get your posts to format like that? I have tried using "enter>shift" to create a new line and it just jams everything together. Please enlighten.

I do not know if Ambrose uses formatting magic.

But, I  get double spacing by clicking Enter after each line typed.  Or …

If I type my message in MS Word,

Push Enter after each line,



Paste (Control V).  I get this double space format. 

Or if I want to Cut and Move something once posted, I highlight and hit (Control X) 

followed by (Control V).

I tried to quote and reply.
Just a mess .
This is getting even worse.

Note that each time you see a period above, I had pressed "enter"

Very Strange

What browser are you using?

I use Google Chrome.  Seems to work alright.

When I quote, I have to choose a "Text Format" under the comment/message box before I can post my response.

…couple of things that I do not see:


-there s no "last comment" arrow or like that; this is very important when the threads are big like this one…


-No in box…where s the inbox with the messages?


-one more that I just saw: no "get back to" buttom in the threads to go back to the general disc, etc


I use the latest version of Firefox. Always have.

At least, we now have a "quote" option.

Thanks for that.


(Once again… I have used the "enter>shift" keys to try and format line breaks.

We'll see…

Well, it worked partially, There should be a break after "see…",  "have", "option", and "that".

So I came back to post up a board I'm working on…  I wanted to search and find out how long it's been since I actually shaped a board (I'm thinking like 4 years), and the search function doesn't actually bring up any clickable threads…  And I had a LOT of stuff on here, lol!  I don't see what was wrong with the old format…   

According to my profile I've been a member here for over 9 years.  I started frequenting the ERbb design forum not long before that.  Guess how substantially THAT place has changed in the same amount of time?  Other than neutering their search function, their interface is materially the same as the first time I visited.   So obviously a BB can be kept up to date without making it seem unfamiliar. 

I'm getting back on the shaping horse.  I want to get back on the sways horse too.  I'm not finding it inviting.  I think kayu nailed, this used to be my favorite restaurant, but it's hard to find the new entrance and they're not using the seasoning I loved on the fries anymore.   

 jarrod  that you?




   cheers huie