photos....the "Chipper Files " ....

…this is from the last three days , fresh off the press…

[and perth had ZERO swell, when we left . it pays to travel , eh !]

the next morning , smaller swell, at a different campsite …[me going left …it had a bit of morning sickness , but by the time ro paddled out [about an hour later] , it had cleaned up some …

an hour or so later…

…it’s always fun when it’s sunny , green , and only you and a mate out …

Rohan [“Superman”]

he likes to fish , too…

dinner , yum yummmm…[that’s crayfish] …

and , cook …

HERE are some of the fin setups i got to try out over the three days [on my 9’4 …because it was so flat at home , i assumed [wrongly] it wouldn’t be big enough for the 6’6 gunther thruster …oooops !!]

i also tried two M7’s , with the 5 1/2" deep white fibreglass fin [thanks , ‘beerfan’ !!] and , the single keel with the M7’s , too … [now , WHY didn’t i photograph them ??]

it went well as a thruster setup , looser …i got to do a few cutbacks , for a change …

albatross are cool birds …

[bigger than seagulls]

here is one wave of rohan’s from day three [ i have NO IDEA why it ended up high key !] …


albatross are cool birds …

As an aerospace guy I really like this photo. It looks too me like he just took off, or is he just cruisin real close to the sand?

Looks like you and your mates have a great place to camp there.

yep , he just took off

i had to take it on the run [i’m used to viewfinders …focussing it and centreing it on the led screen is a NIGHTMARE in bright daylight , compared to slr cameras i have been brought up on for the last 30 years ]…

so i was stoked these shots came out at all ?

…you would not BELIEVE how glary sunny cloudless days are here in west oz , even in spring

my eyes are frazzled [some would say , now they match my BRAIN ?!] …that lovely ‘surfed-out’ feeling has set in , for sure …

here’s a bizarre freshwater stream that bubbled up right in front of our in-the-dunes campsite , on the first day there …

So next spring when I come to west oz we can go camping haha?

yeah as long as superman says yes !

early morning wobble …

after midday onshore …

home …

clothes dryer …

in-tent’s sunburnt happiness …

fresh , cold water , bubbling up out of sand 100 metres from our campsite …

superman’s cray-grabbing gloves …

tent afternoon shadow-play …

yes , bill and ben found a little 'weed…

Thruster egg. Front fins 12’’ to back of fin and the centre is 5 3/8’’ to the rear of the fin. I have surfed it like this once before and found it a little stiff, though it was fairly weak waves. I’ll try again monday, we might have something better then

these were all taken this week just gone …

christmas day…[sunRISE] …

[christmas EVE had a beautiful sunSET , but those shots are on another card , in my older digital camera]

boxing day…

earlier today [it’s saturday the 27th december now , here in oz]…

the octogenarian early risers …

time for a wash off / clean the camera time …

i rode this , yesterday …FUN FUN FUN , to be back on a 5’8 fish again !!

[the day before i rode the surf mat]



Look like fun waves mate. I haven’t seen the beach in 2 weeks, and probably wont for another 2, bloody elbow healing very slowly.

Nice pics as usual. I just lammed the bottom of my twinny, few mistakes ( dry laps in spots ) but otherwise alright for my first cutlap. Pics tomorrow ( before you ask!! )

Put this one in an exhibition Ben…

thanks mate ! [and , good on you !]

i look forward to seeing the board in question [and fins]…

meanwhile , from this morning …

[part of the challenge of photographing and surfing small summer beachbreaks here is

  1. picking the ones that hold up ,

  1. getting there around sunrise , or earlier , to get it relatively uncrowded …

…and …

  1. avoiding the ones closing out in sometimes ankle to knee-deep water [hence the surf mat riding shennanigans , of late …]

[not too mention , the “learn to surf” [hazardous] people …]

the water temp is really pleasant at the moment ,

[and there are some hot days forecast this week while my mate is over here …yeeehaaaa !!]



the early bird etc …

lucas gets slotted …

gus tries to do the same


…there were lefts , too !!

one last dance …

That is just perfect. Goofy heaven!!

hi Mark !

yes , i’ll email this page to pascal ,

hopefully it will motivate him [a goofy] to join us for a surf



p.s. - …how is the twinny progressing ?