new format - problems and glitches

No, its not the same. But at least its still here. The problem was the old setup started having glitches and bugs, the site would go down, features stopped working, and the traffic was more than it was originally set up to handle. I'm not privy to the details, or savvy enough to understand even if I was, but a major overhaul was due. 

The erBB is run by a corporation, swaylocks is set up by one guy, Mike Paler, who likes having a place for us to talk shop. I've set up websites before (using a template, which is nothing like working from scratch), and I know a lot of work goes into every page and feature, and lots and lots of bugs have to be ironed out and codes have to be rewritten and rewritten.

Its a great site, and its gonna get better, but IMO it isn't exactly a linear continuation of the old site. Its a fresh start with as much of the old site and features as possible, and eventually the glitches will get ironed out, and we'll figure out all the nuances and get comfortable again, but some things were lost in the process that I suspect will never be recovered.

Just hang in there, keep moving forward, and it'll all be good. Heck, even Bert Berger dropped in recently, and said he's planning on coming back soon.

I dont think this has been answered definitely elsewhere, but are the PM's of the past lost to the void? If so, I really REALLY wish we had been given a headsup before the update so I could have archived my few precious pages of data and insights that I have gained over my time on this site. Perhaps advanced warning before implementing such fundamental changes to the site architecture in the future? A sticky thread a few days prior would do. I know do-overs arent owed to anyone, and we all reap the benefits of this site basically gratis, but I can't help but feel really bummed to have lost such one-on-one nuggets of wisdom and story… I absolutely dig all the hard work that gets put into this site, but Mods/Admin- is recovery even possible?

as you asked,how do you format?

I just dont read enter

on that third row right button

and coose to read return instead.

then I always think of e.e.cummings

while tickling the ivorys,or opaques

as the case may be.I dont know from buttons.


its easier to read and

to establish a rythm

close to the left margin…

save it cant press post.


At present, yes, they are lost. The site owner / designer is aware of the issue, and is attempting to retrieve them, but no promises.

We were all told ahead of time that a major makeover was in the works, but no one knew all the implications. I warned that in the case of a major platform change, anything could happen.

The old site had developed some major glitches and bugs that even the site administrator was struggling with - it would sometimes go down for days at a time. I knew there would be some major speed bumps in the road, just didn't know exactly what they would be.  I lost a lot of valuable information too - threads I was following with design information specific to my needs, pm's with contact information, etc. etc.

If we get our old pm's back, great. If not, then let it be a lesson to all of us: any information gleaned from the forum that we want to preserve, its up to us to do so. Its not a good idea to rely on the forum to keep all this information indefinitely at our disposal. Copy/paste is a basic computer tool we should put to good use for valued information.

Huck wrote:
"If we get our old pm's back, great. If not, then let it be a lesson to all of us: any information gleaned from the forum that we want to preserve, its up to us to do so. Its not a good idea to rely on the forum to keep all this information indefinitely at our disposal. Copy/paste is a basic computer tool we should put to good use for valued information."


Excellent advice.

It's a good idea to save important info off line.

Thanks for the definitive answer. 

I have lost more than one manuscript or design by not hitting save.


found the read new place to klik

saves plenny scrolling down…

density of posts, or saves,

way down comentators on

hy ate us…there is always 

turner classiv movies or 

the surf channel replays


save me 

save me

klic save

change is good

change is the law of life

and to those who look

only to the past 

or to the present

are sure to miss the future

-jfk (framed printed quote in my office)


its not the place

its the people

that make it special



life would go allot smoother

if we all remembered that more

for sways is a gathering

the website was just a channel to inspire

is up to you to make a commitment

to honor Mike's

by finding others


 Plaskett was one incarnation

Ambrose's travel board was another

Keith's place another

Stingray's lab another

its up to you that's all

Today, for the first time ever, I had to complete a captcha function to make a post. Stranger all the time…

I'm getting the swing of things, it's not as bad as I'd feared, but just realized the post counts are gone…  :(


I wish I was a poet.


Nice one guys.

Quote replies are back.


Yup. I see the quote is working.


Thanks for all the feedback and your patience with the changes. I will be working on restoring most of the missing functionality over the coming weeks. Things I have improved already are Quoting (be sure to select the editor to advanced before you post) and forum speed. It should be much faster now. 

Many more improvments and return of old functionality coming soon.



At first it was weird.

Gets more familar every day.

Keep up the good work.

I like it.

I think we have the speed issues worked out.

Will the view counts come back?

That was always a good way to know which were the most popular threads.

The new format SUUUUUCKS!!!  MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!  Can't edit / format text now.  Copying and pasting is a hassle.  Posting pics is a hassle.  Now we have to type in a security code to complete a post.  Doesn't work on iPhone…all squished on one side.  And most of all, after all this the site is still the slowest loading forum I know of.

today is better than yesterday.

faster load,return to gen discu.

only one identity check for 6 posts/saves,

(after posting on this post had another identity check)

believe it’s getting better

after all the world has ended just last night

and is reborn at dawn today,6:20 somthing

in my town…


I Have edited three posts

w/ out a hitch,could be a conspiracy

against you by an extra-planetary

alien life form.

save is the new post