Pics of you riding your creations.

Heres me tearing it up on the first board I shaped


Heres me tearing it up on the first board I shaped


modesty, not one of your strengths obviously. LOL! jus kidding. nice job on the board! looks good.

couple from a recent trip to cabo, used my 5’10 19.25 2.25 the entire time


Ha ha, cheers.  I always say in job interviews that modesty is my biggest weakness.  I don't get too many jobs... 


Ha ha, cheers.  I always say in job interviews that modesty is my biggest weakness.  I don't get too many jobs... 


funny! i see you're from the UK. any chance you know my friends tim boydell, mitch corbinney, or mark "welshy" howard?







paul f***ing killing it cuzzin! love the last shot... slotted! nice job, obviously the boards go good! proofs in the pudding.

yeah ,  'Silly'  !


  BEAUTIFUL sunsets , too , mate ....


  hang on ,


  you're EAST coast , aint ya ?!


  ...beautiful SUNRISES , fellow dawn patroller ...woohoo Paul !

chur makakilo they go good in playful waves and i surf those rivermouth to a wee bit of size and they get hollow

yeah ben ahm an eastcoaster mate

[img_assist|nid=1058873|title=A choppy day at South Lester.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=499|height=337][img_assist|nid=1055457|title=Carve|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=547|height=335][img_assist|nid=1055321|title=Sean-O shack|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=667|height=362][img_assist|nid=1055268|title=Haulin' Ass!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=577|height=437][img_assist|nid=1055266|title=Droppin' In Bitches|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=598|height=408][img_assist|nid=1055267|title=Bottom Turnin'|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=600|height=406][img_assist|nid=1055458|title=Drop|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=593|height=387][img_assist|nid=1055462|title=Go Deep|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=594|height=385]






































































This board is pretty agile for being 10ft and on Lake Superior.

The cover up is my buddy on of my 8 ft mini logs.

Here's Ross ['P-Co' here],  on his recently completed 8' (pigmented and tinted combo ) hull ....




.... I finally got a couple of water shots of you going LEFT , too, Ross ?! ....



.... and here is one of Ross's employees , young Matt [foreground] , on Ross's 'SHOVEL' [which Ross calls "the ferndokker" , for some reason ?]






Ross and Matt's after work  " stress relief " ...


ferndokker looks to be a mini-simmons-esque creation yes? no? nice shots! awesome tint jobs, my hats off!


[img_assist|nid=1058873|title=A choppy day at South Lester.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055457|title=Carve|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055321|title=Sean-O shack|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055268|title=Haulin' Ass!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055266|title=Droppin' In Bitches|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055267|title=Bottom Turnin'|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055458|title=Drop|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1055462|title=Go Deep|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]
















 check out the attached link mike! legit double overhead great lakes surf at its finest with jamie sterling! blew me away, thought you might enjoy it. Aloha!






















































This board is pretty agile for being 10ft and on Lake Superior.

The cover up is my buddy on of my 8 ft mini logs.


[img_assist|nid=1058918|title=surf|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=427]my 6’5"

nice wave, Patrick!

thanks Huck

My buddy Bob Tema of “Unsated” was the one taking him around.  They were out scouting by plane with Red Bull 6 mos before.  There are definately a few secret spots that we don’t dare speak about because they are so damn good. Think “Churches” at 10 ft plus with only you and 4 friends.  I love Lake Surfing, the most crowded day is like an average day at El Porto. 4-5ft on Superior tomorrow and Sunday.


nice wave, Patrick!

[/quote] "if anyone catches me whinging again, sentence me to a week in Bakersfield" - Harris
um... huck, i know its a quote but not sure "whinging" is a word. but i know "whining" is.

im jussayin...